ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<zamundaaa[m]> The best time for the next meeting seems to be Monday at 11. apol emersion are you ok with skipping this one, or should we do it another week?
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<apol[m]> sure
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<zamundaaa[m]> ugh, NickServ had thrown me out earlier
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<zamundaaa[m]> emersion: the best meeting time would now be tomorrow at 11. Would you be ok with skipping this one, or should we reschedule?
<q234rty> well, at least this channel is not on libera so the portaled rooms won't just go readonly in a few days :)
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<emersion> zamundaaa: sure go ahead
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<nariyel> hola, existe un archivo que el wayland session le en el empiezo de la session?
<nariyel> como .xsessionrc
<kennylevinsen> nariyel: no, Wayland is a protocol. Ask your particular Wayland server or desktop environment for how to configure it.
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<nariyel> kennylevinsen: como puedo saber que version/tipo de wayland server tengo?
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<kennylevinsen> nariyel: English, please
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