ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<kennylevinsen> i509vcb: the configure event specifies a specific size the compositor requests, while the configure_bounds event is a suggested upper bound (e.g., "you won't fit in the screen if you're larger than this")
<kennylevinsen> perfectly normal for it to be larger than (or equal to) the configured size
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<i509vcb> kennylevinsen: yes, however there is nothing really preventing implementations from sending configure bounds larger than the configure
<i509vcb> I was wondering if this was a documentation oversight or not
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<orowith2os[m]> i509vcb: there's probably a use case somewhere where the "maximum size" is smaller than the "suggested size"
<orowith2os[m]> not a very useful use case, but a use case nonetheless
<orowith2os[m]> scaling something something, maybe
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<sjao2> I have an issue with attempting to offload rendering to my nvidia card with flatpaks, it just doesn't work and omits egl problems
<sjao2> I'm doing it according to this ask ubuntu answer Do I need to set env vars on my main shell?
<orowith2os[m]> sjao2: run `flatpak update` and ensure the nvidia drivers are working inside of the Flatpak environment.
<sjao2> this works on X11
<sjao2> there seems to be a minor update for the 32 bit nvidia libraries for the 525 branch but nothing the blender would use
<sjao2> ok after unsetting __EGL_VENDOR_LIBRARY_FILENAMES=/usr/share/glvnd/egl_vendor.d/50_mesa.json it starts and a process binds to the gpu but nothing appears and the process hangs
<sjao2> I had this set on the host to prevent applications binding to the nvidia card when I didn't want them to
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<kennylevinsen> i509vcb: "there is nothing really preventing implementations from sending configure bounds larger than the configure" - why would there be? Bounds >= configure is the expected scenario. Did you perhaps mean the other way around?
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<YaLTeR[m]> size more than bounds is also perfectly normal, you can resize windows larger than screen to cover two screens for example
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<kennylevinsen> true, I was implying that it would be odd for a compositor to ask for a size bigger than it's bounds but I guess that's fine too
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<wlb> weston Issue #800 opened by Marcel Partap (eMPee584) Factor out surface rotation into protocol?
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<wlb> weston Merge request !1345 opened by Robert Mader (rmader) client/simple-dmabuf-v4l: Add fullscreen support [Clients]
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<i509vcb> kennylevinsen: bounds > configure size was what I was asking about
<i509vcb> where you have a restricting state such as maximized set on the toplevel
<i509vcb> Is the case something like, 50% tiled to the right (so maximized with a 960x1080 size) and then the bounds are 1920x1080 for the entire screen?
<kennylevinsen> i509vcb: the expected use-case is something like the user resizing the window to 1920x1200, but the output is 3840x2160. The configure would then be 1920x1200, while bounds could be 3840x2160 (i.e., larger)
<kennylevinsen> For tiled, the bounds could be the size of the tile - bounds do not have a hard definition other than being "something the client should probably stay below"
<kennylevinsen> needed because the client is free to resize freely, including in most states ignoring configured sizes - but might still want to know how big is too big
<kennylevinsen> in states where configure dimensions are a hard demand, bounds become irrelevant - they're just an upper bound hint for when the client *is* in control
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<i509vcb> ok so it's a hint for when the client is free to do what it wants
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #156 opened by Consus (heroin-moose) idle-inhibit: concerns about mandatory surface visibility
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<sjao2> I figured it out, I have to revoke the wayland permission in flatpak to force it to use xwayland rather than wayland, and it turns out natively offloading was using xwayland aswell
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