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<andreasdr[m]> waddlesplash: Nice!
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<augiedoggie> that's some weird spam on trac
* augiedoggie wonders if it was written by AI
<Halian> augiedoggie: thanks (re: default Tracker views)
<augiedoggie> it's kind of a hidden feature
<augiedoggie> not well documented/advertised
<Halian> Ahh
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuporter] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuporter] korli cac0903 - pyproject.toml: update version
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<The_Ringmaster> Hello people!
<The_Ringmaster> anyone heard any more news about the potential for a new firefox port?
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<Halian> augiedoggie: unfortunately, changing the layout of ~/config/settings/Tracker/DefaultFolderTemplate doesn't seem to affect anything :(
<Halian> unless it's a file I'm supposed to be editing in there? in which case I have no idea what to put in that file
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<augiedoggie> it only takes effect for windows that haven't been opened before
<augiedoggie> if you've opened it with Tracker before then it saved the layout as a BFS attribute
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<augiedoggie> i can't remember if there are limitations, i know that i have several patches applied to my build that change the layout
<OscarL> Halian: AFAIK, "DefaultFolderTemplate" only applies to newly created folders (via Tracker). Say... you add "Kind" attribute to "DefaultFolderTemplate", next "New Folder" you create will have that "Kind" column show up by defailt.
<humdinger> There are only a few situations that the DefaultFolderTemplate comes into play...
<humdinger> morning all btw
<OscarL> morning humdinger
<Halian> OscarL: oh :(
<OscarL> (et all ;D)
<Halian> I want to change the look of *every* folder all at once
<humdinger> the template only gets used if the parent folder doesn't have a layout set. otherwise the new folder inherits the parents setting.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<humdinger> Halian: due to Haiku's use of attributes, it often don't make sense to always show the same ol' attributes
<Halian> Unrelated to that, I can't figure out how to add more outputs to a dead key in Keymap
<humdinger> oi Begasus!
<OscarL> Hello Begasus.
<Halian> (e.g. making ` + y output y-with-grave-accent similarly to àèìòù)
<Halian> Begasus: o/
<Halian> humdinger: at the very least, I want kind to always be visible, since in every other OS I sort my files by type
<augiedoggie> hm, i may have figured out why emacs fails to build the first time from the haikuports recipe
<humdinger> Halian: As I wrote in that forum thread, you could build a little script:
<Halian> Ah
<Halian> Unfortunately I'm not familiar with scripting ;.w.
<augiedoggie> Halian: that's one of the patches in my builds
<Halian> Nice
<Begasus> moin OscarL, humdinger augiedoggie, Halian :)
<augiedoggie> woof
<Begasus> in a sec :) (feeding time)
<Begasus> augiedoggie, also found a sollution for that failure on emacs?
<augiedoggie> not a solution, but i may know why it's failing
<humdinger> Halian: if not too many folders have to be changed, you can copy/paste the column layout to those folders. new subfolders will inherit the layout.
<augiedoggie> for some reason the haiku_datatranslators package isn't active, and the be-resources app needs to use the TranslationRoster
<augiedoggie> isn't active inside the chroot ^
<Halian> humdinger: idk, I think "all of them" is a lot ^^;
<Halian> Might you be able to help with my Keymap question?
<Begasus> augiedoggie, still weird it only happens with emacs (afaik)
<Halian> BRB
<humdinger> sorry, never really dug into keymaps as mine has been supported for decades. :)
<augiedoggie> not very many apps use the translationroster during the build
<humdinger> German is a simple keymap, I suppose...
<Begasus> so is Belgian keymap :)
<Begasus> Web+ leaking thread again ...
<OscarL> Begasus: btw, sorry for being "a bit too intense" the other day. (not always successful managing my swings :-/)
<Begasus> np OscarL, knew it was you from the moment you started :)
<Begasus> You should thank humdinger also, he's one major peep in regards of the tour and locales in Haiku :)
<OscarL> Indeed! Thanks humdinger!!! :-D
<Begasus> augiedoggie, I'm guessing this is done somewhere in the source? (I'm no good there, but can't find anything recipe related)
* humdinger bows
<Begasus> mind the keyboard humdinger :)
<OscarL> lol
<humdinger> in such a good mood this early in the morning...
<OscarL> head banging the keyboard usually produces my best code... go figure.
<Begasus> it's the weather (NOT) :)
<augiedoggie> i don't know why that package isn't being loaded, specifying it in the recipe doesn't help
<Halian> Back
<Begasus> Front
<Halian> humdinger: no worries; I need y-grave and y-circumflex for my conlang, which has tones
<augiedoggie> i will probably end up patching the build to remove that be-resources command
<Begasus> +1, if you got something to test I would gladly check it out with gcc13
<augiedoggie> no, it won't happen any time soon
<Begasus> nielx[m] did a good job, build is fine now on both arch's
<augiedoggie> maybe i'll look at it for the next emacs rc or final release
<Begasus> fair enough :)
<The_Ringmaster> anyone else use flameshot and noticed that it has started to open two times in the deskbar?
