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<wlb> wayland Issue #403 opened by xyba (xyba) wayland logs support human readable time date
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<wlb> wayland Merge request !332 opened by xyba (xyba) display human-readable timestamps if WAYLAND_DEBUG_CTIME env set 1
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<Dehkur> I made this gist to demonstrate a problem with WSLg (wayland on windows); it was a sample program that drew a checkerboard, I made it draw green on keyboard.enter and red on keyboard.leave; I certain I didn't do it the right way. The next steps of the sample were to go to EGL..
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<Dehkur> This is my other question - how do I ack this without a serial number? Why is there so much stress on the ack of this when there's another xdg_configure that comes through anyway that does get acked?
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<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: you ack the xdg_surface configure which it is bundled with
<kennylevinsen> As xdg_toplevel.configure says, look at xdg_surface.configure and xdg_surface.ack_configure for more details.
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<kennylevinsen> As for your code, pelase don't share as a gist - it is difficult to navigate.
<kennylevinsen> but print something from your enter/leave handler ot make sure it is hit. You ahve code that differs between first and second execution n draw_frame, so it could just be that subsequent draws fail
<kennylevinsen> you also damage the surface wrong - damage should be set after attach, as it applies to the pending before that attach sets
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<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: you also blindly reuse your buffer - you must not write anything to a buffer you have attached until you receive buffer_release
<kennylevinsen> so either wait until buffer release or allocate an extra buffer
<Dehkur> but what's damaged is what was already attached - the next attach is before the next damage
<Dehkur> the buffer never releases
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<Dehkur> okay so I get to double buffer myself
<Dehkur> and I'm not sure about the enter/leave comment - WSLg doesnt' generate a keyboard leave if you set the cursor in mouse_enter. And mouseenter/leave only happen if you cross nito another wslg surface (that's the wayland system for Windows WSL) but that's entirely beside the point.
<kennylevinsen> when you say it does not generate keyboard leave, do you mean that you validated with WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 or with debug prints, or just that you checked that your drawRed is never called?
<kennylevinsen> The buffer does not have to release until you submit another one that replaces it on screen. *Some* compositors will release wl_shm buffers early, allowing you to use a single buffer, but this is an optional optimization.
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<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: in drawGreen, you draw, then damage, attach, commit. That is always wrong. You must draw to an unused buffer, attach, damage, commit.
<vyivel> attach/damage order doesn't matter though as long as it's within one commit sequence, no? or am i misunderstanding this convo
<Dehkur> okay - what actually causes configure to fire? because the draw is done in configure always
<kennylevinsen> vyivel: technically it does - attach creates a pending buffer, damage applies to the pending buffer. If you damage before attach, there is no target for your damage. Most compositors are relaxed though.
<Dehkur> so it gets a buffer that it draws to unattached, and then attaches it and commits it.
<kennylevinsen> but should still be fixed
<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: it fires when you set up the surface initially, then whenever the compositor suggests or commands a new state
<Dehkur> that sequence of commands does trigger a new sate - I used to also get the buffer, and draw to it unattached... then attach and damage
<vyivel> kennylevinsen: that's a pointless restriction and i don't think any compositor enforces it
<Dehkur> but when I did that - I ended up getting a configure anyway....
<kennylevinsen> vyivel: we were elaborating on the definition some time back, because the specification strictly states that the pending buffer is cleared after commit
<Dehkur> which double drew - mostly because of how the original code was structured
<Dehkur> I don't think that part of your draw loop should be in the configure? (like maybe trigger a draw, but not have your primary draw be done in a configure)
<kennylevinsen> I wouldn't call it pointless, especially if you consider what happens if you swap the buffer afterwards before commit
<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: you will not get a regular stream of configure events, no. It happens on setup, and if the user resizes or fullscreens the window. Those kinds of things.
<kennylevinsen> You draw when you need to draw. If you want to draw continously, use a frame callback to drive your render loop.
