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<clover[m]> <steev> "clover: okay i'll bring it..." <- Haha twisted your arm did I?
<steev> actually, i assumed it was causing my usb issues, but they were caused by the iommu skip stuff that's supposed to increase throughput
<steev> speaking of which, pushed 6.5.8
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<Dylanger> Prob not the right place to ask but, does anyone know of an OpenWRT room? I have a Ubquiti U6-Pro that needs liberating
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<HdkR> _[m]1: What errors from AUR for FEX?
<HdkR> When I update the package I usually compile test it so maybe this last month it broke?
<Jasper[m]> I'm contemplating replacing my Arch install with Ubuntu
<Jasper[m]> Because the crashes I have are EXTREMELY annoying
<Jasper[m]> Doesn't help that I also think Ubuntu is extremely annoying hahahaha
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<_[m]1> <HdkR> "When I update the package I..." <- so I could get the git one and put it month back dunno
<_[m]1> do all of you use gnome btw? can't get any other DE to function, sway is unresponsive, kde plasma stuck in loading
<_[m]1> in the end I built fex manually which worked (shrug
<_[m]1> * in the end I built fex manually which worked :shrug: now just struggling to get the proper chroot configured, the only x86 is an outdated linux mint install I had laying around
<konradybcio> Jasper: i updated concept to 23.10 and got 2 or 3 random crashes too..
<_[m]1> it's really badly documented imo
<konradybcio> same with my own next-based kernel
<konradybcio> the old ubuntu 6.2 was flawless on that front, i think
<HdkR> _[m]1: Interesting. If you pull the FEX-2310 tag then it should be the same one that is in the AUR
<_[m]1> Jasper which crashes do you have?
<emily[m]> _[m]1: had kde running mostly fine out of the box with that old debian image linaro(?) released a while back at least
<_[m]1> HdkR oh yeah didn't pay attention to the branch lol
<HdkR> _[m]1: We do a release every month, which is usually better for the user since we do some testing to ensure the world isn't broken :D
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<Jasper[m]> _[m]1: On boot, the LUKS thing
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<Jasper[m]> I just hope I did something wrong on Arch that gets fixed with Ubuntu or any other distro
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<_[m]1> <Jasper[m]> "On boot, the LUKS thing" <- if it was only you, I'd agree but both of us?
<_[m]1> once the kernel stabilises you don't restart that often - btw I bought a second harddrive for installing arch, I have windows/ubuntu dual boot on the original and hmyeah, I was sick of it too couple of times but always go back because ubuntu is annoying in small things
<_[m]1> though the FDE just works and no reboots, I maybe should go and look at the diffs in config files dunno - but maybe it's pebcac since clover couldn't reproduce
<_[m]1> maybe it's not fde related but something else? because linux starts booting - last time didn't work to make journalctl persistent though
<_[m]1> ```
<_[m]1> $ git branch
<_[m]1> * main
<_[m]1> with yay, non git one, the git one had some error about a missing commit it was looking for in one of the dependency repos
<HdkR> Oh yea, I don't maintain the -git one. I only found out about it like a month ago
<HdkR> So that looks like a clang and lld version mismatch
<_[m]1> but they're installed in cache of yay right, it doesn't use system ones?
<HdkR> I don't know what yay is
<_[m]1> package manager to install from AUR
<_[m]1> * to install from AUR
<HdkR> `/usr/bin/clang++` seems to imply system one, but maybe it uses some chroot thing
<_[m]1> maybe it dΓ³es also use system build toosls
<_[m]1> s/toosls/tools/
<HdkR> You can confirm by checking your clang and lld versions, this new ABI was only added in 17. `clang --version` and `ld.lld --version`
<_[m]1> yes both are 16
<HdkR> So they're doing *something*
<clover[m]> Yeah I maybe got the reboot thing once or twice. I do get crashes every now and then where everything locks up and I have to reboot, about twice a week
<_[m]1> so it Γ­s FDE related huh?
<clover[m]> locks up as in it freezes
<clover[m]> i can move mouse but i cant run programs and all running programs are unresponsive
<clover[m]> and i have to hard reboot to fix it
<clover[m]> i dont think i have FDE issues like you guys
<_[m]1> lol I have to build the build tools?
<Jasper[m]> @clover @steev can you check if efi pstore (if it even works on this hw) can be enabled?
<Jasper[m]> I feel like that could help out
<_[m]1> clover[m]: so what's the reboot thing then? or you don't do FDE on your system partition?
