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<zdykstra> Fantastic report as always
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<nielx[m]> Begasus: morning, I did get the request to add libgccjit. I am going to adjust the recipe early next week. Is this a separate package in your opinion?
<Begasus> Hi nielx[m], it's not that much added, maybe just keep it in, or move it to a seperate one if you think it would be usefull?
<Begasus> having some poblems with the packaging here, it's a "bit" complicated that one :)
<Begasus> it only add the library and a few headers from what I can see in the package
<Begasus> looking over at repology I don't see many subpackages listed for libgccjit
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<nielx[m]> Looking at the packaging notes, they do suggest building gccjit separate with --enable-host-shared config option
<nielx[m]> I am wondering though, we use --enable-shared so unsure if that's a synonym or whether it does something else
<Begasus> yeah, configure fails without that option
<Begasus> maybe it could use a seperate recipe for it then?
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<Begasus> Specify that the host code should be built into position-independent machine code (with -fPIC), allowing it to be used within shared libraries, but yielding a slightly slower compiler.
<Begasus> but I gather you knew all the differences there :)
<nielx[m]> For simplicity's sake we should build just once, but a 5% slowdown of something as core as GCC is not good. We could do the double build trick the notes suggest, which would increase the recipe's build time even more but at least does not slow down GCC itself
<Begasus> Build time shouldn't matter, the end result is what counts, the user shouldn't notice downgrade in speed
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<cytlan> Can't get the Matrix bridge to work, oh well. Hello!
<Begasus> Hi cytlan
<cytlan> Hey, how are you? Watching MJD's video on BeOS and remembered Haiku still exists and is pretty cool
<cytlan> Just a quick question: Once upon a time I installed Haiku on a (Vultr?) VPS. What's Haiku's status on the server space? I know it's not the goal, but I have a few ideas brewing before things get busy
<Begasus> no idea there :)
<Begasus> maybe someone else does
<cytlan> I'll wait patiently :)
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<Begasus> building gcc13 with gcc13 :)
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<Begasus> robxnano[m]?
<Begasus> looks like I did upstream that patch for libebml :D
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haiku/website] Swangeon 03f304b - TUN/TAP Development Update 3 (#643)
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haiku/website] pulkomandy 6a6732d - Add a note to an old blogpost linking to the up to date information
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57147] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5c868338ec95 - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus> about 2hrs buildtime for gcc13, not to bad :)
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<Begasus> hi nephele
<nephele> good day Begasus
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haiku/website] pulkomandy pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haiku/website] pulkomandy 1a432fc - Add NixOS to supported platforms
<nephele> cytlan: Haiku doesn't really work on servers, it's kinda ran in vms for stuff like the build slaves for haikuports but that's it i think
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<Begasus> nielx[m] at least install part should be fixed somewhere for libgccjit, it now installs in .../tools/* instead of .../tools/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.1.0/*
<Begasus> already did a double build as explained upstream
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<Begasus> k, done here, packages look ok :)
<Begasus> increase though, libgccjit is quite a bit library nielx[m] :)
<Begasus> bit/big*
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<Begasus> -rwxr-xr-x 1 user root 271021312 jul. 15 09:21
<Begasus> (in the source tree)
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57148] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] da70563f7f7c - interface/Size: fix -Wdeprecated-enum-float-conversion warning
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57149] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 71bba69f8a9d - Interface Kit: Add casts to int32 following previous commit.
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<jmairboeck> regarding how would you find out which of the coreutils commands does the Haiku system actually use? I want to submit a patch for that.
<jmairboeck> or would a single "placeholder" like cmd:ls be enough here?
<PulkoMandy> I'm not sure why you want to remove the current solution, it seems good enough to me
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<PulkoMandy> the Haiku package currently intentionally depends specifically on coreutils because it was not tested with any other implementation, so depending on something else may break things. Until someone has tested this, it's better to keep that dependency
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<jmairboeck> It was just intended as a cleanup, but not really needed, you are right. However, I do remember some discussions about replacing coreutils with some alternative (which I am not advocating here).
