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<AlienSoldier> another intersting things. You can move windowed SDL games from workspace window but not anymore if you toggle it to fulll screen and back to windowed mode.
<waddlesplash> AlienSoldier: trash icon bug known and already patch committed, will be fixed in next nightly
<AlienSoldier> good
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<Udi> any idea why I cannot reduce brightness using screen prefs?
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> buildmaster(s) down again
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<korli> hi Begasus
<Begasus> hi korli!
<Begasus> time for the doggies, biab
<Begasus> re
<Begasus> building webkit takes quite some RAM :)
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<Begasus> takes too much time, should let that run when I'm out ...
<Begasus> (if buildmasters are still down)
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<Begasus> k, getting somewhere now ... Warning: POLICY ERROR: "/packaging/libaccounts_glib/bin/ag-backup" needs library "", but the package doesn't seem to declare that as a requirement
<Begasus> another one down :)
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<ultra1> Hello! I just installed Haiku in GNOME Boxes on a NixOS host, but the internet connection doesn't work. It shows as connected in the OS, but it can't download packages or visit sites. Has anyone else had this problem?
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<Diver> ultra980: check what network card is used in Network preflet
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<ultra980> It says rtl81xx/0 Ethernet device
<Diver> in QtEmu (which also uses qemu as a backend) there is an option User network mode connection Perhaps Boxes have something similar
<Diver> can you ping anything?
<ultra980> nope
<ultra980> but in the network settings it shows 1.91 KiB sent and 1.21 KiB received
<ultra980> but the problem is Boxes doesn't have any network settings
<ultra980> should I edit the libvirt XML file?
<Diver> did you get an ip address?
<ultra980> yeah, ipv4
<ultra980> I'll try pinging it from my PC
<ultra980> didn't work, it's giving no response back
<Diver> maybe there is something in the syslog
<Diver> grep rtl81xx /var/log/syslog
<ultra980> stuff about allocating the resources, loading the driver
<ultra980> it sent DHCP_DISCOVER to and got DHCP_OFFER from
<ultra980> sent DHCP_REQUEST for the IP it showed in settings to the same 255.... and received DHCP_ACK from
<ultra980> DHCP status = no error
<ultra980> this happened 4 times
<Diver> looks okayish
<ultra980> is there any specific info I should look for? I couldn't find any errors there
<Diver> maybe see if it's better with another NIC
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<ultra980> Diver: I don't have another NIC
<ultra980> I'll try to migrate the disk to virtualbox
<Diver> note that network in virtualbox works correctly only if you set NIC to Intel Pro 1000
<Diver> default pcnet driver deadlocks quite often
<ultra980> I saw a forum post
<ultra980> thanks for trying to help btw
<Diver> np
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<ultra980> I just ran rm -fr /* in the VM :D
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<Begasus> nice going ;)
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<ultra980> hope I didn't have any dirs from my actual PC mounted ._.
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<x512[m]> Do Haiku support set thread CPU affinity? For example set thread to be run only on CPU No. 1?
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<jmairboeck> Today, my main openSUSE system showed me a "security update for texlive" to install. I looked if it was a new one, but found nothing. Turns out, it is the one we have already for 2 months now ;)
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<zdykstra> hah
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<Begasus> jmairboeck, was a bit to fast on the pygobject (could use some changes) :)
<Begasus> but will be for tomorrow, closing down here
<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<Ampilin> saludos desde uruguay
<Halian> andreasdr[m]: after digging through the documentation, yes, I need a null modem cable
<Halian> Ampilin: o/ good afternoon from Florida!
<Ampilin> thanks halian
<Halian> :3
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<HaikuUser> hello
<HaikuUser> anybody home
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