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<i509vcb> Could there be any stylistic improvement to have a sort of "agx_gpu_ptr" typedef to make it more clear that a uint64_t should be semantically treated as a gpu pointer in code?
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<alyssa> i509vcb: certainly it's possible to do that, for panfrost I used the `mali_ptr` typedef for that ... it's not as useful as it seems, though, since C will do implicit casting between u64 and agx_gpu_ptr so the type annotation becomes a purely optional hint
<alyssa> it would be a lot more useful in rust.
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<i509vcb> Yeah in rust I'd probably make a newtype for that
<i509vcb> And then implement Deref<Self::Target = u64> for GpuPtr
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<rosefromthedead> ah, the old "you shouldn't deref for polymorphism even though it makes everyone's life easier"
<rosefromthedead> s/deref/use std::ops::Deref/
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<i509vcb> Yeah probably a bit of Deref abuse there
<i509vcb> I guess Into<u64> if you really need the raw value
<i509vcb> Certainly not as bad as some cases I've seen where people have done inheritence via that...
<rosefromthedead> yeah, iirc bevy just invested in Deref abuse and gave up on "doing things right" because it can make apis so much nicer
<i509vcb> I've had the opinion that rust punishes bad architecture
<i509vcb> Sadly Deref is an escape route
<i509vcb> Smithay is definitely better now but I am still a annoyed by all the Arc<Mutex<T>> abuse we need
<i509vcb> > agx_usc_uniform is then used to copy from that struct to uniform registers according to the layout that you picked earlier.
<i509vcb> This seems to imply that I'd need to still have a bunch of has_whatever fields and bases in another type?
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