ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !335 opened by Simon Ser (emersion) protocol: add wl_shm.release request
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<wlb> weston Issue #791 closed \o/ (Porting weston-1.2.1 and wayland-1.2.1 to VxWorks reports an error
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<ShapeShifter499> hi
<ShapeShifter499> I'm pinging @Whot about as I think it could be a simple fix?
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<ShapeShifter499> It would be nice to get this working as the stylus seems a heck of a lot more accurate and less laggy under Linux over the Microsoft Surface devices I also own. I understand there is probably some lag with how the sensors are polled with the Surface devices.
<kennylevinsen> ShapeShifter499: the PR is less than 24 hours old - be patient, consider ping if nothing happens for two weeks. :)
<kennylevinsen> Oh issue not PR, same same
<ShapeShifter499> I understand, I will wait
<ShapeShifter499> I've submitted requests and some minor PRs in the past years ago
<ShapeShifter499> I do have one question maybe someone here knows? It seems that whot is the main maintainer for the libinput project according to the main web page on it. Are there contingency plans in case the worst happens?
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<ShapeShifter499> I know someone or group can fork the project but I'd imagine if that were to happen it might take a small bit for everyone to find a new fork to trust.
<ShapeShifter499> I'm sure I am over thinking things and a solution is bound to occur. But I've noticed a lot of open source projects I use on a near daily basis come down to handful of people or just one person.
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<kennylevinsen> ShapeShifter499: well don't hit him with your bus :)
<ShapeShifter499> I would never lol
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<wlb> weston Issue #801 opened by Link Mauve (linkmauve) Invalid protocol error when a client starts maximized
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<bl4ckb0ne> do I need special rights to edit the wiki?
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<jadahl> bl4ckb0ne: if there is no edit button, then I guess so
<emersion> you need to be Developer
<jadahl> is inputfd ready now? (had two conflicting meetings, so missed it)
<bl4ckb0ne> yeah we just had the meeting
<bl4ckb0ne> sorry for the confusion
<emersion> bl4ckb0ne: how come you're not developer in w-p?
<emersion> bl4ckb0ne: sent you an invite
<bl4ckb0ne> ty
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<bl4ckb0ne> whot: would you be interested in joystick support for libinput?
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