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<Maston[m]> is Haiku good when it comes to security?
<zdykstra> What type of security?
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<Maston[m]> software
<Maston[m]> the system itself
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<Udi> can haiku compatible with CLI tools' binaries from other OS?
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<Udi> gcc installation fails. any idea?
<x512[m]> Haiku do not support running Linux/BSD binaries.
<x512[m]> But have some support of x86_64 WinAPI binaries with Wine.
<x512[m]> > gcc installation fails
<x512[m]> Any error messages?
<Udi> tailed commt transaction: the to be activated package "make-4.1-5-x86_64.hpkg does already exist. ()
<Udi> failed to commit...
<Udi> x512[m]
<x512[m]> Manually deleting /boot/system/packages/make-4.1-5-x86_64.hpkg may help.
<x512[m]> also pkgman full-sync
<Udi> thanks
<Udi> is full-sync equivalent to running the software update gui app?
<Udi> I run it almost daily
<x512[m]> GUI probably do pkgman update equivalent.
<x512[m]> full-sync fix package inconsistencies.
<Udi> got it
<Udi> got gcc and make installed now. thanks
<x512[m]> full-sync may delete existing packages it they are conflicting with packages to be updated.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
<Begasus> nielx[m], there is an error when tryinng to start the build on 32bit for gcc :)
<Begasus> ow, time to update haikuporter ... PulkoMandy maybe time for a new release?
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-2/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] sikmir fee2920 - GPXSee: bump to 13.4 (#9062)
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<Begasus> maybe wait on that PulkoMandy, I'm not sure how buildmaster(s) use haikuporter's link as it's renamed now
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<PulkoMandy> I think this was only a first step in haikuporter changes and cleanups and there will be more
<Begasus> ok, no hurry then :)
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] humdingerb 21eb5db - yt-dlp: Update to release 2023.07.06
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] sikmir 3c94c05 - lagrange: bump to 1.16.5 (#9063)
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] sikmir b6cd133 - JOSM: bump to 18772 (#9064)
<augiedoggie> seems like the github workflow needs to be updated, it does a git checkout of haikuporter
<Begasus> yeah, already commented on the merged PR
<Begasus> not familiar there, so I'm not touching it ;)
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<Begasus_32> nielx[m] ... /port.recipe: line 233: baseConfigureFlags: command not found
<Begasus> that's on 32bit
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus b876c34 - mupdf, move documentation to devel package (#9065)
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<Begasus> Guess SolveSpace needs libglvnd/EGL?
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<Begasus> at least that's the message in solvespace
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<x512[m]> Wayland EGL support is needed for GTK OpenGL.
<Begasus> k, so we're not there yet :)
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<Begasus> PulkoMandy, thanks on the update on webkit, much better now (allthough websocket takes quite some resources from CPU's)
<PulkoMandy> Begasus: please make a bugreport for that, if you can identify websites that trigger it, it would be very helpful
<PulkoMandy> It happened once during testing but I couldn't reproduce it
<Begasus> k, will try to gather some information, mainly got the forum/github/google search, open
<Begasus> my guess it's with the forum, as it refreshes in the background?
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<Begasus> or too many tabs open? :)
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<nielx[m]> Begasus: thanks for the test, will update the PR
<Begasus> np nielx[m], if you got something to test I can launch a build here
<nielx[m]> PR updated
<nielx[m]> Appreciated if you could give it another go
<Begasus> k, build started now, thanks!
<Begasus> (on that laptop (if it keeps it up) it probably will be done somewhere this evening or tomorrow) :)
<nielx[m]> I will keep that in mind :-)
<nielx[m]> I am still wondering whether it is right to build everything twice for jit
<nielx[m]> But I haven't the time to do any actual testing on whether GCC really is slower
<nielx[m]> well time maybe, energy no
<Begasus> if build time isn't an issue, it could be narrowed down to 1 build for all, if performance is an issue it's better to keep it seperated I guess?
