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<steev> amstan: what you mean? they bought the radeon mobile unit ages ago (and its why adreno is an anagram of radeon)
<steev> oh, you mean the driver itself?
<amstan> steev: freedreno being the open source implementation of the gfx driver
<steev> yeah i figured it out (eventually)
<steev> i thought theyve contributed (a little) over the years to it, but robclark could probably say best :P
<robclark> mostly on the kernel side, but more recently some small things on mesa side... expect to see more as time goes on
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<bibikski> bamse: So I tried that and made some decent progress but it tried to run the arm binaries. But I am able to load ubuntu on the machine. I tried doing mkosi on ubuntu but I needed to install pacman. I couldn't get far in that task. Investigating ways to go from ubuntu on the arm machine now
<anthony25> ha no sorry, I'm stupid, it's not about the same driver
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<icecream95> I looked at the ath12k panic bug a while ago, and I suspect it's easy enough to fix, but never got around to recompiling the kernel to test
<steev> that forum thread feels like 7 different conversations happening at the same time
<icecream95> but it seems that some people are hitting a bug in a different place, so there may be more than one
<steev> not shocking, there are a bunch of ath12k patches on the linux-wireless mailing list (but it does look like jeff is keeping up on things)
<icecream95> I also noticed a bug where the system can stay up after a kernel panic, I wonder if that's been fixed yet
<bamse> bibikski: yeah i ran into that as well, not sure how binfmt works on arch...need to read up some more
<steev> should be pacman-package-manager package for pacman on debian based systems
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<bamse> on ubuntu it's qemu-user-static and qemu-system-arm and then you update-binfmts --enable qemu-aarch64...
<bamse> bibikski: install qemu-user-static-binfmt then "systemctl restart systemd-binfmt"... that solves the execve failures
<bamse> but then as we're trying to package up the image.raw in the end i run out of space in the image somehow...
<bamse> but only in the cross-build
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<apple-corps[m]> I have been trying to launch sway or hyprland from the ubuntu remix with the kernel supplied by Jens Glathe . I tried setting a software rendering flag as I understand there is no gpu driver for the x1p-4200 :[... (full message at <>)
<HdkR> Maybe it needs a newer mesa for x1p to be enabled?
<apple-corps[m]> I might be SOL'd until a driver is released which may never happen since it's not an x1e. I am thinking perhaps these wayland compistors don't support software rendering.
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<apple-corps[m]> But gnome3 seems to be working...
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<apple-corps[m]> hard to imagine that would make a difference but I can try upgrading
<bamse> apple-corps[m]: i'm quite certain that we're missing some required patches for the gpu to come up...
<HdkR> I guess the gpuid probably differs for the x1p as well? Would need to be added to mesa
<bamse> yes
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<robclark> so the purwa variant on x1/x1p will need a device table entry on kernel and mesa side... not something I can easily figure out w/out android device using same SoC, but otherwise it should be trivial.. but I expect/hope for some help from qc on that soon.. until then it is sw rast
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<apple-corps[m]> Do you all know if the hdmi out port will work or if usb-c (dp?) out will work. I have my doubts but just curious if I can use an external monitor
<robclark> that, afaict, should be all dts... it works on some devices, just depends on someone figuring out the dts bits
<robclark> should be pretty much agnostic of purwa vs hamoa since display controller appears to be the same in each
<robclark> the cpu cluster arrangement and gpu appear to be the main differences
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<JensGlathe[m]> „Only“ the type-c connectors work for now, with 2 lanes, only, but up to hbr3. I can attach via adapter and directly. For the hdmi port no luck yet.
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<apple-corps[m]> Jens Glathe: thanks. I will give my monitor a shot.
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<bryanodonoghue> anthony25
<bryanodonoghue> took driver posted by hans - the earlier hacked up version on XPS was apparently working
<bryanodonoghue> so hopefully this will work for you on slim7x
<bryanodonoghue> btw Dell XPS, Lenovo t14s and Slim7x are all candidates for camera testing on that branch
<bryanodonoghue> would appreciate wider testing
<anthony25> cool!
<anthony25> what did you change?
