ChanServ changed the topic of #wayland to: | Discussion about the Wayland protocol and its implementations, plus libinput
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<bl4ckb0ne> seems like sent the admin link to the doodle, awesome
<bl4ckb0ne> anyhow, here's the correct link
<orowith2os[m]> ugh
<orowith2os[m]> well
<orowith2os[m]> I'm here for third party inputfd thoughts
<orowith2os[m]> come get me if you need me, I'm not touching mailing lists with a 10 foot pole
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<bl4ckb0ne> oh wait no there's already another one!
<bl4ckb0ne> missed it, it went right under the first one in the ML archive
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<RAOF> Bah! Disappointed that I missed the xdg-session-restore discussion - we've had experience designing such a thing in Mir, and I'm sure there's some prior-art _somewhere_ in the wayland-protocols issues list...
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<drakulix[m]> I would love to attend a input-fd meeting, but I am on holiday for the next two weeks, any chance we could delay this?
<drakulix[m]> I have a little prototype for something I have been calling “libgamepad” and by then this might even be in a state to be demo-ed.
<drakulix[m]> That thing tries to cover a bunch of interesting use-cases inputfd doesn’t really consider and I would love to have a pragmatic discussion about those.
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<wlb> wayland-protocols Issue #155 opened by Ivan Molodetskikh (YaLTeR) xdg-shell: clarify behavior when only one dimension is set to zero in configure
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<orowith2os[m]> drakulix: ooc could you build your libgamepad on top of inputfd?
<orowith2os[m]> inputfd is pretty damn generic, so it might be feasible to just redirect a gamepad fd to libgamepad and use that
<drakulix[m]> The idea is pulseaudio but for gamepads. inputfd needs surface focus, so you can’t have a daemon control the gamepad nodes with the current proposal.
<drakulix[m]> And my issue with file descriptors is, that you can’t emulate them without access to uinput (which is a much bigger security issue) or LD_PRELOAD hacks.
<orowith2os[m]> I see a problem with any solution that isn't tied into with how the compositor works, and let the compositor revoke and manage things at will
<orowith2os[m]> as swick said on the MR, "They are not right now because you cannot use them to control the rest of the system.... because they are not handled by the compositor.
<orowith2os[m]> I want to be able to use joysticks to control my system and input passwords with the OSK and at that point if there is no arbitration via focus it is a security issue."
<orowith2os[m]> and yes, I am in the same boat there - I'd like to put this to use in GNOME for some TV shenanigans
<drakulix[m]> Right. And I have thought about that use-case as well. 😅
<drakulix[m]> I’ve also a few accessibility use-case in mind, I have thought about how steam could use this, if they would ever choose to, etc.
<orowith2os[m]> fwiw why not have two ways of using libgamepad?
<orowith2os[m]> one via a socket, like you would access pipewire directly
<orowith2os[m]> and another which gives you access via a wayland protocol
<drakulix[m]> It has multiple ways to get device access abstracted away.
<drakulix[m]> Honestly I don’t want to explain the whole project just know. I have quite the proposal in mind for it and I hope it will be interesting enough to the community to discuss it.
<drakulix[m]> I have been silently chipping away at the project for quite some time, because I wanted to have something to show off.
<drakulix[m]> In hindsight maybe not the best approach, but thats why I have a couple of ideas on the subject and I would prefer to not miss out on the meeting.
<swick[m]> If I have learned anything it is that clients want even more low level access to devices so trying to abstract them is a fools errant
<swick[m]> With the exception of steam input/openxr input like systems
<orowith2os[m]> a main motivator for direct access via a fd is latency
<orowith2os[m]> no need to go through the chain of kernel -> libinput -> compositor -> client
<orowith2os[m]> it instead goes right from kernel -> client
<orowith2os[m]> (more or less)
<drakulix[m]> Which is why I don’t want to make some network protocol mandatory.
<drakulix[m]> File descriptors should be an option with some abstraction to unify the approaches in the game process.
<drakulix[m]> But if you sometimes want an fd and sometimes not, that still doesn’t mix well with focus semantics. I honestly think the DE should just be another (possibly privileged) client of some abstraction.
<dottedmag> drakulix[m]: Is library in your design compositor-side or client-side?
<emersion> the compositor is the input event multiplexer
<drakulix[m]> Both kinda.
<emersion> no need for yet another daemon
<drakulix[m]> @emersion I should be able to do input emulation in user space without uinput. Do you envision every compositor doing something like libei for all the kinds of controllers out there?
<dottedmag> drakulix[m]: Please consider non-C compositors. Any additional required library is a pain.
<dottedmag> *required C library
<emersion> drakulix[m]: I don't know about libei
<emersion> I have Wayland protocols instead
<drakulix[m]> ok, do you want to attempt to translate all possible controller inputs into a wayland protocol then?
<orowith2os[m]> no, that's why the inputfd protocol exists
<drakulix[m]> I think this problem needs a common abstraction layer.
<orowith2os[m]> just a plain and simple file descriptor to the device node - from there, clients can use their own library (hell, yours can just simplify this process for them) and all is fine and dandy
<drakulix[m]> But you can’t emulate a file descriptor that accepts ioctls.
<drakulix[m]> And gamestreaming is a real use-case.
<orowith2os[m]> why can't this fd go kernel -> compositor -> client -> "libgamepad"?
<drakulix[m]> As are accessibility features like xbox adaptive controllers or combining two controllers into one.
<drakulix[m]> I don’t see every game implementing that either.
<drakulix[m]> orowith2os[m]: It can for cases where you directly use controllers without any remapping/emulation in place. And the idea is, that something like libgamepad can also do that.