<Jasper[m]> Jasper[m]: Hopefully it dumps the logs into that
<agl7> clover[m]: How can I turn on all messages at boot time on EndeavourOS so that I can see the file system check that I do at every boot. This is done in the "dark".
<clover[m]> id o
<clover[m]> * i do
<_[m]1> anybody wants to share the x86 chroot they made for fex-emu?
<_[m]1> or some pointers how you build, like you use schroot or debootstrap
<clover[m]> here is some grub config i use:
<clover[m]> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 efi=noruntime clk_ignore_unused pd_ignore_unused iommu.passthrough=0 iommu.strict=0"
<clover[m]> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=UUID=4cb8bd8d-5c9e-45a2-823f-cfec2129bae8:cryptroot root=/dev/mapper/cryptroot"
<agl7> clover[m]: Thank you, I will try it.
<HdkR> _[m]1: FEXRootFSFetcher will let you pull an official image
<Jasper[m]> clover[m]: > <> here is some grub config i use:... (full message at <>)
<_[m]1> HdkR I don't need to build it myself?!? fck me
<_[m]1> I don't mean compile but like put together
<clover[m]> Jasper[m]: i dont know. but if you still have /etc/default/grub you can compare with mine
<_[m]1> Jasper[m]: unless it changed from last time, we all had same config, and I use UUID too
<HdkR> _[m]1: We have basically always provided rootfs images :)
<clover[m]> im also using f2fs instead of ext4 or btrfs now
<_[m]1> ```
<_[m]1> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="loglevel=3 efi=noruntime pd_ignore_unused clk_ignore_unused iommu.passthrough=0 iommu.strict=0"
<_[m]1> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="cryptdevice=UUID=e75ded36-67c7-4266-a17c-faa8e269202c:crypt" # root=/dev/mapper/crypt"
<clover[m]> not sure if that helps
<_[m]1> why did I comment that last block device mm
<_[m]1> probably just trying out stuff
<clover[m]> delete hashtag lol
<_[m]1> I don't think you need that
<clover[m]> delete hashtag and fix the quotes
<_[m]1> what's this anyway
<clover[m]> i didnt touch that
<_[m]1> do you use crypttab?
<_[m]1> I no that's only when you include /boot
<_[m]1> s/I/ah/
<_[m]1> > Solid state drive users should be aware that, by default, TRIM commands are not enabled by the device-mapper, i.e. block-devices are mounted without the discard option unless you override the default.
<_[m]1> [Solid state drive users should be aware that, by default, TRIM commands are not enabled by the device-mapper, i.e. block-devices are mounted without the discard option unless you override the default.](
<_[m]1> s/[//, s/TRIM_support_for_solid_state_drives_/TRIM\_support\_for\_solid\_state\_drives\_/, s/](
<Jasper[m]> That's dumb
<Jasper[m]> That's basically 99.999999999% of Linux users
<_[m]1> and it doesn't read like an enormous threat really
<_[m]1> anybody know why no armv9 cpu btw?
<HdkR> We already have ARMv9 CPUs
<HdkR> A710, A715, A720, X2, X3, X4, A510, A520. All ARMv9
<_[m]1> but in the more popular devices ?
<_[m]1> pine64, raspi, x13s etc
<HdkR> Snapdragon 8 Gen1 and newer and Snapdragon 7 Gen1 has it
<_[m]1> it takes a long time maybe to build and test the hardware around them?
<HdkR> X13s is just running a relatively old SoC at this point
<HdkR> Pi5 probably chose an older design to keep the price lower
<_[m]1> yeah this I read too in rockpro room, why not more pcie lanes e.g., price related
<_[m]1> I'd pay more though 🀷
<HdkR> Rockchip, Allwinner, and Amlogic tend to take a while to release new SoCs and are usually more concerned about price as well
<_[m]1> anyone has experience with this one? I met the creator(s) at cccamp and it felt like a very nice device - ofc not super practicle but many good design choices imo (e.g. interchangeable CPU module)
<steev> lots of people say they would pay more... most people actually don't
<HdkR> It's an i.MX8 module, so if you want super old and or slow it might be fine for you :)
<_[m]1> * CPU module, replaceable batteries)
<_[m]1> I'd buy one just for supporting it and fun - not much real use for it
<_[m]1> I'm pretty happy all my personal devices have ARM cpus now I think of it πŸ˜„
<_[m]1> except the gaming desktop mm
<_[m]1> but why do people buy iPhones though? 1k for a phone?!
