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<arosvall> Is there some part of the asahi-audio stuff that can cause speaker output to be 20-30 dB lower than expected?
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<arosvall> I've screwed something up, but i've no clue what. Everything is a 100% in pavucontrol, speakersafetyd says "snd-soc-macaudio sound: Speaker volumes unlocked"
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<j`ey> arosvall: have you tried rebooting?
<arosvall> j`ey: Yes, and different kernels. Also nuking whatever alsa and wireplumber state i could find.
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<arosvall> Sorry, it turns out to be my custom kernels. Speakers are all kinds of loud with the stock fedora asahi kernels. I thought i had checked. Still a bit weird though.
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<nicolas17> any suggestions on the best setup for running benchmarks?
<nicolas17> CPU throttling would greatly mess up timings, so what can I tweak to get consistent speeds, even if it's on average slower?
<nicolas17> (on my Intel desktop I found some flag to disable turbo boost, and the result wasn't 100% consistent but it was much better than without)
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<nicolas17> MBP 13" M2 btw
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<jannau> nicolas17: `echo performance > /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy4/scaling_governor` (policy0 for the efficiency cores) and `taskset -c 4-7 ...` / `taskset -c 0-3 ...`. that should be fine on devices with fans
<jannau> if you do longer multi core benchmarks you might want to to reduce max frequency
<jannau> we might allow running the fan on full blast via hwmon in the future
<nicolas17> during summer I once put the laptop on its side :D
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