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<fl0_id> Calandracas there is unofficial arch support though, afaik
<Calandracas> yeah I'm just a bit suprised that a major distribution doesn't officially support arm
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<Calandracas> meanwhile i'm patching llvm to work on armv6l-musl
<Calandracas> projects which much fewer resources support many more platforms
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<fl0_id> Calandracas it's not that unusual not to support arm. and sometimes if they do, there are restrictions. A distro is a wholly different thing than a library or application. And not sure about their infra, but f.e. just doing ci/cd for arm packages could be a significant cost
<chadmed> fl0_id: it is rare in 2024 for a distro _the size of arch_ to not support aarch64
<chadmed> i dont expect idk slackware or jeff's first distro (deb packages built on his thinkpad t30) to offer it as a first-class architecture, but it is odd that arch doesnt
<chadmed> and aiui its mostly political/personality-driven moreso than a technical decision to not support it
<Calandracas> i maintain several packages for void, and there is x86_64, aarch64, armv6l, and armv7l, each with musl or glibc
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<Calandracas> and thats a much smaller project
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<chadmed> precisely
<chadmed> i know its a completely different beast but hell gentoo still has support for sparcv9, pa-risc and dec alpha
<Calandracas> even tiny projects like chimera which is only 2-3 people support x86_64, ppc64le, riscv64, and aarch64
<psykose> it's a lot easier when you start a distro without hardcoding 'the world is x86_64' in 500 places
<psykose> having read a lot of arch pkgbuilds that is... a bit of an issue
<Calandracas> imo if in my spare time I can maintain toolchains that run on an rpi1, arch certainly can too :P
<psykose> i guess
<psykose> but yeah i'd say it's mostly a social decision at this point
<fl0_id> well, from other projects like conda-forge I know it can be a pain. especially with exotic infras, and up until recently arm was quite exotic for desktop/server. I don't know anything about social/political/personality things in arch, so that could of also be true
<psykose> yeah it's quite recent for aarch64
<psykose> i'd guess it only became somewhat serious once altra became something obtainable 2-3 years ago
<psykose> ah wasn't the thing with arch that a lot of packages were still manually built by a packager and uploaded to the mirror
<psykose> bit hard to add architecture support without an autobuilder for a whole repo
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<ratking> hello i just recently installed asahi and i was wondering if discord client works, i try to install it and it wont show up
<chadmed> discord is not free software and has no official aarch64 build
<chadmed> you need to either use the web client or a third party build such as armcord
<chadmed> be aware though that discord occasionally likes banning/punishing people they detect using third party clients
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<ratking> oh ok so is stuff like bitwarden and other things not in the dnf packages just doomed? or is that all going to have to be webclient
<Calandracas> if its free software you can build it yourself. Flatpaks may also work
<ratking> oh ill have to learn how to build it myself
<ratking> ok sounds good i just learn how to do that
<Calandracas> there's a bitwarden aarch64 flatpak, but its unverified, so use with caution
<ratking> yeah i wont use unofficial packages, especially for things like a password maanger
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<LarstiQ> nixos has a bitwarden package that works fine
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<dottedmag> chadmed: Gentoo still hasn't gotten around to compile an "official" arm64 handbook, so it also seems in some kind of limbo, spread around in blog posts?
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<chadmed> dottedmag: its a bit hard to have an "official" arm64 handbook when every platform is different at its lowest levels
<chadmed> the current recommendation is to just follow the amd64 one (for asahi at least) since once youve sorted out booting these things just act like a normal pc
<dottedmag> chadmed: Some OSes (looking at OpenBSD) manage give instructions for a number of machines and then hints for the rest, so not insurmountable.
<dottedmag> *manage to
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<gachikuku> has anyone here tried running openbsd as a daily driver? if so what's your experience. I'm scared to try it out
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<chadmed> last i checked kettenis maintains the pufferfish stuff for apple silicon
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<chadmed> not sure what the xorg experience is like and im 99% sure theres no C port of our gpu driver but everything else is probably there
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<runxiyu_> gachikuku: I've done it a while ago and my primary complaint was the lack of wayland (which is being ported)
<runxiyu_> eventually because i need to go to school and I don't have enough time, I ended up back on Linux-based systems for my primary machine, but recently I brought back an OpenBSD system for personal use
<runxiyu_> I don't think it's scary in particular, the documentation is friendly
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<runxiyu_> dottedmag: Installing OpenBSD on the M1 didn't feel hard
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<runxiyu_> but yes. I'm not sure why Gentoo has one handbook per architecture
<runxiyu_> surely the portage stuff (which I don't understand to this day) is architecture independent, probably everything other than the early boot process
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<chadmed> historically certain architectures were tied to specific types of machine with common firmware interfaces, hardware, etc
<chadmed> so it was useful to have, e.g. a sparc handbook that showed you how to work with the open firmware quirks on sun's machines, how to deal with drivers, etc
<chadmed> as much as folks dunk on the aarch64 ecosystem for being fragmented, the existence of things like systemready/ebbr/sbbr mean that we are in a pretty good place compared to historical non-wintel platforms
<chadmed> an arm64 handbook would basically just be "once you get past u-boot go read the amd64 one instead" for _most_ aarch64 machines youd want to install gentoo on, including apple silicon
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<chadmed> which is why no ones bothered to write one
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<chadmed> i mean heck even the pre-x86-but-post-m68k-macs were all "ppc" but so different at the platform level that they might as well have not been. old world macs behave entirely differently to new world macs - half the "OS" is implemented in ROM which their OF implementation is hard coded to boot to
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<ratking> so where can i send a bug report? or atleast find out if this is intended behavior
<chadmed> here
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<ratking> my brightness settings seem to not do anything on my m1, the pysical keys and the settings in kde plasma both seem to either bring it to 80 percent at its lowest
<ratking> seems the keyboard is the same way its either 100 percent or off with that one
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<chadmed> what distro?
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<ratking> asahi fedora remix
<chadmed> definitely not normal then
<chaos_princess> make sure the apple_dcp driver is loaded
<chaos_princess> run lsmod, see if you have any lines that contain "dcp"
<ratking> ill check rn
<ratking> it shows in the list and has one in use
<chaos_princess> run dmesg, and post it here via pastebin
<ratking> maybe its due to me having both gnome and kde installed
<ratking> sure
<chaos_princess> yea, you should report that, dcp is complaining that it has no idea how to set that specific brightness value
<j`ey> apple-dcp 231c00000.dcp: RTKit: syslog message: BrightnessLCD.cpp:803: [AFK]nitsToDBV: iDAC out of range
<j`ey> those parts
<ratking> where should i send this, email? or something else
<ratking> is there a discord or do we use mainly irc? ive never done anything that used irc before so this is all pretty new to me
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<ratking> funny enough it looks like it is changing the color temperature instead of brightness. the screen does get a bluer tint after i lower it
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<gachikuku> runxiyu_: Couldn't you use xenodm? I see my self using it, if I can use firefox
<gachikuku> I have to wait anyways. Bought an M3 and gave he M1 to wifu. I don't think she will appreciate installing obsd on hers lol
<fl0_id> gachikuku just say it's the new ai enabled macos
* fl0_id kidding
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