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<i509vcb> gotta love gdb crashing when you try to tab complete a source file in wgpu to test why agxv seems to fail allocating memory there...
<i509vcb> no wgpu today, looks like it dies initializing the internal zero buffer
<i509vcb> Actually no wgpu test excludes lavapipe based on vendor id....
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<i509vcb> looks like I need to lower non-bindless to bindless to see wgpu's cube example work
<alyssa> i509vcb: the gl driver lowers binding tables to bindless because it's too late by the time it hits the driver, since GL is based on binding tables
<alyssa> for vulkan, there's no binding tables in the API
<alyssa> so you would just lower derefs straight to bindless and not allocate texture state registers
<alyssa> should be simpler than what the gl driver has to do
<i509vcb> Is there any known hardware limit on maximum allocation sizes for
<i509vcb> (Right now I have to lie about that amount for wgpu to not go down undefined behavior)
<i509vcb> I'd imagine the universal rule of don't exceed system ram would apply
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<alyssa> yeah
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<alyssa> i509vcb: " 21:38 <i509vcb> alyssa: would you mind if load_sysval_agx allowed the binding to be a nir_def. I'd like to avoid the extra indirection for getting push constants but binding being a fixed int makes that hard "
<alyssa> you shouldn't need this
<alyssa> Don't put the push constants themselves on the agx_sysvals, instead put the u64 pointer to the push constant buffer there
<alyssa> that way you have a fixed binding to get the pointer and then you can add your nir_def offset (which can be indirect)
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<i509vcb> alyssa: agx_nir_needs_texture_crawl appears to be all I need to know whether or not I lower something to bindless
<alyssa> That's the intention
<alyssa> It's almost like I build the common code with Vulkan in mind
<alyssa> pikachu.jpg
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<alyssa> ;)
<i509vcb> On the sysvals MR, I think buffers are all that I need to finish if we wanted to just move absolutely everything into sysvals
<i509vcb> I'm guessing that's something you probably want done
<alyssa> :+1:
<alyssa> s/buffers/vertex buffers or VBOs/
<alyssa> the term "buffers" is... extremely overloade
<alyssa> d
<i509vcb> All I see right now in agxv_pipeline is vbos
<i509vcb> Uhh I guess I'll get that done later today
<alyssa> what I mean is, what AGXV currently just calls "buffers" should be called "vertex buffers" or "VBOs" for short
<alyssa> since "buffers" is super ambiguous
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