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amstan: what you mean? they bought the radeon mobile unit ages ago (and its why adreno is an anagram of radeon)
oh, you mean the driver itself?
steev: freedreno being the open source implementation of the gfx driver
yeah i figured it out (eventually)
i thought theyve contributed (a little) over the years to it, but robclark could probably say best :P
mostly on the kernel side, but more recently some small things on mesa side... expect to see more as time goes on
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bamse: So I tried that and made some decent progress but it tried to run the arm binaries. But I am able to load ubuntu on the machine. I tried doing mkosi on ubuntu but I needed to install pacman. I couldn't get far in that task. Investigating ways to go from ubuntu on the arm machine now
ha no sorry, I'm stupid, it's not about the same driver
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I looked at the ath12k panic bug a while ago, and I suspect it's easy enough to fix, but never got around to recompiling the kernel to test
Maybe it needs a newer mesa for x1p to be enabled?
I might be SOL'd until a driver is released which may never happen since it's not an x1e. I am thinking perhaps these wayland compistors don't support software rendering.
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But gnome3 seems to be working...
hard to imagine that would make a difference but I can try upgrading
apple-corps[m]: i'm quite certain that we're missing some required patches for the gpu to come up...
I guess the gpuid probably differs for the x1p as well? Would need to be added to mesa
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so the purwa variant on x1/x1p will need a device table entry on kernel and mesa side... not something I can easily figure out w/out android device using same SoC, but otherwise it should be trivial.. but I expect/hope for some help from qc on that soon.. until then it is sw rast
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Do you all know if the hdmi out port will work or if usb-c (dp?) out will work. I have my doubts but just curious if I can use an external monitor
that, afaict, should be all dts... it works on some devices, just depends on someone figuring out the dts bits
should be pretty much agnostic of purwa vs hamoa since display controller appears to be the same in each
the cpu cluster arrangement and gpu appear to be the main differences
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„Only“ the type-c connectors work for now, with 2 lanes, only, but up to hbr3. I can attach via adapter and directly. For the hdmi port no luck yet.
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Jens Glathe: thanks. I will give my monitor a shot.
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anthony25: Yep, I would appreciate that, thanks. (Though if it works I will still want to hunt down the original sources before packaging, I assume it will be a driver series from LKML + some other hacks + dts)
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it's multiple series
from what I understand
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anthony25 you can take the ov02c10.c file directly as at the tip of tree and the dts for the slim7x
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great, thanks!
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kuruczgy[m] if you are on jhovold branch then just switch to the branch above
i stack my patches on top of that branch
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Thanks, that's useful to know. Compiling now.
Btw latest firmware update (slim 7x) seems to have messed with fan curves, it's much quieter know when compiling the kernel. Wonder it there is a perf impact...
It's not overheating, and according to htop it's still running at 3.4 GHz, interesting...
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It compiled in 26m, so maybe a bit slower? I remember measuring 21m a few months ago, but this could also just be due to newer kernel having more code
bryanodonoghue: anthony25: I have the kernel, what's the required userspace stack? (It does not seem to work just out of the box.)
I haven't tried it yet
normally, none, if you do `cam -l` it should be listed
and you need the v4l2 stack
apt-install libcamera-tools
yay -S libcamera-tools
or similar
cam -l
if that works
if that works
which tests libcamera to pipewire
if that works
firefox -> about:config video pipewire thing true
media: i2c: ov02c10: Get the OF clock rate
Date: Sat Mar 15 21:47:39 2025 +0000
Add support to get the mclk rate specified in dts.
from the same branch
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jhovold: 12 hours (as of now) of uptime here at home, and not seen the issue with your patch applied
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kuruczgy[m]: The frequency reported by the kernel doesn't change when thermal throttling
I haven't tested this, but I think perf stat might show the true frequency, since it derives it from the cycle count
But maybe throttling should be seen as a good thing, since it improves efficiency :)
I often limit the CPU to clock speeds as low as 1 GHz, since it's still reasonably fast but much more efficient
kuruczgy[m]: htop reads a value that doesn't change when throttling. You need to read `/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy*/cpuinfo_cur_freq`
I hit this issue a few weeks ago, was really confusing
Thanks, will look at those when I do the next kernel compile
bryanodonoghue: Picked that commit, no change, `cam -l` still does not find any cameras. (The "supply [...] not found, using dummy regulator" messages are still present in dmesg, not sure which messages I should be looking at.)
HdkR: Are you sure? cpuinfo_cur_freq doesn't change for me when throttling.