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<runxiyu> wifi intermittently working
<runxiyu> running dnf update, just in case
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<runxiyu_> It seems to have some correlation with sleeping / power management
<runxiyu_> Could I somehow just reload the kernel modules that deal with WiFi?
<runxiyu_> or restart wifi stuff via another means
<runxiyu_> I'm assuming that simply ifdown/ifup'ing things won't work
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<runxiyu_> ergh, i think this is also a power management issue, but my laptop decided to get very hot when it went unattended for a while and drained 40% battery
<runxiyu_> blank screen
<runxiyu_> can't make it work without force rebooting
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<chadmed> that sounds like you OOMed and some cores got stuck spinning
<runxiyu_> sounds plausible, but it's also hard to imagine OOMing with 8 gigs of ram
<runxiyu_> in the context of programs i use
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<streptokok> Yesterday I installed Asahi on my M1 (plain Fedora & Plasma as recommended), it's been ages since I felt as giddy and nervously unfamiliar on my own hardware. Is this channel appropriate for random questions?
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<streptokok> ..that may be answered by some internet research, but are dealt with quicker casually in an IRC channel. :/ Like, why isn't Arch listed among the alternative distros; and how does the Fedora listed there differ from the endorsed remix I'm running?
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<j`ey> streptokok: Arch was 'deprecated' basically
<j`ey> a few people are keeping it alive, but markan isnt endorsing it anymore
<streptokok> Okay. Struck me as odd there are several Fedoras and deepins, Nix and all - and no Arch.
<j`ey> The fedora there was before the 'official' fefora remix
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<streptokok> I see.
<streptokok> Also, I tried to install Signal Desktop. Wasn't available in Plasma's "software center", so I blindly followed some internet instructions (dnf copr enable something). The app is there, but doesn't work. I should read up on "dnf" and "copr" of course, but what would be the appropriate way to install Signal otherwise?
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<streptokok> Their site provides Debian-based instructions. On Arch it would be AUR. Not sure how a Fedora user would continue.
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<streptokok> Preferably avoiding Snap/Flat things.. Anyway, sorry for the fuss, I'll just trudge on.
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<j`ey> do some googling, I cant remember if/how people got signal working on asahi
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<j`ey> but I know people have tried/succeedef
<streptokok> Yeh I'm at it. :)
<streptokok> As I said, maybe someone would have come in and held my hand. :l
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<PaulFertser> streptokok: and in fact Arch Linux was never running on M1 (or any other Arm-based system); what Asahi was using was Arch Linux ARM (ALARM) which is a poorly maintained fork of Arch Linux.
<j`ey> is that the new 'what you are referring to is GNU/Linux' meme
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<streptokok> PaulFertser I see. Or don't quite, I thought Asahi provided the way for Linux to utilise the M1, and distro's could "hop on" as it were.
<streptokok> *distros
<j`ey> streptokok: the official "Arch Linux" distro, only runs on x86
<j`ey> ALARM is an unofficial port of Arch to arm based computers
<streptokok> Yeah I'm aware. It's just on the wiki page of alternative distros for Asahi, there are plenty (including curious things like Nix), Arch was conspicuously absent.
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<dottedmag> streptokok: It used to be a main one, so I guess nobody added it there when it was replaced and demoted to "alternative"
<streptokok> Hmkk.
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<PaulFertser> j`ey: in this case this is naming is essential from pure technical point of view. People expect Arch Linux to behave the same, to have same maintainers and updates and features on any platform they happen to run it. And ALARM being different enough doesn't meet the expectations. So this is not nitpicking or some "religious" talk, that's actually essential technical distinction.
<j`ey> agree to disagree again :p
<j`ey> (also I was obviously joking about the GNU/Linux thing!)
<Calandracas> huh arch isn't available on arm?
<j`ey> correct, just x86-64 for now
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<j`ey> although there was some vote, I cant rememeber the exact details, about looking at expand support
<PaulFertser> j`ey: :) I actually always say GNU/Linux when I mean an OS and Linux when I mean the kernel but I'm not annoying the others with "corrections" when that doesn't have obvious semantical implications for the immediate discussion.
<j`ey> I'm lazy, I just say Linux :P
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