ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
<whot> bl4ckb0ne: I don't think it's a good fit tbh
<whot> bl4ckb0ne: whatever joysticks need is probably something else (in addition to?) libinput, but I don't have enough experience with the details to really scope that
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<bl4ckb0ne> ill start a new project and see how it goes
<whot> bl4ckb0ne: what's the specific issue you're trying to address with that, that's the main question. because there are a few issues around joysticks that are all related but also somewhat orthogonal (fd forwarding, identification, conversion of events, etc.)
<whot> bl4ckb0ne: and unlike libinput where we were mostly guaranteed to be useful immediately a potential libjoystick suffers from the drawback that nothing will use it and the backwards compat pieces already in place will be used for approximately forever
<whot> bl4ckb0ne: and adding joystick support to libinput to move the pointer around was enough of a niche case that I never wanted it, plus it would then also require the negotation of when to ignore the device (because a game currently uses it)
<whot> kennylevinsen: luckily I'm in the wrong TZ so there are few buses around when I'm awake :)
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<bl4ckb0ne> my goal is some boilerplate for the joystick protocol im working on
<bl4ckb0ne> what are the backward compat pieces you're talking about?
<whot> SDL basically
<bl4ckb0ne> yeah thats a big piece
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<riteo> hi!
<riteo> I'm implementing fractional scaling in godot and the specs says that sizes must be half rounded away from 0
<riteo> that sounds nice and all, but what about converting from a scaled to a logical size?
<riteo> like, do I do round(scaled_size / scale_factor) or do I just blindly divide and truncate the result?
<riteo> from some dumb experimentation using the python REPL as a calculator it looks like that the decimal result is always under 5 when this happens, but I have no hard proofs about that
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<riteo> well I'll go for now but as usual I'll read the logs if someone wants to help me, byeeeee!
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<kennylevinsen> riteo: The "primary" dimensions are the logical one, so you should generally only need to go logical -> "physical".
<kennylevinsen> IIRC, it was found that it is possible to convert back assuming proper rounding is applied in both direction
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<ShapeShifter499> hi
<ShapeShifter499> it's been a while since I last posted any PRs. libinput still requires tablet files from libwacom for proper device support correct?
<ShapeShifter499> I'm just now realizing I should make and test a '.tablet' file to see if palm rejection occurs properly
<ShapeShifter499> for my device
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<ShapeShifter499> I'll wait for more help, the tablet file did not help solve the hand rejection
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<riteo> kennylevinsen: regarding the monodirectionality of conversion, that's not doable with godot as due to the way that it works we must convert the user-facing windowing requests from "godot-space" to "wayland-space", where the former is pretty much local to the buffer and the latter to the surface
<riteo> uh so I should round both for scaling and unscaling
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<riteo> I'm not actually that sure about rounding both ways
<riteo> I mean it should in theory have the same result
<kennylevinsen> riteo: well the "wayland-space" is the primary space, and must dictate the window dimensions. You cannot take arbitrary scaled dimensions and assume they will convert back.
<riteo> I see
<kennylevinsen> E.g. at scales between 1.25 and 1.5 you can have 1 or 3 pixel wide buffer, never 2 pixel wide
<riteo> The conversion isn't used for window size though
<kennylevinsen> You will get incorrect representation (stretched or squeezed) if you convert such "wrong" dimensions
<kennylevinsen> What then?
<riteo> instead for stuff like "pointer_set_hint"
<riteo> and actually... Only that? I'm currently looking in the code and it's the only instance of `/=` lol
<kennylevinsen> I mean if it's just for an offset into your buffer, whatever
<riteo> lmao it indeed looks like it's the only scaled->logical conversion done in the entire wayland thread helper
<riteo> soooo... I shouldn't even bother?
<kennylevinsen> If it is taking input from a Wayland pointer, then the original source is logical pixels
<riteo> it isn't, it's just a way to let the godot part ask to set the pointer hint for when it's hidden
<kennylevinsen> But yeah not the end of the world, just make sure it's calculated as doubles and rounded to not make things too bad
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<riteo> oh I should calculate as doubles? I think that I did everything in floats for some reason
<riteo> I didn't think this stuff required that much precision
<kennylevinsen> it's rather that floats have terrible precision
<immibis> floats have 24-bit precision which is not terrible
<immibis> doubles have 53-bit precision
<immibis> if your screen is 4096 pixels wide (12 bits) then floats are accurate to 1/4096 of a pixel (another 12 bits)
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<riteo> so, should I switch my logic to doubles?
<riteo> (sorry for the delay)
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<riteo> eh, I suppose it wouldn't hurt
<riteo> well, I think I'll go. I'll round that one silly conversion and switch to doubles because it doesn't hurt. As usual, thanks a lot folks!
<riteo> Byeeeeeeeeeee!
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<kennylevinsen> immibis: float is bad once you start doing fractional math that depend on correct rounding
<kennylevinsen> On an absolute scale they are of course extremel close to the real value, but being infinitesimally off can mean rounding in the wrong direction
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<orowith2os[m]> emersion: do you have a minute to update and address ?
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