ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<AlienSoldier> PulkoMandy Webkit 1.9 not available for 32bit?
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<netpositive> morning
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<andreasdr[m]> Good morning Netpositive
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<matt3> hi
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<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±3]
<botifico> [haiku/website] pulkomandy 1d3862b - Wrap up GSoC 2022 and prepare for 2023
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] korli pushed 1 commit to master [hrev56610] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 652d5f6347ae - ccp: driver for the RNG part of CCP on AMD
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev56611] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 753349fb2eb5 - WebPositive: save the cookie jar in the user settings directory also for the curl backend
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<jmairboeck_haiku> I just tried to build OpenCASCADE using xlibe, and I am getting errors in Xlib.h
<jmairboeck_haiku> Xlib.h:1686:1: error: '_X_DEPRECATED' does not name a type
<jmairboeck_haiku> Xlib.h:3571:3: error: expected initializer before '_X_SENTINEL'
<jmairboeck_haiku> the second appears multiple times. Should I report an issue at Github about that?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev56612] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 7255d28854a4 - Tracker: Do not try to change to an invalid or unset icon size.
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<linkslice> wahooo! nightly image running on a framework laptop, pretty stoked about this.
<Vidrep_64> Just tested my Microsoft comfort mouse (which has never worked) with the Beta 4 test image, and much to my surprise it's now working
<Vidrep_64> Probably safe to close, unless the nightly is different in some way
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<Vidrep_64> Working on nightly as well. I wonder which commit fixed it