<Begasus> build time/performance ...
<nielx[m]> Well the argument in the packaging instructions is that building the compiler with --enable-host-shared will enable position independent code, which slows down the executable by 5%
<nielx[m]> It is one of those cases where a 5% slowdown is not much in most cases, but in aggregate it cost a lot.
<Begasus> the executable as in "gcc"?
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<Begasus> if things are fine, it only needs to be build once on buildmaster, so that shouldn't be a blocker imho
<PulkoMandy> nielx[m]: executables on haiku are always position independent, we don't support anything else
<PulkoMandy> So rebuilding gcc multiple times won't change that, I guess?
<nielx[m]> In that case, we can simplify the build a lot
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] autocommitter pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57159] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 26bda37ca592 - Update translations from Pootle
<Begasus> is there a difference in Framebuffer driver vs VESA driver?
<Begasus> ScreenPrefs shows framebuffer (seen vesa there in the past too)
<Begasus> KERN: app_server: Finding best mode for * (2 resolutions) and then KERN: app_server: Use 2576x1118 (8) instead in syslog
<PulkoMandy> Framebuffer is for uefi, vesa is for bios machines
<PulkoMandy> In vesa you can chage resolutions without rebooting
<Begasus> ah, thanks
<Begasus> resolution is native so that's fine
<nielx[m]> Going to update the gcc recipe Begasus. I will retest/rebuild on x86_64, can you restart your x86 build?
<Begasus> sure nielx[m], only am running it for about 40minutes :P
<Begasus> give a yell when you're done, need to pull the changes then
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<nielx[m]> done
<Begasus> build restarted too :)
<Begasus> build on 64bit here starting too
<nielx[m]> ah in that case I will defer to your test
<Begasus> first run enabling jit was fine, so should be ok too (as I also just did the build once)
<Begasus> Web+ still OK for now PulkoMandy, scrolling feels smoother also :)
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<Begasus> nielx[m], saw it checks for iconv, any reason for not including it in the BUILD_REQUIRES?
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<nielx[m]> I don't know, but my guess is that historically it worked so it was never considered. I do not know if iconv gives any advantage
<Begasus> don't know too, just saw it passing by ...
<ynoga99[m]> x512: question out of the blue, do you happen to remember having an issue generating the libsolv_*source* package when bootstraping the riscv64 build ?
<ynoga99[m]> (I've managed to work around it, so it's more out of curiosity)
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<Begasus> to support the -finput-charset option (for iconv) (but that's from a thread for gcc4.* ;) )
<Begasus> build finished succesfully on 64bit nielx[m] :)
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<Begasus> no mention for iconv when running ./configure --help
<nielx[m]> great news!
<Begasus> will post an update when 32bit is finished (one way or the other) :)
<Begasus> syslibs(devel) and fortran don't depend on the base gcc package?
<Begasus> ah, no seperate package for jit also I see
<nielx[m]> I think that that's correct
<nielx[m]> for syslibs, the dependency is the other way
<nielx[m]> I do not know enough about fortran to make any judgments, but since it gets bundled with its own binary (gfortran), I am assuming that this can work independently from the base gcc package (which contains the C, C++ and Objective C compiler)
<Begasus> yeah, should be ok, installed now (backed up previous version) to do some checks
<nielx[m]> Though it also might be the case that there is an implicit dependency, but since gcc is so ubiquitous nobody notices this
<nielx[m]> good to check, on my machine I rebuilt the GCC 13 recipe with previous iterations of the GCC 13 package, so I am fairly confident
<Begasus> yeah, previous check worked out before too, but didn't had it installed then
<Begasus> hmm ... no mention for jit when running configure on emacs
<nielx[m]> the flag is something like 'with_native_compilation'
<Begasus> checking for gcc_jit_context_acquire in -lgccjit... no
<Begasus> configure: error: ELisp native compiler was requested, but libgccjit was not found.
<nielx[m]> what's in the config.log?