<kennylevinsen> the frame callback asks the compositor to tell you when it would be a good idea to start drawing the next frame - meant for driving simple application rendering
<Dehkur> okay - why wouldn't you damage the attached buffer? Why does it make sense to damage against no buffer ?
<Dehkur> as in damage, attach, commit rather than attach, damage, commit
<Dehkur> since it's that attached buffer that has the damaged areas
<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: It does not make sense to damage against no buffer. However, compositors currently allow it by just looking at the sum of commands during commit.
<kennylevinsen> but the only correct sequence is attach, damage (possibly multiple times), commit.
<kennylevinsen> and once you commit the buffer, you must not touch it before you receive the release signal
<vyivel> and if you do attach→damage→attach→commit, damage is ignored?
<kennylevinsen> vyivel: yeah, damage spec says it described the difference from the first attach to the current buffer
<kennylevinsen> so attach-damage-attach-damage might mean we should only use the second damage content
<kennylevinsen> specs ar efun aren't they
<vyivel> i have a feeling nobody does it this way
<vyivel> gonna test this
<kennylevinsen> same, it only came up recently
<vyivel> i'd rather fix the spec
<vyivel> it's really weird for a piece of pending state to depend on another piece of pending state
<kennylevinsen> well not sure "allowing what we do now" is a good fix
<kennylevinsen> "attach-damage-attach-damage is a good care where just taking all the damage and the last attach makes no sense
<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !240 opened by David Edmundson (davidedmundson) unstable/text-input: Add hint on how to handle uncommitted text on unfocus
<kennylevinsen> the client came up with new content, damage is not necessarily just an accumulation
<kennylevinsen> granted, probably a minor issue as the buffer must be valid, but definitely not a meaningful interpretation
<vyivel> if a client makes two attach requests within a single commit i'm gonna assume it knows what it's doing
<kennylevinsen> hah I'd assume the polar opposite :P
<vyivel> ahah
<Dehkur> ok I see - I did make changes later and the current order is reversed... because that's how I normally do it anyway because multiple damages, and it's good to already know what to draw on, but ok yes.
<Dehkur> but still - since configure is always done, when a new or old buffer is attached, the draw seems to always be done if it's done before the ack and returning from configure; would one maybe structure a draw loop around that?
<Dehkur> but I dunno I say seems because maybe I'm entirely wrong - I don't know that I have the sample code to back up any of that
<kennylevinsen> configure is *not* done when a buffer is attached
<kennylevinsen> it is done once at the beginning, then only when certain state changes
<kennylevinsen> assuming the size stays the same, the application might never see an additional configure in its life
<vyivel> kennylevinsen: tested weston, mutter, kwin, smithay, and wlroots; in every case, attach doesn't reset damage and the order doesn't matter
<kennylevinsen> so you should only draw in response to configure in the same way you would raw in response to keyboard input: it might start a render because content changes, but it does not drive a loop.
<kennylevinsen> vyivel: mutter logs a warning ot the journal
<Dehkur> This is the current version that still works - but minimizes the draw.
<Dehkur> oop
<Dehkur> when I call drawRed or drawgreen, a configure happens. The draw is done there.
<Dehkur> it's somewhat broken overall because it doesn't actually get a new buffer, it cheats and uses the same one...
<kennylevinsen> that is not somewhat broken, that is horribly broken an can/will cause graphical glitches and misrenders
<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: share the WAYLAND_DEBUG output if you want us to look at what is happening
<Dehkur> there's a long time between draws... I have seen it glitch doing that though; yes I know :)
<Dehkur> ahh
<kennylevinsen> also note that you should not wl_display_roundtrip either
<vyivel> kennylevinsen: idk where's the journal, but "MUTTER_DEBUG=all mutter --nested" doesn't seem to report anything related
<kennylevinsen> (in some cases one can need a wl_display_flush, but your code does not require this - wl_display_dispatch will flush everything)
<kennylevinsen> vyivel: presumably journalctl
<kennylevinsen> but idk, just reading the issue where they state this
<kennylevinsen> might be more useful to comment on the issue
<vyivel> only pipewire errors in journalctl :p
<vyivel> #388 makes sense though
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<vyivel> actually #267 seems to be the same…
<Dehkur> Allocates multiople buffers so it doesn't cheat and reuse the same buffer; this is on weston, just using ctrl-tab to switch windows. It does a wl_commit() in drawRed and drawGreen and successfully updates by getting a configure event and doing the draw.
