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<aurelian> hello, was wondering if 120/144hz output is possible over HDMI?
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<gmorell> o/, I'm curious if anyone has had an issue on the arch asahi post the plasma 6 upgrade on the asahi-edge kernel, where the gpu driver has fallen back to sw rendering and sddm boots to a black screen with only a cursor? i've worked around the latter by starting plasma by hand from a tty, but the former is killing me on the battery life side.
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<j`ey_> have you made sure to upgrade mesa too?
<gmorell> everything has been pacman -Syu'd for forever, unless there is some manual intervention that needs to happen
<j`ey_> dont you have to build your own PKGBUILDs for arch now, or is someone else hosting some packages?
<gmorell> ¯\(°_o)/¯
<gmorell> unsure, mostly came thru to figure out what the state of things was
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<j`ey_> so you haven't done any PKGBUILDs yourself?
<j`ey_> is this a really old install or did you install arch after it was deprecated?
<gmorell> loads, just not of asahi parts
<gmorell> oooold install
<gmorell> like december 2022 ;)
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<j`ey_> gmorell: run uname -a, what kernel are you on?
<gmorell> Linux gabriel-mac 6.5.0-asahi-15-1-edge-ARCH #2 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Thu, 12 Oct 2023 08:22:22 +0000 aarch64 GNU/Linux
<j`ey_> what about mesa, what version do you have of that?
<gmorell> asahi/mesa-asahi-edge 23.3.0_pre20230904-2 [installed]
<j`ey_> ok, so you just have the latest that markan pushed, no idea why/how plasma6 could cause it to fallback
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<gmorell> also, with the fallback driver all the icons in the plasma UI collect in a corner of the screen once you've moused over them, which I found more amusing than anything
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<eaburns> Hi All, I'm interested in trying out Asahi in my macbook M2 (2022). Is the installation procedure reasonably safe? There's no data on the macbook that I care about, but if something goes awry, I'm not sure how to re-install macos on it or fix things :)
<eaburns> Simply put: what's the chance I brick the laptop trying to install?
<j`ey_> close to 0
<j`ey_> there's pretty much nothing manual to do, the installer does it all
<eaburns> Thanks!
<nicolas17> eaburns: the installation procedure is reasonably safe, but on top of that, even if you go out of your way to corrupt the system-firmware partition or something, it's always possible to recover it
<nicolas17> it's harder to recover from a failed BIOS update on the average Intel laptop :P
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<cow123> running alpinelinux on a m1 air. upgrade to kernel 6.10.3_p1 made graphics unusably slow. Recompiling 6.9.10_p1 fixed all of my problems.
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