robclark changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
<clover[m]> <steev> "yell at clover..." <- :,(
<_[m]1> nooo I can only yell compliments, without most of you I wouldn't be happily typing on this x13s πŸ˜„ seriously so happy ! if I can use my external screen in the couch and the nvme external disk I'll get rid of my air m1 finally !
<_[m]1> though I torrent directly on the external nvme, I wonder how the usb speed will be
<steev> don't be nice to him. gotta be mean. tell him to fix his fex install instructions
<HdkR> USB on the X13s is 10gbit, although some higher performance devices can freak out the laptop
<_[m]1> I wonder if the x13s was enough of a success for lenovo that they will make more thinkpads with ARM cpu
<HdkR> They've had a few laptops with Snapdragons, so it's not unlikely
<steev> give us el2 is the one thing i wish
<steev> it's all a conspiracy to move our vms to the cloud
<HdkR> One of the few benefits of a Jetson platform
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<altacus> If lenovo made a surface like device (or convertible tablet, etc) with a qualcomm chip, I would definitely get that (and hopefully it'll have linux support).
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<altacus> _[m]1: I am running sway. It works on debian
<steev> afaik, bamse also runs sway, on arch even
<HdkR> So we just need bamse to try and reproduce running Steam under FEX on Arch :)
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<altacus> I had steam running on the x13s before using box64 and box86. Unfortunately, I had to reinstall and the one other time I retried it I couldn't get it to work. Will try again soon, if time allows.
<bamse> HdkR: i tested it a while ago, with what i think was a rootfs you gave me...
<bamse> HdkR: the only problem i had was that it took forever to launch steam (like 5-10 minutes) and then it consumed 12 of my 8gb of ram
<_[m]1> how did you install fex-emu?
<bamse> hmm, checking
<bamse> seems like i pulled and installed that
<bamse> looks like "a while ago" was february though ;)
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> Is there any adequate instruction on how to install Fexemu and steam? For a simple user? The instructions I've seen, after reading this one I had more questions than answers=).
<bamse> Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]: i remember having that feeling too
<_[m]1> this is pretty clear
<bamse> does the prebuilt rootfs include mesa with freedreno support these days? or does one still need to roll a custom one?
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> FEXRootFSFetcher, here I must be dumb, but I don't see in the manuals that it says to use this)?
<bamse> altacus: but i presume the msft surface pro 9 5g with sq3 chip isn't what you're looking for? (pretty much the same chip as x13s...)
<bamse> Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]: when i tried last time that would give me a rootfs with mesa, without support for the gpu in this platform
<bamse> so that's my question, if that has changed...or if i need to roll my own rootfs
<bamse> i apparently can't build fex-emu "LLVM ERROR: Unsupported calling convention." :(
<bamse> time to get some breakfast instead
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<_[m]1> HdkR said you need llvm 17 for latest
<_[m]1> * HdkR said you need llvm 17 related to that error
<_[m]1> <bamse> "so that's my question, if that..." <- with a patched mesa or something?
<bamse> thanks, looks like i'm on llvm/clang 16
<bamse> _[m]1: when i tried last, the freedreno support wasn't enabled in the mesa instance being built into the rootfs
<bamse> looks like i'm on the newest llvm/clang that arch provides me
<_[m]1> <bamse> "looks like i'm on the newest..." <- yeah and not necessarily feeling comfortable to build my own
<HdkR> bamse: Yes, rootfs includes a Mesa with a690 support since it is merged plus in a release now
<HdkR> Also wow, 5-10 minutes
<bamse> HdkR: well, given that my fex build is 8 months old, let's just ignore that problem until i can build a new one :)
<bamse> HdkR: awesome though that mesa is updated
<HdkR> bamse: Also weird about this calling convention error. It should only be used with clang 17 and lld 17. Maybe there's a bug in clang 16 with this...
<bamse> HdkR: failed in Bin/CodeSizeValidation (just to make sure we're talking about the same problem)
<HdkR> Yea, the calling convention gets used in libFEXCore, so it would also do the same thing if you only build the FEXInterpreter target
<HdkR> It's just weird since we do a compile check beforehand so it shouldn't get used on clang-16 :|
<bamse> where is this?
