ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<culuar> it's based of the old thing in the 60s, i introduced a little so it's better to work, more relaxed ways DPLL David-Putnam-Loveland-Logemann or DPLL procedure, as it was introduced by Martin Davis, Hilary Putnam, George Logemann, and Donald Loveland in the 1960s, many have worked on it bell labs included. And in objectives of ai for the future.
<culuar> And the rules were made, to force into such position that inference would be faster.
<Dami_Lu> Hi, is there any way to set up multi-seats for two sets of keyboard and mouse under wayland?
<culuar> By default it would be for computers whole lot slower, but they force it faster, cause they emulate humans and language through their rules.
<culuar> it has likely materialized in some forms, already but bugs are warned about, someone from glasgow tries and effort, scip germans did the event loop can be derived and handled with both, i try the glasgow one next month
<culuar> if someone other or me, get's it to stable than there is no performance problems, it's anyways possible, but the solver way of doing it is lot more complex but also very flexible
<kchibisov> Dami_Lu: yeah, multiseat is supported, but how you set it up to your particular system. Consult your compositor of choice docs on that matter.
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<Dami_Lu> kchibisov: Thanks, I use debian 12, kde kwin 5.27,Is there any relevant configuration multi-seat documentation, or other compositor can also be used
<kchibisov> you need to setup it all in systemd first.
<kchibisov> so you actually have 2 seats.
<kchibisov> then if kwin doesn't pick it up, ask kwin folks, etc. I know that some compositors do handle multi seat.
<Dami_Lu> I tested sway before and it works. But we often use kwin. I tried setting it in udev, but it didn't work
<kchibisov> well, ask on some kwin related channels, this room is for wayland protocol discussions.
<Dami_Lu> kchibisov:Okay, thank you. Do you have any other kwin channel recommendations?
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<kchibisov> Dami_Lu: I don't, but you could get your answer eventually by idling here.
<Dami_Lu> ok :-)
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<Dami_Lu> May I ask if there is a multi-pointer function in wayland, similar to this:
<kchibisov> it's all as a part of multi seat.
<kchibisov> and all boils down how a particular compositor will handle all of that.
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<kchibisov> Like wayland is just a protocol, like http, it allows having multiple seats, but how compositor implements it and whether it can draw multiple cursors is up to it.
<kchibisov> So sway/kwin could handle them differently. I think multi-seat sort of works on sway, but I don't remember whether it shows multiple cursors or not.
<kchibisov> Though, given that multi seat setups are not common, they are not tested that much through-out the clients or even in implemneted in some compositors.
<Dami_Lu> Got it Thank you for your answer,In addition, my previous test on sway showed multiple cursors
<Dami_Lu> Now in many embedded system scenarios, such as vehicle systems, etc., there is still a need for multi-seat functions
<Dami_Lu> By the way, does weston no longer support the multi-seat function after version 10.0?
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<daniels> Dami_Lu: we didn't remove multi-seat support, no
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<Dami_Lu> daniels:May I ask how multi-seats are configured under Weston? I have tried several methods without success.
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<kennylevinsen> my weirdo Wayland server is good for finding corner cases:
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<wlb> weston Issue #797 opened by Brendan King (bmkimg) Weston 12 segfaults when running "x11perf -reps 1 -repeat 1 -all" under XWayland
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1344 opened by Brendan King (bmkimg) xwayland: fix segfault when running x11perf
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