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<jannau> lina: cluster coherency is based on macOS tracing on M1 Max
<jannau> lina: failing transform feedback tests were KHR-GLES31.core.draw_indirect.advanced-twoPass-transformFeedback*
<jannau> that required addtional bits in VDM_BARRIER
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<lina> alyssa: G14D passes the surfaceless dEQP/KHR tests up to GLES31 with the MR I sent, except KHR-GLES31.core.texture_buffer.texture_buffer_atomic_functions is flaky. This is on asahi/mesa with the deqp debug flag.
<lina> Only problem is I don't know how to run the "real" CTS without a video output for X/Wayland ^^;;
<jannau> lina: I should be able to get branch with dcpext and flaky usb-c dp-altmode running on the m2 pro mac mini
<jannau> flaky in the sense that only every 2nd connect works but is stable once a display was detected
<jannau> and seems to work when booting with the display connected
<lina> Cool! ^^
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<alyssa> nice work :)
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<alyssa> I think we have an ail bug O_O
<alyssa> 132x132 ASTC 4x4 cube map with a full mipmap
<alyssa> er, this test is ETC2 EAC actually. but probably that too.
<alyssa> we are underallocating. I do not know why. We don't seem to have much test coverage for block-compressed textures
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<jannau> lina: no luck with dcpext on t6020. While the dcp/iomfb protocol didn't change between 13.3 and 13.5, the dptxport protocol did change. not dramatically and I think I fixed everything. It seems to work but dcp fails detect a display
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