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<Slendi> Heyo, any changes between 6.9.9-6.9.12 related to audio? It seems that although pipewire is started correctly, I cannot play any audio, applications just cannot connect to the pulse socket on fedora remix
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<Slendi> wait there was a new kernel update holup
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<chadmed> there were no asahi-specific changes to the alsa stuff but maybe something happened upstream
<chadmed> someone else reported issues with the codecs but i cant repro on any of my machines
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<runxiyu_> gachikuku: I can, but xenodm is not wayland
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<runxiyu_> jannau: I'd like to know how you noticed that it was a null deref, since I've looked at my dmesg for a few hours without a clue
<Slendi> OK, so it seems that I get this output on xdg-desktop-portal: which is a bit weird, does it mean that it cannot find the actual hardware device?
<Slendi> aplay -l seems to find my devices
<jannau> runxiyu_: looking at the kernel log of a system running under m1n1's hypervisor
<runxiyu_> uhhhhh sounds a bit too complicated for average users like me :/
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<Slendi> I tried playing directly though alsa using mpv, but getting zero audio
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<Slendi> Another weird thing that is happening, besides audio not working is firefox freezing after some time completely, not even being able to close it
<runxiyu_> I'm unable to downgrade wpa_supplicant with dnf
<Slendi> Are the audio modules built into the kernel? I want to try and manually rmmod and modprobe them, but I need the name of them
<j`ey> Slendi: no theyre modules
<j`ey> snd-macaudio is one of them
<Slendi> let me try
<j`ey> (lsmod | grep snd, to double check the name)
<Slendi> oof it's used by other modules
<Slendi> like snd_soc_core and snd
<chadmed> please do not play anything directly via alsa, its not supported
<Slendi> ...which they are also used by other modules, so i think reloading wont work
<chadmed> anyway get us the output of asahi-diagnose
<Slendi> ok
<Slendi> one moment
<leio> perhaps after a reboot to recover a bit from any direct alsa usage problems?
<Slendi> I did do a reboot but nothing changed, also tried to manually restart pipewire* services and wireplumber, and restarting the xdg desktop portals
<j`ey> Slendi: is speakersafetyd.service running?
<chadmed> j`ey: looks like it is, the kernel said the volumes were unlocked
<Slendi> j`ey: yes
<j`ey> chadmed: the last message also had: snd-soc-macaudio sound: Speaker volumes locked: Main control not locke
<j`ey> about 9mins after they were unlocked
<chadmed> judging by the SMC HID events did the machine go to sleep?
<Slendi> No
<Slendi> My uptime is 18m, haven't put it to sleep at all
<chadmed> did you close the lid?
<Slendi> No
<chadmed> hm
<chadmed> that is the log from the last boot i guess so it doesnt really matter
<chadmed> theres nothing sussy in the current boot log
<Slendi> Last boot I also didn't close my lid
<Slendi> or put it to sleep
<Slendi> Let me see if Helvum launches may be an issue with the pulseaudio interface stuf
<Slendi> Launches but seems to be completely empty
<Slendi> So I think Pipewire isn't finding any device
<chadmed> seems like a pipewire maybe then
<chadmed> i do find it odd that you dont have mesa installed too. are you not using a DE on this machine?
<Slendi> I am using Hyprland
<chadmed> ...without mesa?
<Slendi> it should be installed
<chadmed> interesting, whatever thats tangential
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<chadmed> what does hyprland tell you are available as audio devices
<Slendi> wth
<Slendi> How do I see that
<chadmed> idk i dont use hyprland :p
<Slendi> olol
<chadmed> does it not have any pipewire/pulse integration
<Slendi> I don't think so
<Slendi> I have to manually increase or decrease the volume using a CLI tool and some keybinds
<chadmed> can you dump the output of `pw-cli i all` then
<Slendi> hangs
<chadmed> ah yeah you cant pipe/redirect it i forgor
<chadmed> its stupid like that
<chadmed> you can pipe it into less though. can you do that and search for "j313-convolver"
<Slendi> nothing
<Slendi> absolute silence
<chadmed> hrmmm
<chadmed> pipewire aint running then
<j`ey> Slendi: does it work if you boot the older kernel?
<Slendi> IDK on the older kernel Hyprland doesn't launch
<Slendi> Let me try to boot though
<Slendi> brb
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<chadmed> it wont because of the mesa UAPI mismatch
<chadmed> (hyprland wont run that is, it should still boot though)
<j`ey> what mesa? :P
<j`ey> (if we are to believe asahi-diagnose!)