<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: I wonder if the ctrl-tab is what is causing your configures
<vyivel> xdg_toplevel.set_activated probably
<kennylevinsen> doesn't show - it's just plain configure's with nothing :/
<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: for reference, weston-simple-egl's render loop debug:
<kennylevinsen> note how there are no configures in response to draw. You can run weston-simple-egl yourself to see.
<Dehkur> I can click on it - but the pointer event spam is gross
<Dehkur> I don't get frames all that often either
<kennylevinsen> click on what?
<Dehkur> the window and another window - so the keyboard enter/leave happens rater than ctrl-tab
<Dehkur> I'm just sayin it's maybe not because of the ctrl-tab happening
<kennylevinsen> "I don't get frames all that often" well as mentioned, that is expected if you draw on configure.
<kennylevinsen> Test with weston-simple-egl
<kennylevinsen> it shoudl render smoothly at your display refresh rate, and should not have any configures as part of regular render - only some at the beginning, maybe when you ctrl-tab or whatever
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Merge request !241 opened by David Edmundson (davidedmundson) unstable/text-input: Add language hint from IME to clients
<Dehkur> I see - I lost the re-schedule a frame callback part. and only had a frame callback scheduled on creating the first buffer (which should trigger a redraw)
<Dehkur> which then in drawRed and drawGreen should just be a make a frame callback
<kennylevinsen> Dehkur: you are only meant to ask for frame callbacks as long as you still have new content to draw
<kennylevinsen> you stop once there is nothing new, and let whatever changes to content restart it
<Dehkur> right I realized that too - which I have to confirm I'm handling that status right. In the keyboard demo thing - it's just in the draws, not in the frame callback in that case
<Dehkur> okay I think there's just one more thing. when I run weston I get "Unknown parameter: ?2004" very often- I recently leard that's coming from bash when it issue a prompt and has to do with setting the paste mode in xterm...
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<Dehkur> can search for '2004'
<Dehkur> but- maybe what should the TERM be for weston-terminal?
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<zubzub> why is the padding border in simple-shm white and not another (random?) color? Going through the code I can't seem to find where the padding pixels are painted? Conxt: I'm porting simple-shm and my border is black instead of white.
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<zubzub> nvrmnd found it
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<wlb> weston Issue #789 opened by Derek Foreman (derekf) Moving views to inactive layers currently leads to confusing internal state [Core compositor], [Desktop shell], [kiosk-shell]
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1330 opened by Joshua Watt (jpewhacker) Check weston_head_from_resource for NULL return
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<mort_> so eh, why is xdg-desktop-portal doing anything with org.freedesktop.impl.portal.desktop.gnome when XDG_SESSION_DESKTOP is sway
<psykose> lemme guess, you got hit with it hanging into a timeout
<psykose> i think there's some mr somewhere to fix it for xdp-gnome
<mort_> I don't care though, I'm not launching gnome
<mort_> it should just ... not do anything with xdg-desktop-portal-gnome
<psykose> i think by default it just loads all the backends for some reason (because it's not as simple as being based on 'current session') but i forget the specifics so someone else will probably tell you
<mort_> it just ignores the UseIn field in the .portal file?
<mort_> this seems architecturally completely broken
<psykose> so more or less yes
<jadahl> update to the newest minor version and it should be fixed (tm)
<mort_> well, good to know xdg-desktop-portal is completely broken
<mort_> jadahl: the newest version of xdg-desktop-portal-gnome or of xdg-desktop-portal
<psykose> 44.2 xdp-gnome
<jadahl> xdp-gnome
<psykose> which fulfills the expectation
<mort_> so it's still broken, xdp-gnome has just released a workaround
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