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<Begasus> err ... no libgccjit in the package ...
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<nielx[m]> that's odd. Have you looked at the files in the gcc_jit and gcc_jit_devel packages?
<Begasus> on the left the newly build package, on the right one I had done before
<nielx[m]> is there a gcc_jit package though?
<nielx[m]> the new recipe should create gcc_jit and gcc_jit_devel packages
<Begasus> no
<Begasus> grabbing gcc-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/gcc-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> grabbing gcc_debuginfo-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/gcc_debuginfo-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> grabbing gcc_fortran-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/gcc_fortran-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> grabbing gcc_syslibs-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/gcc_syslibs-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> grabbing gcc_syslibs_devel-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/gcc_syslibs_devel-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1-x86_64.hpkg
<nielx[m]> That's very odd, are you sure you got all the commits from my PR?
<Begasus> doesn't seem like I did :)
<Begasus> arghhh ....
<Begasus> sorry for the noice ;)
<nielx[m]> no worries :-)
<Begasus> lol
<Begasus> back to building ... :)
<Begasus> too bad it needs to rebuild the lot
<Begasus> nielx[m], sure both --enable-shared and --enable-host-shared should be used? ;)
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<nielx[m]> Yes, --enable-shared is just the flag that the platform supports shared libraries. The --enable-host-shared is used to tell the build system to use it for GCC itself, which as PulkoMandy said previously, is moot on Haiku because all our executables are built under this presumption
<Begasus> oki +1 :)
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<Begasus> k, round 2 :)
<Begasus> configure: error: The installed libgccjit failed to compile and run a test program using
<nielx[m]> ok, that's something, anything in the config.log?
<Begasus> ld: cannot find crtbeginS.o: No such file or director
<Begasus> there is a test exaple linked in config.log mentioning that file prior
<Begasus> from config.log ...
<Begasus> it's inside /boot/system/develop/tools/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.1.0
<Begasus> where other libraries are, libgccjit is inside $libDir
<Begasus> so maybe not in the "include" path for gcc?
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<nielx[m]> Could be... are you able to build other binaries (that do not link to
<Begasus> checking gerbera with haikuporter
<nielx[m]> I am actually wondering whether this is a peculiarity of libgccjit
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<nielx[m]> because it builds okay, but the issue occurs when running conftest
<nielx[m]> did you say it worked previously with your own recipe?
<Begasus> nah, didn't test that far then (only with default gcc)
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<Begasus> layout for the main gcc package vs the jit one is different (in that image)
<nielx[m]> yes correct, I moved the library to the normal libdir
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<nielx[m]> quick match
<nielx[m]> did not check contents
<Begasus> or maybe needs linking like fortran ... ln -s $libDir/ ... ?
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<Begasus> heading out for a while, adding the symlinks didn't help :)
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<nielx[m]> I think it has to be the other way around, so adding the actual file to the gcclibdir and symlinking that to the libdir
<nielx[m]> From the earlier linked bug report it looks like there is just a very narrow relation between gcc jit and gcc.
<nielx[m]> Up to the point where we might not want/need to make them separate?
<nielx[m]> to be clear: when you are building emacs, is the gcc package present?
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<Begasus> re
<Begasus> everything is installed nielx[m]
<Begasus> 32bit still building
<Begasus> k, first part seem to work, linking is wrong atm
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<nielx[m]> Ok, so what I gather is that gccjit does not get the gcc library path autonomously.
<Begasus> if I move it to gcclibDir and then link them in libDir, building the example works, but can't find the library when launching the example
<Begasus> /Opslag/wip> gcc tut01-hello-world.c -o tut01-hello-world -lgccjit
<Begasus> /Opslag/wip> tut01-hello-world
<Begasus> runtime_loader: Cannot open file (needed by /Opslag/wip/tut01-hello-world): No such file or directory
<nielx[m]> oh that's odd, and you are sure there is a link in libDir?
