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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-1/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] augiedoggie d0ba6fc - emacs: update to 29.1~rc1 (#9088)
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<erysdren> is thunderbird on haiku?
<erysdren> ah i see mailnews
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] korli 5045c31 - avisynthplus: remove SUPPLEMENTS
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<Begas_VM> g'morning peeps
<Begas_VM> nielx[m] ... ar: ../lib/gcc/i586-pc-haiku/13.1.0/libssp_nonshared.a: No such file or directory
<Begas_VM> so build is fine (thanks for that) :)
<nielx[m]> Morning
<Begas_VM> g'morgen :)
<Begas_VM> yeah saw it already
<Begas_VM> maybe this? mv $gccLibDir/libssp_nonshared.a $developLibDir
<Begas_VM> it's not in gcclibDir anymore
<nielx[m]> yeah, you're right, that probably needs to be reworked a little bit
<Begas_VM> (mkdir temp_libgcc; cd temp_libgcc; ar x $developLibDir/libssp_nonshared.a;
<Begas_VM> should do it I guess :)
<nielx[m]> I'll review the entirety of that block
<Begas_VM> thanks!
<Begas_VM> packaging now, so about to finish :)
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<Begas_VM> all good now :)
<nielx[m]> right, so you get a non-fatal error from ar
<Begas_VM> changing the path fixed it
<Begas_VM> fatal enough because the file is in another place :)
<Begas_VM> checking emacs now ...
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<Dio9sys[m]> Good evening. I just installed beta 4 on my more modern laptop and it's so cool to be able to use matrix on haiku
<nielx[m]> Wondering if we should remove the duplicates of libgcc.a as well, like we do with the other libraries
<Begas_VM> Hello Dio9sys[m], nice! Got a fairly new laptop here running Haiku like a charm too :)
<Dio9sys[m]> nice!
<Begas_VM> I leave that up to you nielx[m] :)
<Dio9sys[m]> Now I just need to fiddle with the x compatibility and see if I can get a desktop matrix client working to avoid element browser
<waddlesplash> pretty sure there's quaternion
<Begas_VM> There are a few matrix clients, but from what I gather there are some issues with it (never used it myself really)
<waddlesplash> X11 compatibility layer is really not to be used unless you have an app written for X11 directly
<waddlesplash> Qt and GTK have more native ports
<Begas_VM> yeah, nehko is broken atm
<waddlesplash> is it?
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<Begas_VM> yeah, according to some latest respondces from nephele
<Begas_VM> bonjour korli :)
<Begas_VM> he was looking into them
<korli> hi Begas_VM
<Begas_VM> checking for gcc_jit_context_acquire in -lgccjit... yes
<Begas_VM> nice nielx[m] :) (should give a build error on not finding -ldl now)
<nielx[m]> woot!
<Begas_VM> patch for that has already been filed upstream :)
<nielx[m]> Updated the recipe (added a new commit). Could you re-run the install section on 32 bit?
<Begas_VM> will do when finished with emacs (or wait for the build to break)
<Begas_VM> ah, you also moved the other static library, will check in a bit
<Begas_VM> crash during build on emacs ...
<augiedoggie> that be-resources app crashes all the time
<augiedoggie> that's why the recipe has the 'make || make' in it
<augiedoggie> it's not needed for the build because we add our own rdef
<Begas_VM> ah, so not related to gcc's changes (didn't think so, but still good to know)
<augiedoggie> iirc, it only has issues on x86_64
<Begas_VM> had no issue there aside from the -ldl error
<Begas_VM> and didn't get the crash window on 64bit
<augiedoggie> i don't think i ever see a crash window from it
<augiedoggie> it usually just fails silently
<Begas_VM> maybe because I changed in the process when it ran the first time, will do a new check later once gcc is repacked again
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<Begas_VM> nielx[m], think you broke it now :) configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables
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<Begas_VM> checking whether the C compiler works... no
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<Begas_VM> from config.log ... /boot/system/develop/tools/x86/bin/../lib/gcc/i586-pc-haiku/13.1.0/../../../../i586-pc-haiku/bin/ld: cannot find -lgcc
<Begas_VM> maybe it "needs" the duplicate *.a one ...
<Begas_VM> rebooting to 64bit ...
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<nielx[m]> I guess it does
<nielx[m]> Let me adjust the recipe gaina
<nielx[m]> again
<Begasus> ;)
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-0/±0]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 94f22dd - ksystemlog, new recipe (#9089)
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f9046c2 - 32bit fix (#9090)
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<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuporter] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±8]
<botifico-e32c8fbd> [haikuports/haikuporter] jurgenwigg ff947a5 - [CLEANUP] Remove unused import statements (#264)
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<Anarchos> what is the device to use as a parameter to the ghostscript 'gs' command on Haiku ?
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<Begasus> closing down, g'night peeps
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<Anarchos> hello mmu_man
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 4 commits to master [hrev57169] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 2cc89328fa9d - kernel/user_mutex: Fix race in user_mutex_sem_release.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] aca21731ff76 - kernel/condition_variable: Return the count of unblocked threads from Notify.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b3b7b89334dd - kernel/user_mutex: Check that a thread was actually unblocked during handoff.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] f64c46e6365b - kernel & libroot: Implement per-team unnamed semaphores.
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57170] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 387fe2d9a767 - userlandfs: Adjust following ConditionVariable changes.
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<andreasdr> Hi there.
<andreasdr> Updating my Haiku currently. Any news here? If I may ask.
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