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<d1ngus> Is this a space where I can ask stupid questions and/or make feature requests? If not, too bad: is there any (planned or existing) support for installing and booting from an external drive? I'd really like to get my feet wet helping out with asahi, but I also cheaped out on my HW and got the 512gb model. Rookie mistake...
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<chadmed_> these macs do not support booting from an external drive, and so we will never support a "fully" external install
<Calandracas> its possible to use grub to boot from an external drive though right?
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<d1ngus> technically yes, but doing so would mean writing a grub config that will only boot from a very specific drive UUID. besides, wouldn't grub need its own version of the usb drivers as well?
<Calandracas> yeah thats kinda what I mean, even if its possible, its a pain in the ass
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<Calandracas> 512GB is plenty of space, if you need external storage use external storage, no need to boot from it
<Calandracas> I'm prefectly happy with 256GB, with 3 different boot environments
<chadmed_> d1ngus: grub would live on the usb
<chadmed_> you would use u-boot to boot from the usb, which would have your /boot and root on it
<chadmed_> while this does mostly work, its not officially supported and you get to keep the pieces if it explodes on you
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<chadmed_> u-boot provides the usb stack anyway, grub doesnt need to do anything special
<d1ngus> I think I'll do a normal local install and then play with usb booting once I get comfortable hacking on the boot process then. just had some space anxiety
<chadmed_> my macos partition is like 100 GB and i still fit cs2 on there with enough space for macos to do updates so *shrug*
<chadmed_> i think youll be fine
<d1ngus> would definitely be interesting to make this a more "blessed" configuration though
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<runxiyu> it sounds potentially possible with linuxboot or something, but linuxboot is quite far off
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<chadmed_> runxiyu: it's possible right now, with nothing but the existing m1n1+U-Boot install option. it's just not supported in the sense that we're not going to help you if it breaks
<runxiyu> huh
<chadmed_> you can literally just put an arm64/asahi rootfs on a usb stick and boot it using m1n1/u-boot as they exist right now
<chadmed_> its always been possible
<chadmed_> we do this for gentoo installs
<tpw_rules> i do it ofr nixos installs too
<tpw_rules> for*
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<jannau> note that you must not suspend if the rootfs is on usb storage (should be only the usb-c usb4 ports) as those usb ports reset after suspend
<jannau> supporting macos style external disk boot is not out of the question but someone has to add USB host / storage support to m1n1
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<xal> commercial software getting official arm64 linux builds, wild:
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<alex__> what's wild is commercial software still exists
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<Nefsen402> People dare make a living off of software?
<gmorell> me trying to use works' meteor.js stuff on arm64/linux, "these people really love their lockin"
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