<HdkR> is where the check occurs. So could just set that variable to zero
<bamse> i indeed have "-- Has clang::preserve_all
<HdkR> That's awkward, I wonder if I need to change the check to use the function, maybe it gets compiled out and the linker then doesn't complain
<bamse> hmm, preserve_all is mentioned in the clang 9 documentation...
<HdkR> Yea, it's new to ARM64 in clang 17
<HdkR> x86 supported it forever
<bamse> ahh okay
<bamse> i'll take another look at it later...but family doesn't think it's fex-time right now :(
<HdkR> haha :D
<HdkR> I'll retest locally today as well since maybe I missed something last month when I was implementing it
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> is that normal? so hot
<HdkR> steamwebhelper is a spicy CEF process
<HdkR> Looks like it might be the shader compiler threads
<HdkR> Considering those are all nice 19
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> It's just a dota download running.
<HdkR> Oh yea, it is decompressing the data which can saturate all your cores
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> HdkR: Π΅Ρ€Ρ‡
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> > <> Oh yea, it is decompressing the data which can saturate all your cores
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> * thx
<HdkR> It may also be compiling the shaders in the background
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I think I'll put my laptop in the fridge for a while.)
<HdkR> I have a little 140mm fan that mine sits on for times like this
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> yep 140 a little) shure)
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<_[m]1> how did oyu install fex-emu Bioxvirizm-x13s
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> (βŠ™_β—Ž): apt install FEX=)
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> apt install fex-emu-armv8.4
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> But for example, Dota did not start for me, I see the Dota graphic splash screen at startup, I see the risk, but when there should be a 3D splash screen, the program crashes.
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I'm currently using Ubuntu. It’s very difficult to force a return to the ARCH when you have a lot of configs configured for work.
<HdkR> I'll grab Dota 2 and see what's up
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> HdkR: are you a fex-emu developer?
<HdkR> Yea
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> Dear, where is the normal manual for dummies?)
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> =)))))
<HdkR> For Ubuntu users that's the quick start guide in the readme. After which is just running things under FEXBash
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I realize that when you are immersed in your creation and understand the dependencies and how it works, it's hard to write a manual on how to use it for someone not dedicated. And I as a person connected with development and also connected with ordinary users, explaining how some service works, I realize that the user has to be led by the hand through each stage of installation and launching the application. Please forgive
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> me if this seems offensive.
<HdkR> I understand the problem, I'm just terrible at resolving it
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> Yes, only I'm using 23.10, and when I run the script, it sends me on an erotic journey))))) hope the turn of phrase is clear)
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> If you need someone with x13s who understands linux a bit, and understands the pain of the common user with can help?
<HdkR> The github is open to pull requests and the wiki is open to contributors
<HdkR> Only thing missing is someone that knows how to talk to users :)
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> Well, as a former sales professional with a background in sales and a move to Devops, I'll give it a try. =)))
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I just need to figure out how it works)))))
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> I hope I can be of service.
<_[m]1> step 1: install ubuntu πŸ˜‰
<HdkR> Oh, DOTA 2 hits some kernel bug in msm and crashes
<Bioxvirizm-x13s[m]> <_[m]1> "step 1: install ubuntu πŸ˜‰" <- done. what next step?=)
<enyalios> when i grab a rootfs with FEXRootFSFetcher, do i want to extract it, or use it as is?
<HdkR> enyalios: You can use as-is
<enyalios> it just saves space that way or what?
<HdkR> Saves space, adds a little bit of overhead decompressing files while loading
<enyalios> makes sense, thanks
<enyalios> steam is now downloading itself, so thats a good sign
<enyalios> im gonna be pumped if i can stream games to my x13s with this
<HdkR> Streaming work fine, just testing it locally
<enyalios> hmm, i get an error when i try to 2 factor sign into my steam account
<enyalios> "Error: something went wrong while attempting to sign you in. Please try again later." weird
<HdkR> The 2FA can be a little bit picky I've found
<enyalios> maybe ill try installing the steam app and using the qr code
<Jasper[m]> <enyalios> "im gonna be pumped if i can..." <- If you just want to stream, the steam link package may be a better option
<enyalios> hmm, signing in with qr code isnt working either
<enyalios> i should just try again later?
<enyalios> steam link package?
<Jasper[m]> enyalios: The one installed on Raspbian
<Jasper[m]> Pretty sure it should work on other arm64 devices too
<enyalios> i didnt know such a think existed
<enyalios> is there an ubuntu package?
