ChanServ changed the topic of #asahi to: Asahi Linux: porting Linux to Apple Silicon macs | "Does XXX work yet?": | GitHub: | Wiki: | Topics: #asahi-dev #asahi-re #asahi-gpu #asahi-alt #asahi-stream #asahi-offtopic | Keep things on topic | Logs:
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<kode54> lolol, I'm not subscribed to dri devel mailing list, guess it's time for Asahi to grow its own DRM scheduler with beer pot and hookers
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<chadmed_> i think its very unfortunate that so many maintainers are like this
<chadmed_> it's not just relegated to the kernel either, one of the gentoo maintainers seems quite resentful of any asahi-related changes due to not being able to afford the hardware himself
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<chadmed_> no hard feelings but like... cmon...
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<sam_> i have a feeling the person who said that isn't actually going to ever do anything
<sam_> if it's who i think it was
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<eaburns> Hi All, has anyone had success getting OBS to stream to twitch from asahi? I have a macbook air m2. Everything looks good in the OBS preview, but when I start streaming to twitch, I only get audio, no video. :(
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<eaburns> Gotta run, but if anyone has had luck, I'm interested to hear it; I'll check the chat logs while I'm gone. Thanks in advance!
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<allmazz> Why fstab changes not applied? I copied /home data to a new volume, changed /etc/fstab and rebooted, but nothing changed. I still see old mounts in 'df -h'. Why there is such strange behavior, and how to fix it? P.S: I'm doing this for setup LUKS2 encryption.
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<cy8aer> update your initrd?
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<calejvaldez> (trying to learn, not to criticize), but why does the asahi team use irc?
<calejvaldez> im liking it so far cuz it makes me feel nerdy and i love that but im just curious c:
<chaos_princess> what else
<calejvaldez> mmm idk im just curious like who made the call and why :p
<j`ey> some parts are on matrix now
<cy8aer> allmazz: For explanation: the mounting stuff is done on initrd time. When initrd is generated (Fedora: dracut?) the fstab information is put into the initrd as well.
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