<orowith2os[m]> your libgamepad can't take in an fd and expose a controller-like API from that?
<drakulix[m]> But then you have a disconnect between devices a game sees and you compositor sees, if you don’t consider libgamepad in the compositor as well.
<drakulix[m]> orowith2os[m]: It can. It doesn’t assume there is a daemon.
<orowith2os[m]> then why not use that? then the emulation could be handled in libgamepad too
<orowith2os[m]> no need to get all icky with emulating file descriptors and w/e
<dottedmag> So is libgamepad in compositor for only needed to utilize gamepad in compositor itself? And if compositor does not care it can pass the fds over some protocol, and not care?
<dottedmag> s/for only/only/
<drakulix[m]> because this means sometimes, when a user might want to remap the controllers, the fd should be in the daemon.
<drakulix[m]> Which breaks focus semantics, because its the wrong process.
<orowith2os[m]> and not a config file for the library?
<orowith2os[m]> or env variable or smth?
<drakulix[m]> I guess another way would be to only serialize configuration via the daemon and let the logic reside completely in the client…
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<drakulix[m]> I feel that would be less powerful though.
<orowith2os[m]> I'm still not quite seeing why a daemon is necessary here
<drakulix[m]> I need to write down the more complex use-case I have in mind to bring that point across.
<drakulix[m]> @dottedmag Yes, I don’t think a compositor would have to care about this library, if it doesn’t want to process gamepad input itself.
<drakulix[m]> anyway, I am just asking for a delay of that meeting. I’ll be writing up all of this and hope people are interested. But gaging from the inputfd-PR prople are.
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<bwidawsk> AFAICT, it is a violation of the spec to set_fullscreen prior to an initial commit. Can someone confirm?
<bwidawsk> (unfullscreen similarly)
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<bwidawsk> because XDG specifies after creating the surface, an initial commit must come next... [un]fullscreen require a configure event is sent
<bwidawsk> but that shouldn't be the initial configure
<swick[m]> So I'm drunk at an Iranian part right now but... drakulix I really think you have to write a bit more about what you want to achieve here and why the inputfd stuff is not sufficient
<emersion> bwidawsk: that doesn't sound like a violation to me
<bwidawsk> emersion: so then the fullscreen/unfullscreen counts as the initial commit?
<bwidawsk> s/commit/configure
<emersion> no
<emersion> hm, can you elaborate?
<bwidawsk> `After requesting that the surface should be fullscreened, the compositor will respond by emitting a configure event.`
<bwidawsk> so if you create the surface, and fullscreen it before commit, the expected ordering seems broken
<emersion> we should really get rid of that requirement :(
<emersion> but i think it's fine?
<bwidawsk> I don't see a problem perse, but I think the spec is contradicting itself a bit
<emersion> the compositor can wait an arbitrary amount of time before sending the configure event
<orowith2os[m]> swick: re the inputfd stuff with Steam, I made a libei issue asking for comments to see if that's *really* where it would be done:
<orowith2os[m]> I don't think it would be, as inputfd expects something like an actual input device, and libei explicitly isn't that
<emersion> hm, but the initial configure doesn't count as the set_fullscreen reply, is what you mean?
<bwidawsk> Yes, but specifically, if the client does set_fullscreen receives a configure event, does it need to do a commit without a buffer attached to receive another configure event as described in XDG base
<emersion> this is a gray area, would need to check what compositors do
<emersion> i'd expect no configure
<emersion> things would be simpler if that sentence wouldn't exist at all
<emersion> and it wouldn't give clients the illusion that they can match a particular request with a configure
<bwidawsk> emersion: no configure from the set_fullscreen request you mean?
<emersion> yea
<bwidawsk> this is what I do now, and it does work
<bwidawsk> for chromeos stuff
<drakulix[m]> swick: I plan to do so. gimme a few days
<swick[m]> I mean, whot might be awake right now
<swick[m]> drakulix: tbh I think I'm gonna be hard to convince but let's see...
<drakulix[m]> I don’t mind being proven wrong.
<orowith2os[m]> drakulix: can't remember, is your lib a theoretical thing right now, or is there some wip implementation of it somewhere?
<orowith2os[m]> I'd love a peek if the latter
<drakulix[m]> WIP on my hard drive 😅
<drakulix[m]> Nothings working yet and mostly explorative, so not really worth a peek.
<drakulix[m]> I actually think writing everything down to sort my thoughts is more productive than any code at this stage.
<orowith2os[m]> I'd love a look anyways, who knows, I could maybe even help out if there's a clear path to take on designing it
<drakulix[m]> I just want to make sure all use-cases are covered.
<drakulix[m]> As I said, I will have time to work on it next week. So maybe some code then.
<orowith2os[m]> alsoooo would you happen to know of any decent Rust crates I could use to emulate devices?
<orowith2os[m]> I wanna see if I can put together a custom steam input-like thingy
<orowith2os[m]> (I don't feel like working with C right now)
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<i509vcb> xdg_toplevel.configure_bounds seems to be allowed to send a size larger than the actual configured size?
<i509vcb> Obviously the configure bounds can't be followed if the maximized state is set then
<i509vcb> bwidawsk: I'd think it sounds reasonable for something like mpv to start in fullscreen if you configured it that way?
<i509vcb> configured as in mpv config
<llyyr> mpv can't actually start as fullscreened on wayland
<bwidawsk> i509vcb: yeah, no issue with start as fullscreen, just the wording of configure events in XDG leads to confusion when done without an initial commit/configure
<i509vcb> I've definitely noticed I find issues when I starting implementing protocols in my compositor...
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