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<chadmed> yeah thats an odd one. not sure why dnf reckons its not installed
<chadmed> *shrug*
<Slendi> Same deal with audio
<Slendi> On 6.9.9
<Slendi> I think this isn't kernel related
<chadmed> yeah so its not a kernel thing
<chadmed> did pw/wp get updated in your last upgrade?
<Slendi> I don't remember, it was a big package list
<Slendi> It may be possible that it was in that list
<chadmed> your version of pipewire seems very old
<chadmed> im on 1.2.1
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<Slendi> I am on Fedora 40
<Slendi> I will try and update with dnf instead of dnf5 now
<Slendi> see maybe it missed something
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<chadmed> oh f40 is on 1.0.7 thats fine then
<chadmed> can you try get the pipewire and wireplumber logs
<Slendi> where are they located at
<chadmed> not sure where they are by default on fedora, you can just start pipewire and wireplumber and 2&>1 redirect them to a logfile tho
<chadmed> pipewire -c pipewire-pulse.conf 1>>/path/to/log & wireplumber 1>>/path/to/otherlog 2&>1
<chadmed> that should do what we need
<Slendi> pipewire has no output, wireplumber cannot connect to it
<Slendi> ill dnf reinstall
<Slendi> same deal
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<Slendi> Doing a downgrade rn
<Slendi> nope
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<Slendi> chadmed: Whlie I am doing my rpm --verify on all packages, do know any other things I could checK?
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<Slendi> These are the ones failed
<Slendi> These I think may be old versions of packages so they need to be checked on that as well
<Slendi> brb
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<nickchan> hi since updating the kernel i have not been able to connect to wifi using kde's ui, trying to downgrade wpa_supplicant to 2.10 as someone here suggested yesterday did not help
<nickchan> usb ethernet works fine
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<gachikuku> runxiyu_ If you don't mind me asking. Why you want wayland specifically. What can you do with it that you can't do with xenodm? I'm curious becuase I want to try OpenBSD a lot.
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<june> Hi -- is HDMI output not working after suspend a known bug?
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<Nefsen402> yes
<Nefsen402> It's been like that since HDMI support was introduced
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<june> Nefsen402: aight, thanks!
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<jannau> it is? not known to me. Is this on m2 pro/max macbooks?
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<june> jannau: thats what Im running at least
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<Nefsen402> Oh, I thought it was broken on everything
<Nefsen402> M2 max here and broken since hdmi first was enabled
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<jannau> I think it's working on m1 pro/max macbook pro and m2 pro mac mini. it was broken/not reliable in the beginning
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<Nefsen402> m2 max macbook pro j416 here
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<leio> just to make sure problems are known, I still experience lack of picture after DPMS off occasionally; those supposed timing races or whatnot.
<leio> sometimes it kills the whole desktop on page-flip errors and KMS stuff going nuts, fortunately most of the time it just comes back up without problems or a bunch of HDMI unplug-replugs helps
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<jannau> hmm, the only thing I see occasionally is a quick disconnect/reconnect after dpms off
<jannau> but that's the only thing without any other effect
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<leio> it's almost always gonna be trouble if I accidentally turn the monitor off explicitly from monitor joystick (sometimes I mishit with the old sketchy joystick when changing brightness)
<leio> fortunately the common use case of just locking screen for sleep, then it comes back up 90% of the mornings
<leio> if I decide to shut down the box for the night from linux, I am surely going to find it hot in the morning with power led off, something in spinlock or who knows
<jannau> leio: which kernel version?
<leio> but that one I need to check with current kernels; meanwhile I'm in a habit of rebooting to macOS and then shutdown from there
<leio> I'm way behind, sorry, but otoh for the display stuff I'm not aware of any changes in newer; but unfair about the shutdown for sure, I'm still 6.8.9
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<jannau> leio: the shutdown hang was fixed in asahi-6.9.4-1. a bug in the iommu code caused an oops on shutdown/reboot resulting on hanging
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<leio> awesome
<jannau> I might have fixed modeset / swap races since 6.8.9
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<leio> ok, I'll report back after upgrade if I still hit anything
<MichaelLong> regarding HDMI, I noticed - now that I use my system more stationary with the external display attached - colors are a bit more saturated and probably brighter. E.g. the Reddit logo is almost read instead of orange.
<MichaelLong> *red
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<june> then, is there a way to shut the external monitor off? I just tried `hyprctl dispatch dpms off`, but that also failed in the same manner
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<chadmed_> MichaelLong: download the ICC profile for your monitor's colour space and point it at plasma
<chadmed_> if youre using a macbook, that's going to be displayp3