<nielx[m]> and all the links resolve?
<Begasus> broken links
<Begasus> biab, dogs ...
<nielx[m]> I'll try to redo the recipe a bit
<Begasus> the build part is ok, so that shouldn't be changed I think?
<nielx[m]> no, its the install, so I guess the library should end up in gccLibDir, and then have links in libDir and developLibDir
<nielx[m]> and it should depend on the gcc package
<Begasus> lr-xr-xr-x 1 user root 56 jul. 22 19:00 -> /packages/gcc-13.1.0_2023_06_20-1/.self/lib/
<nielx[m]> aaah, that looks wrong, it should be a relative link
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<Begasus> move to gcclibDir looks ok, the links are broken
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<Begasus> although the others all provide link to gcclibDir and have the libraries in libDir
<nielx[m]> I think what's happening in this case is that libgccjit is figuring out where it is in the file system, and then it adds that path to the library path, which then allows it to find crtbeginS.o
<Begasus> 0 2023-07-22 19:34:23 lrwxrwxrwx -> lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.1.0/
<Begasus> that looks wrong too
<Begasus> path should be develop/tools/lib/gcc/x86_64-unknown-haiku/13.1.0 then
<Begasus> re-packaging again ...
<Begasus> with your work the links are correct ... 0 2023-07-22 19:44:33 lrwxrwxrwx ->
<Begasus> but then we're back to ld: cannot find crtbeginS.o: No such file or directory
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<Begasus> well ... the jit-devel is OK :)
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<Begasus> k, enough testing for today
<Begasus> heading down, g'night peeps
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<Halian> o/
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<HaikuUser> hello
<augiedoggie> woof
<HaikuUser> how can i get my gpu working? i have a rx570
<augiedoggie> either disable the driver for it and use the built-in framebuffer, or try some highly experimental stuff that you have to build yourself
<HaikuUser> i dont even know is it working or not rn
<augiedoggie> if you can boot to a working desktop then that's about as good as it gets
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<HaikuUser> i was thinking about installing it to my old(about 8 years old) laptop but somewhat it doesnt give screen :/
<augiedoggie> you probably have to enter the bootloader and select the "fail-safe graphics" option
<HaikuUser> no i meant
<HaikuUser> laptop doesnt work
<HaikuUser> no post
<HaikuUser> fan works for a few seconds and just stops
<|cos|> HaikuUser: tried leaving it charging for 24h or so?
<HaikuUser> yes
<HaikuUser> battery is full
<HaikuUser> i also tried powering up without the battery but result is same
<HaikuUser> laptop is the "acer aspire es1-331
<|cos|> that model seems to have pre-efi bios (i always blame efi if getting the chance), but you're not able to reach setup by pressing F2?
<HaikuUser> mo
<HaikuUser> no*
<HaikuUser> it doesnt give screen(panel is fine)
<HaikuUser> i tried bios resetting
<|cos|> hope you'll manage getting it working, somehow! i'm off to bed, late as it is already...
<HaikuUser> what is your timezone?
<|cos|> CET
<|cos|> or rather CEST, this time of yea
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<Halian> waddlesplash: progress! with hrev57156, I get one screenful of on-screen debug info before Haiku freezes; I'm updating the ticket accordingly. I'll get the stuff for serial debugging when my next disability check rolls in.
<waddlesplash> sounds ... random, I don't think anyone changed the bootloader
<Halian> \(o.O)/
<waddlesplash> make sure you disable "on screen paging"
<Halian> Oops
<waddlesplash> see if it continues further
<Halian> Will do
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<Halian> waddlesplash: so if I disable on-screen debug paging, I get no output whatsoever before it freezes o_o (updated ticket accordingly)
<waddlesplash> now that's interesting...
<Halian> ^
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<Halian> waddlesplash: do you have any ideas that don't require a serial cable, by chance?
<Halian> (I should also notice that if I disable APIC, SMP, etc., I get no debug output, either.)
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