<Jasper[m]> enyalios: There is a deb, but it's only for raspbian it seems
<Jasper[m]> Didn't survive a couple of major upgrades it seems, I don't know why they only enabled the flatpak for x86_64
<enyalios> ooh, eventually logging in the steam android app worked
<HdkR> A little bit picky like I said :D
<enyalios> hmm it wont let me select my windows box to stream from
<enyalios> it shows up in the drop down, but when i click it, nothing happens
<enyalios> when i launch steam it complains that it cant find the packages: steam-launcher, steam-libs-amd64:amd64, steam-libs-i386:i386, xdg-desktop-portal, xdg-desktop-portal-gtk
<enyalios> are those actual problems
<HdkR> Should be fine, those are all meta packages
<steev> the raspberrypiOS steamlink package is armhf only
<HdkR> Also after selecting the PC in the game dropdown, you still need to click the stream button
<enyalios> no it wont actually select the windows machine
<enyalios> i click it, and the button still says "install"
<HdkR> Oh, that's a little weird
<enyalios> yeah i know normally it switches to "stream"
<enyalios> this is so cool that ive gotten this far
<enyalios> amesome work
<enyalios> baby is awake, ill work on this later
<Jasper[m]> <steev> "the raspberrypiOS steamlink..." <- Ahh rip
<_[m]1> <enyalios> "this is so cool that ive..." <- further than I got lol steam doesn't launch after installation
<_[m]1> how hard / dangerous is compiling llvm/clang for a noob ?
<enyalios> _[m]1: are you on ubuntu?
<enyalios> this is exactly what i did
<enyalios> sudo apt install fex && sudo add-apt-repository ppa:fex-emu/fex && sudo apt install fex-emu-armv8.4 && wget && sudo apt install ./steam.deb && FEXRootFSFetcher -y -a && FEXBash steam
<HdkR> lol wait, what's that `fex` package at the start?
<HdkR> "web service for transferring very large files" wha?
<enyalios> oh lol! i guess i can uninstall that
<enyalios> Bioxvirizm-x13s[m] said he did apt install fex, so i did too :-D
<HdkR> You probably also want it to be `super apt install fex-emu-armv8.4 fex-emu-binfmt32 fex-emu-binfmt64` so that proton actually works
<HdkR> ..super apt, sure whatever
<HdkR> Which is basically what the script we provide does
<HdkR> It just automagically choses the correct suffixed package for your system
<_[m]1> no I'm trying on arch for now, but tried the ubuntu 23.04, 22.10 and 22.04 images (and the arch one ofc)
<_[m]1> <HdkR> ""web service for transferring..." <- yeah lol it's confusing πŸ™‚
<_[m]1> <HdkR> "Which is basically what the..." <- yeah lol on ubuntu just run that curl
<HdkR> I tried Googling around before choosing the name but I had only previously found some networking topology. Have since found a few more but this is also why we always label everything as fex-emu
<HdkR> Definitely not emulating Cisco's wacky network topology :D
<_[m]1> @steev why you want el2 access?
<HdkR> VM support
<_[m]1> gns3 ftw lol
<_[m]1> you canΒ΄t run vms?
<HdkR> On snapdragon? Nope
<HdkR> Macs and Jetsons are fine
<HdkR> Since they expose EL2
<steev> yeah, vm support would be nice
<steev> especially with what i do :P
<enyalios> hmm eventually i got steam to switch the "install" button to "stream"
<enyalios> but clicking it doesnt do anything
<enyalios> is the UI just not responding to clicks or something?
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<HdkR> enyalios: Maybe it's behaving a bit slowly because of emulating a browser?
<HdkR> I usually run with TSO emulation disabled since Cortex is really slow at emulating the x86 memory model. Makes things a bit more flakey but the speed increase is enormous
<HdkR> FEXConfig -> Hacks -> Uncheck TSO Enabled. Then File-> Save. Then restart Steam, should go quite a bit faster.
<enyalios> hmm, then i crashes when i click stream
<enyalios> s/ i / it /
<HdkR> every time? CEF is a bit flakey whenever an action occurs
<enyalios> the 2 times that i tried it
<enyalios> huh, i turned tso back on, and it still crashed when i tried to stream
<HdkR> Would require an application relaunch. The config option doesn't get picked up on active processes
<enyalios> yeah it had crashed so i had relaunched steam
<HdkR> huh