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<KSPAtlas[m]> I wonder if the haiku installer on riscv64 is functional
<jmairboeck> I thought that depending on specific packages is not the norm and packages should depend instead on libraries and commands if possible. So it seems a bit weird that haiku.hpkg depends specifically on coreutils.
<x512[m]> PulkoMandy: Haiku can even but to GUI without coreutils with minor adjustments.
<x512[m]> Haiku is not Linux, so it have much smaller dependency on shell.
<x512[m]> > I wonder if the haiku installer on riscv64 is functional
<x512[m]> Why not?
<PulkoMandy> yes, it is probably possible, but until someone has tried it, it's better to be safe and not let users break their install by trying to remove coreutils
<PulkoMandy> and it makes user support easier, we can know which version is there. If we allow more flexibility here it becomes harder for people to ship a bash script in their apps, because they may find an user with a version of ls or sed or ... that is missing some options
<x512[m]> > becomes harder for people to ship a bash script in their apps
<x512[m]> Then it must declare Bash as dependency.
<PulkoMandy> and coreutils
<PulkoMandy> this makes us like linux, where every install is slightly different and you can't rely on anything. It is easier if app developers can think of "haiku" as a well-defined set of things in the distribution, and, for now, coreutils and bash are parts of it. We can change that if we decide to, but it has to be announced first, and we'll have to add dependencies to all apps that need them
<x512[m]> I do not think that Haiku should consider Bash as part of core OS. It may be changed to zsh etc..
<jmairboeck> concerning the shell: haiku requires cmd:sh and not bash
<PulkoMandy> yes, for bqsh it was already done, I have fixed some shell scripts in haiku to remove bashisms
<x512[m]> Is there any UNIX sh compatible shell that do not use autotools?
<PulkoMandy> then haikuporter needed some changes as well to make sure that it is running bash, and it still has problems today (if I want to try to do a bootstrap build from Linux, it only works if starting the build from bash and not from mksh which I use there)
<puck_> mksh?
<puck_> busybox? :p
<PulkoMandy> freebsd shell, and original ash from AT&T UNIx too
<PulkoMandy> (but that probably does not make them easier to build)
<puck_> i used mksh in my zilch bootstrap prototype; it comes with a shell script (and in fact has haiku support in there) that outputs a makefile (a bit weird but it works)
<jmairboeck> this says: "bash is a mandatory package." but adds cmd:sh to the package_infos:
<jmairboeck> (which is a bit of a contradiction)
<x512[m]> puck_: What is zilch?
<puck_> a pile of experimental ideas that hasn't taken form quite yet
<x512[m]> I still have an idea of PackageBuilder written in C++ that will be able to cross-compile Haiku packages on Haiku or Linux build system.
<x512[m]> Some converter can be made from HaikuPorter *.recipe files.
<x512[m]> For Linux it seems important to efficiently build HPKGs without supporting packagefs, so some extracted package store will be needed.
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<HaikuUser> help
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<HaikuUser> is this a chat app ?
<HaikuUser> --help
<andreasdr[m]> Yes. It is. Hello HaikuUser.
<HaikuUser> thanks
<HaikuUser> how do i change my name ?
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<Begasus> robxnano[m], wouldn't it be easier to do a srcGitRev release for libebml and libmatroska?
<Begasus> hard to tell what's actually patched now
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<KSPAtlas[m]> My first install of haiku onto real hardware
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<KSPAtlas[m]> Well it isn't booting
<KSPAtlas[m]> May change choice of partition map
<KSPAtlas[m]> Yeah haiku does not seem to install the bootloader correctlh
<KSPAtlas[m]> Boots right to broadcom
<KSPAtlas[m]> * to broadcom pxe
<KSPAtlas[m]> Yeah seems haiku has issues with partition management
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<nephele> puck_: mksh is nice :)
<nephele> I use this as my default shell in haiku. would probably be perfectly fine for scripting, for interactive use users can install what they wish
<nephele> (also mksh is the default shell for android)
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<Begasus> closing down, g'night peeps
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