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<i509vcb> alyssa: is the 64 size half limit in agx_usc_uniform because of hardware limitations?
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<lina> i509vcb: yes, you need to split to have more
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<i509vcb> alyssa: MR for sysvals has been updated, it seems to be accessible but gitlab can be slow and ci may or may not be working right
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<alyssa> i509vcb: looks like you're on the right track
<alyssa> looking forward to the final form of the patch :)
<alyssa> (with everything unified)
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<i509vcb> alyssa: would you mind if load_sysval_agx allowed the binding to be a nir_def. I'd like to avoid the extra indirection for getting push constants but binding being a fixed int makes that hard
<i509vcb> Of course no real rush to do that
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<i509vcb> ok so everything except for buffers is in sysvals
<i509vcb> Buffers I have no idea, those I am tempted to delay to another MR
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