<Halian> Not I
<Begasus> Me neither
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<The_Ringmaster> yeah it's just coming up like that. there is only one process running, so maybe just a graphical glitch?
<OscarL> /system/apps/Screenshot good enough for me :-)
<augiedoggie> what does `desklink --list` say?
<OscarL> When you quit "flameshot" both icons disappear?
<The_Ringmaster> yeah they both quit and disappear
<OscarL> see what "desklink --list" says, as augiedoggie suggested. Maybe some lingering/bugged replicant.
<The_Ringmaster> I'm trying to recreate it, I quit and restarted the app and now there's only one icon again
<Begasus> installed, launched, only 1 icon in the Deskbar here
<humdinger> I declined installing it when I saw it needs dbus...
<Begasus> heh
<nielx[m]> augiedoggie Begasus so the emacs failure is not due to a GCC issue then :-)
<humdinger> that one always delays my shutdowns. hate it...
<Begasus> fidling with kleopatra, that needs it too humdinger :)
<augiedoggie> it's my best guess at why that be-resources app is having issues
<nielx[m]> can we explicitly make the translators part of the pre-requisites?
<Begasus> not sure nielx[m], why does it work ok with gcc11 and not gcc13?
<nielx[m]> that's interesting...
<augiedoggie> that would drag in a bunch of libraries, i'm not sure if that would be a problem
<humdinger> "fiddling with Kleopatra"... that got you locked into a pyramide once
<Begasus> bummer ...
<augiedoggie> i always have failures on 64 bit, 32 bit is usually ok
<augiedoggie> the buildmaster is the same
<Begasus> augiedoggie, are you still on R1B4? or on nightly?
<augiedoggie> nightly for my main 64 bit install
<Begasus> still using R1B4 for both here, could run a check with nightly on 32bit I guess, haven't tried that yet
<augiedoggie> i usually use the beta when i test things on 32 bit
<Begasus> I do too, hardly switch to nightly if not needed (also makes sure that this would work on the buildmasters) (well should ...) :)
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<Halian> Diver: have you fixed your internet?
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<augiedoggie> i may have fixed the emacs build on x86_64, it's too late at night to test 32 bit and push it to haikuports though
<Begas_VM> nice!
<augiedoggie> adding `haiku_datatranslators` to BUILD_PREREQUIRES will cause it to be loaded
<Begas_VM> k, could check that here
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<augiedoggie> not sure if it needs $secondaryArchSuffix on 32 bit
<Begas_VM> haiku_datatranslators-r1~beta4_hrev56578_87-1-x86_gcc2.hpkg
<Begas_VM> don't think so
<Begas_VM> no need to rerun make also?
<augiedoggie> no, you can get rid of the || make
<augiedoggie> this solves that problem
<augiedoggie> it shouldn't hurt though, it will succeed the first time
<Begas_VM> k, starting build, time for the doggies, biab
<augiedoggie> i'm still not sure why it didn't fail before when building the 32 bit version
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<Begas_VM> same thing (gcc13) on 32bit :/
<Begas_VM> report on the crash looks the same as the others
<augiedoggie> you could try entering the chroot with `haikuporter -E emacs` and then run `translate --list` to see if it's loaded properly
<augiedoggie> but, i don't usually get a full crash, just a failure
* augiedoggie goes to sleep
<Begas_VM> g'night and thanks!
<Begas_VM> no error there ...
<Begas_VM> switching other laptop to nightly
<Begas_VM> reboot to 64bit here ...
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<matkart> hi i have problem with haiku on hp comaqu 6910p on 64bit and 32bit
<matkart> when i boot it internal keyboard , mousepad and trackpoint wont work
<matkart> only when i plug a usb keyboard and mouse
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<Begasus> crash on nightly too :/
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays f263761 - bind_utils: bump version (#9094)
<Begasus> kallisti5[m], any thoughts on the PR for minisign?
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<kallisti5[m]> Begasus: sorry.. Ive been loaded down with real life drama. Let me look
<Begasus> np kallisti5[m], can imagine you got other priorities :)
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus e08686a - menu_cache, remove libtool file (#9095)
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<Anarchos> what is the best tool to open markdown files ?
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<Anarchos> hello
<Begasus> tried CudaText Anarchos?
<Anarchos> Begasus i just know about vim or StyledEdit / lpe , that's why i asked
<Anarchos> vim rendering of md files is par of suboptimal...
<Begasus> np, I'm not a big markdown writer, but it has some syntax highlighting
<Anarchos> Begasus vim render it with colors...
<Anarchos> Begasus cudatext is unknown on haikudepot ?
<Begasus> ~> pkgman search cudatext
<Begasus> Status Name Description
<Begasus> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<Begasus> S cudatext The Cross Platform code and text editor
<Begasus> should be available for both arch's
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 1672c84 - mpc, disable static library (#9096)
<Begasus> time to close down, hope you find it Anarchos :)
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<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<Anarchos> hello
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