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<alyssa> dougall: looks like bit 22 is "forward varying to texture", not bit 46
<alyssa> I feel a lot better about this now lol
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<i509vcb> Why is setting up the vk cts such a pain...
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<alyssa> i509vcb: to prepare for the pain of vk?
<i509vcb> yes...
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<i509vcb> It seems the pain is around vksc trying to be built
<i509vcb> Also I'm not sure why when I run ninja the utility command seems to spawn a git subprocess that spends forever doing little to nothing per the system monitor
* alyssa shrug
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<i509vcb> Figured it out, for some reason I had to set -DDE_OS=DE_CPU_ARM_64
<i509vcb> not sure why it defaults to x86_64
<i509vcb> Err not OS
<i509vcb> arch
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<i509vcb> Why am I getting stuck on amd64 binaries trying to be run?
<alyssa> ?!
<alyssa> how are you building this?
<alyssa> this should get a working deqp-vk
<alyssa> cmake ../VK-GL-CTS/ -DDEQP_TARGET=x11_egl -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
<i509vcb> I nuked my clone and am trying again
<i509vcb> I suspect I did something weird earlier
<i509vcb> I guess I did something stupid
<alyssa> happens to all of us
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<ChaosPrincess> lina: how did you get the list of gpu channels and their names?
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* alyssa fighting undefined behaviour demons
<alyssa> (presumably)
<alyssa> there's an instruction that's just.. going missing
<alyssa> oh no
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<alyssa> i509vcb: thanks for the patch :3
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<i509vcb> Is there some argument I can pass to see the logs so I know why some deqp test is skipped?
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<i509vcb> (Answer to my question, run with deqp instead of deqp-runner)
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