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<sprokkel> Hi, Question: Any one else missing audio in vlc since yesterday update?
<jannau> no issues here with fully upgraded fedora 40 systems (speaker and headphones)
<jannau> can you provide more details? do other applications work? does the test in the audio settings work?
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<sprokkel> Mac Mini M1, no more audio in vlc. Anyone else have the same issue?
<PaulFertser> sprokkel: jannau asks for more details and there're no known issues.
<PaulFertser> "do other applications work? does the test in the audio settings work?"
<sprokkel> The audio test in settings works, I have audio in the default movie player of Fedora. I have audio in Firefox.
<sprokkel> vlc version :
<PaulFertser> sprokkel: are you running Fedora?
<sprokkel> yes
<sprokkel> the gnome version
<PaulFertser> sprokkel: it's interesting how come vlc is "Compiled by Ubuntu buildd for noble on Ubuntu amd64 buildd" for you.
<sprokkel> ow sec i was on wrong computer
<sprokkel> this is the correct one :
<PaulFertser> I'd say check in settings / show all what you have there about the sound. If everything but VLC gives sound it must be something about your VLC settings.
<sprokkel> I've done $vlc --reset-config , so I went back to default, still no sound.
<sprokkel> in audio settings I've set audio output to pipewire and alsa , both to no avail.
<PaulFertser> Does it print anything to stderr or stdout while failing to produce sound?
<sprokkel> the output when I play a video file is following :
<sprokkel> I also have this package that won't update :
<sprokkel> Skipping packages with conflicts:
<sprokkel> (add '--best --allowerasing' to command line to force their upgrade):
<sprokkel> libavcodec-freeworld aarch64 6.1.2-2.fc40 rpmfusion-free-updates 4.8 M
<PaulFertser> sprokkel: that's all unrelated to audio alas. But why is VLC using X11 for you? Isn't it a GNOME Wayland session?
<sprokkel> PaulFertser: I'm running Wayland yes.
<chaos_princess> can you test a thing: grab a random flac from somewhere (specifically a flac) and play it with vlc
<PaulFertser> "Xlib: extension "DRI2" missing on display ":0"." looks like it's running under Xwayland then.
<sprokkel> yup running Xwayland
<sprokkel> ah flac, where can I get one.
<sprokkel> chaos_princess: is an mp3 also fine?
<chaos_princess> i guess?
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<sprokkel> chaos_princess: same for mp3, no sound
<chaos_princess> ok, nvm then
<sprokkel> also tried running with cvlc but it's the same.
<sprokkel> I'm going to try to re-install vlc. maybe that will work. I'll keep you posted.
<jannau> for some reason (trying to play mono on a stereo output maybe) `vlc /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav` only works on the mac studios speakers but not on the headphone out
<sprokkel> re-installing vlc didn't work. still no sound.
<sprokkel> I'm on headphone out btw
<sprokkel> (using the mini-jack to my stereo-system)
<jannau> did you maybe inadvertently muted vlc as application specific audio setting?
<sprokkel> jannau: no I doubt that. I don't even know where I would do that.
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<sprokkel2> jannau: the vlc app was accidently muted in the app Easy Effects (Audio app)
<sprokkel2> sorry for the inconvenience all, thanks for helping me out. Much appreciated.
<sprokkel2> I now have sound in vlc.
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<Dan___> hey guys, so I just had a look at the support of M3 Pro/Max devices. How can one work on anything if there is no screen, no networking and no HDMI available yet?
<chaos_princess> serial
<Dan___> how can you connect serial? usb c or something more involving?
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<chaos_princess> not sure if m1n1 serial is available - in that case - just usb-c, otherwise you need native serial, which again needs usb-c, but the other machine must either be another mac, or a special board
<Dan___> oh, I see, I was gonna say that I'm not ready to pry open my shiny macbook, but I don't even have another mac. How about a macintosh?
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<chaos_princess> no, it must be specifically a mac, since you need to have a usb controller capable of sending special usb-pd messages.
<Dan___> fair, thanks for the info, will an old mac mini do for that?
<Dan___> and what's the risk of bricking my macbook during dev?
<Dan___> or maybe it's better to just get a mac mini m3 and just work on that if it's so early...
<chaos_princess> idk about the mac mini, if it is m1 - sure, if it is intel - idk. Chance of full brick - almost zero, change of data loss - low but nonzero
<jannau> after that serial over usb acm and finally serial over emulated tty via m1n1's hypervisor
<chaos_princess> i _think_ we have m1n1 serial already, but do not quote me on that
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<jannau> I think so too but I'm not sure 100% with the different ACE / TI type-c controllers with spmi interface on the m3 pro/max
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<Dan___> an arduino board would be the cheapest solution it seems(especially a clone of one), but is it good enough for asahi dev?
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