<steev> that's up to each person, for some it's a status symbol, for some it's because android annoys them so much that if they had an android phone no one would ever be able to talk to them on it because it would always be in a state of getting a new fix implemented
<_[m]1> Jasper you use btrfs?
<_[m]1> I would think (rather) superior hardware and user 😝
<_[m]1> 😝
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<_[m]1> duuude, I removed taht comment and added allow_discard and it booted immediately 😲
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<altacus> steev: for 6.5.8, should we still use iommu.passthrough=0 ?
<steev> if you want to
<steev> i don't because i see issues with my usb->nvme adapter
<altacus> steev: what are the benefits of setting it?
<steev> more usb throughput
<altacus> Thank you!
<Jasper[m]> <_[m]1> "Jasper you use btrfs?" <- nope, good 'ol ext4
<Jasper[m]> <Jasper[m]> "I'm contemplating replacing my..." <- ok nvm
<Jasper[m]> Seems like something went horribly wrong
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<Jasper[m]> Yeah okay my usb dock seems to reset during boot, I have a passive adapter that does work it seems.
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<_[m]1> was that the cause
<_[m]1> ?
<DanaG> I had split my GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX onto multiple lines by setting GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="${GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX} more args ..." on several lines, and each time I did a major-version update, the updater script would convert every one of those lines into a copy of the single string with all lines merged.
<DanaG> As far as arm64 machines go, I got that Honeycomb to act as a desktop, but then ran into GPU troubles. Old AMD: works, but has glitches (due to bad ordering of instructions in memcpy), and garbled HDMI audio, and no 4k120 output. New AMD: PSP firmware fails to load, perhaps due to unaligned access or something. Nouveau: slow. NVIDIA: falls off the bus. Intel Xe driver: haven't tried it, but no encode/decode support.
<DanaG> It wouldn't surprise me if an Asahi machine turns out to be far better than anything I've tried with the LX2160A.
<Jasper[m]> <_[m]1> "was that the cause..." <- > <> was that the cause
<Jasper[m]> > ?
<Jasper[m]> Yeah, it was complaining about not being able to find some stuff
<Jasper[m]> It's installed now, I gagged at GNOME
<Jasper[m]> There was no mouse acceleration option for the trackpad and it was HORRIBLE
<Jasper[m]> I'm installing kubuntu instead
<steev> gnome-tweaks has it hidden away, i think
<Jasper[m]> Hmmm 3.5mm jack output is very much broken on ubuntu
<_[m]1> <Jasper[m]> "I'm installing kubuntu instead" <- it does wayland? dunno I can see some workflow with gnome but minimally more what you can't with others - perhaps it grows on you?
<Jasper[m]> _[m]1: Oh yeah, for a while
<_[m]1> <steev> "gnome-tweaks has it hidden away,..." <- it's generally under accessability now or no only key repeat
<Jasper[m]> GNOME hasn't grown on me, it feels very clunky to me
<Jasper[m]> I've used it at work for a bit
<_[m]1> i was checking hyprland, flashy stuff but you can't log into it seems
<_[m]1> ```
<_[m]1> $ sudo ls /var/lib/binfmts/FEX*
<_[m]1> ls: cannot access '/var/lib/binfmts/FEX*': No such file or directory
<_[m]1> do I need that?
<HdkR> Why is it in `/var/lib/binfmts/` ?
<HdkR> If it is registered in the kernel you'll see `/proc/sys/fs/binfmt_misc/FEX*`
<HdkR> binfmt_misc files end up in `/usr/share/binfmts/` here
<_[m]1> it's on the wiki 🀷
<HdkR> Oh, might be outdated
<HdkR> Oh yea, second one is a Debian-nism
<HdkR> so that makes sense that it won't exist on Arch
<HdkR> that's after doing the binfmt_misc ninja commands?
