ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<oldrelease> Their task was a very simple thing like a step on the sand, that one of the quickest dudes on track could not be handled with abuse, to report that a dickhead is behind my back only, and the fucking slut and their gangster stories and obsession to get into conflicts and fights ended up that those retards assaulted me several times, and likely get handled soon more and more. These people are so big fraud and problematic stalked abusers, that i am
<oldrelease> considering not to go even to my own areas, where large deposits were made by my dad, just for me to feel better.
<oldrelease> And they ruin everything for normal tourists too
<oldrelease> can i trust such people at all, no of course, it's nonsense? Some of my local people are much better at it, and delt with racketeering scum for long periods of their total life, you think i do not know that hostile overtaking and racketeering is a big deal for businesses?
<oldrelease> And i do not recognize that scum who does it, i do
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<jadahl> is the meeting link public somewhere? can't find any
<d_ed[m]> - if anyone else wants in, the topic is xdg-sessions
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<d_ed[m]> session management
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<FinecoFinit> Hello, is it possible to multiseat on wayland?
<FinecoFinit> Whenever I use loginctl and login from second seat it's starting X11, not Wayland
<kennylevinsen> FinecoFinit: yes, but Wayland is not involved in logging in. How to control your login manager (e.g., gdm) to start your Wayland server of choice is a topic for your login manager configuration.
<wlb> wayland Merge request !333 merged \o/ (ci: upgrade ci-templates, Debian and FreeBSD
<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * cursor: check return value of snprintf() cursor/xcursor.c
<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * ci: upgrade ci-templates .gitlab-ci.yml
<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * ci: upgrade Debian to bookworm .gitlab-ci.yml
<wlb> wayland/main: Simon Ser * ci: upgrade FreeBSD to 13.2 .gitlab-ci.yml
<wlb> weston Merge request !1336 merged \o/ (libweston: Extend weston_compositor_backends_loaded to init no-op color manager
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * libweston: Prepare weston_compositor_backends_loaded for extension libweston/compositor.c
<wlb> weston/main: Philipp Zabel * libweston: Move color manager fallback into weston_compositor_backends_loaded() libweston/compositor.c
<FinecoFinit> kennylevinsen: seems like this land only in Gnome 45
<FinecoFinit> What a shame
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1341 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) libweston: Rebuild view list after adding an output [Core compositor]
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<wlb> wayland/main: David Edmundson * client: Add method to get display for a given proxy src/wayland-client-core.h src/wayland-client.c tests/proxy-test.c
<wlb> wayland Merge request !317 merged \o/ (Expose wl_proxy's wl_display object
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