<_[m]1> this is the build of fex-emu on x86
<_[m]1> those failed
<HdkR> Oh, yes. We explicitly don't allow binfmt_misc install on x86 because it'll brick your PC
<HdkR> FEX-Emu doesn't really support running on x86, it's just a development platform
<_[m]1> haha good then I guess πŸ™‚
<_[m]1> but I' m correct to have built it on x86 to be able to fetch the rootfs right
<_[m]1> I'm yolo'ing this stuff
<HdkR> FEXRootFSFetcher is just a tool to download a prebuilt image, it doesn't really care about architecture
<HdkR> Basically just parses a json file and curl downloads a file
<HdkR> Setting up FEX doesn't require any x86 machine since we provide prebuilt images :|
<_[m]1> oh my goodness
<HdkR> Well I don't control that :)
<HdkR> Looks like they did some manual stuff just so they could install some random emulator
<steev> yell at clover[m]
<_[m]1> HdkR: hehe I know but I thought this was x13s specific
<HdkR> Nah, that's just regular stuff
<_[m]1> oh my πŸ˜…
<_[m]1> I just want to install steam / dota2 lol
<_[m]1> I guess that won't be straight forward still
<_[m]1> this fex-emu looks super complicated what 😲 I sometimes wonder if developing this kind of stuff is like slow and painful or oyu just get good and it's like fun
<HdkR> A lot of these complications are coming from misunderstandings and bad documentation sadly
<_[m]1> who needs docs when you have irc logs πŸ˜‰
<_[m]1> I haven't improved any doc so I can't complain really
<_[m]1> and in the end glad to learn new shit which the sidequests inevitably make sure of πŸ™‚
<Jasper[m]> <_[m]1> "I just want to install steam..." <- I don't think dota2 will work right? @HdkR
<Jasper[m]> Since it's Source 2
<_[m]1> it is
<_[m]1> > Dota 2 is now powered by the Source 2 engine
<Jasper[m]> I knew that haha
<_[m]1> but it's using vulkan, how does the engine matter?
<HdkR> Jasper[m]: Should be old enough that it doesn't hit the engine binding slot requirements
<HdkR> _[m]1: New Source 2 games hit a hardware limitation in Adreno
<HdkR> Underlords works so I guess Dota 2 is likely to work
<HdkR> Pretty sure Alyx or Desk Job were the first games that required 5 descriptor bindings
<Jasper[m]> <HdkR> "Jasper: Should be old enough..." <- Aha, imteresting
<Jasper[m]> *interesting
<_[m]1> You are missing the following 32-bit libraries, and Steam may not run:
<_[m]1> this is/should be in the rootfs chroot right?
<_[m]1> I used the squashfs image and didn't extract, should I have extracted?
<HdkR> _[m]1: You ran steam with `FEXBash steam` I presume?
<_[m]1> yes
<_[m]1> I download the arch one, should I get the debian one?
<HdkR> Should be fine regardless
<HdkR> If you ignore the error then it should just continue
<HdkR> Since the libraries are actually installed
<_[m]1> sudo cp -r usr/* /usr/
<_[m]1> I copied these files extracted from the .deb into the local fs, correct?
<HdkR> Yea, that works
<HdkR> If you export STEAMOS=1 and STEAM_RUNTIME=1 then Steam should skip those checks and stop complaining
<_[m]1> doesn't launch though
<HdkR> Oh, that's weird
<_[m]1> maybe I rebuild fex-emu?
<_[m]1> but no errors now lol
<HdkR> Maybe if STEAM_RUNTIME=1 is set then it'll fail to bootstrap on first run? Not sure if I tried that
<_[m]1> .local/share/Steam/ line 124: VERSION_ID: unbound variable
<HdkR> oh hah
<HdkR> I guess it did bootstrap then
<_[m]1> yeah it finished
<_[m]1> though this is odd
<HdkR> uh, are you just running `steam`?
<HdkR> You need to do `FEXBash steam`
<_[m]1> I thought that was to install?
<HdkR> That's to run the application
<HdkR> The `steam` application that gets installed is actually just a bash script, so it needs to be wrapped in the `FEXBash` program so it runs in an x86-like environment
<_[m]1> yeah I did that first but didn't launch and still doesn't, probably my fex-emu build is incomplete?
<_[m]1> maybe I'll try to get clang17 installed
<HdkR> Steam didn't launch at all under FEXBash? Usually FEX complains if something isn't setup early
<HdkR> Just an early exit or something?
<_[m]1> no real errors no
<HdkR> hm, FEX_OUTPUTLOG=stderr and FEX_SILENTLOG=0 and then rerun under FEXBash
<HdkR> Well, FEX is running at least in that case
<_[m]1> same result
<_[m]1> maybe I open an issue?
<HdkR> Hm, arch linux for both the host OS and rootfs you downoaded?
<HdkR> downloaded*
<_[m]1> yes
<_[m]1> squashfs not erofs
<HdkR> That's very peculiar
<HdkR> Wayland or X11? Maybe it's an xwayland quirk?
<_[m]1> wayland
<_[m]1> wtf is xwayland lol
<HdkR> A way to run x11 applications under wayland
<HdkR> If you don't have it then x11 applications like Steam won't work
<_[m]1> ```
<_[m]1> $ echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE
<_[m]1> wayland
<_[m]1> aha yeah makes sense