<bryanodonoghue> previous patch was based on intel's v7 of ov02c driver
<bryanodonoghue> this is based on the version hans de goede posted v9 of the same
<bryanodonoghue> I believe v7 was working on the Dell XPS
<bryanodonoghue> Same sensor on the Lenovo t14s and Slim7x
<bryanodonoghue> different power supplies
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<kuruczgy[m]> Oh potential slim7x camera support?
<kuruczgy[m]> bryanodonoghue: Can you give a rough outline of what I should apply to my tree? (Not sure which commits are relevant from your branch)
<anthony25> kuruczgy[m]: I can share you a single patch, if it makes it easier for you
<anthony25> maybe on rc6 I get less merge conflicts, on rc4 it didn't apply well for me
<anthony25> you also need to patch the slim 7x dts
<kuruczgy[m]> anthony25: Yep, I would appreciate that, thanks. (Though if it works I will still want to hunt down the original sources before packaging, I assume it will be a driver series from LKML + some other hacks + dts)
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<anthony25> it's multiple series
<anthony25> from what I understand
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<bryanodonoghue> anthony25 you can take the ov02c10.c file directly as at the tip of tree and the dts for the slim7x
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<anthony25> great, thanks!
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<bryanodonoghue> kuruczgy[m] if you are on jhovold branch then just switch to the branch above
<bryanodonoghue> i stack my patches on top of that branch
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<kuruczgy[m]> Thanks, that's useful to know. Compiling now.
<kuruczgy[m]> Btw latest firmware update (slim 7x) seems to have messed with fan curves, it's much quieter know when compiling the kernel. Wonder it there is a perf impact...
<kuruczgy[m]> It's not overheating, and according to htop it's still running at 3.4 GHz, interesting...
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<kuruczgy[m]> It compiled in 26m, so maybe a bit slower? I remember measuring 21m a few months ago, but this could also just be due to newer kernel having more code
<kuruczgy[m]> bryanodonoghue: anthony25: I have the kernel, what's the required userspace stack? (It does not seem to work just out of the box.)
<anthony25> I haven't tried it yet
<anthony25> normally, none, if you do `cam -l` it should be listed
<anthony25> and you need the v4l2 stack
<bryanodonoghue> apt-install libcamera-tools
<bryanodonoghue> yay -S libcamera-tools
<bryanodonoghue> or similar
<bryanodonoghue> cam -l
<bryanodonoghue> if that works
<bryanodonoghue> qcam
<bryanodonoghue> if that works
<bryanodonoghue> cheese
<bryanodonoghue> which tests libcamera to pipewire
<bryanodonoghue> if that works
<bryanodonoghue> firefox -> about:config video pipewire thing true
<bryanodonoghue> try a hangout call
<kuruczgy[m]> cam -l does not list any cameras
<bryanodonoghue> meh - could you share a dmesg ?
<bryanodonoghue> @ my linaro email will do
<kuruczgy[m]> it's definitely logging something, mostly the hw versions
<bryanodonoghue> damn I forgot to forward port the logic to get clock-frequency from v7 to v9
<bryanodonoghue> thx for the test
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<bryanodonoghue> kuruczgy[m]
<bryanodonoghue> commit c826a5eeb03b8267bc82a5a01789b4f964316928 (HEAD -> x1e80100-6.14-rc6-inspirion14-slim7x-camss, linaro/x1e80100-6.14-rc6-inspirion14-slim7x-camss)
<bryanodonoghue> Author: Bryan O'Donoghue <>
<bryanodonoghue> media: i2c: ov02c10: Get the OF clock rate
<bryanodonoghue> Date: Sat Mar 15 21:47:39 2025 +0000
<bryanodonoghue> Add support to get the mclk rate specified in dts.
<bryanodonoghue> from the same branch
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<steev> jhovold: 12 hours (as of now) of uptime here at home, and not seen the issue with your patch applied
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<icecream95> kuruczgy[m]: The frequency reported by the kernel doesn't change when thermal throttling
<icecream95> I haven't tested this, but I think perf stat might show the true frequency, since it derives it from the cycle count
<icecream95> But maybe throttling should be seen as a good thing, since it improves efficiency :)
<icecream95> I often limit the CPU to clock speeds as low as 1 GHz, since it's still reasonably fast but much more efficient
<HdkR> kuruczgy[m]: htop reads a value that doesn't change when throttling. You need to read `/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpufreq/policy*/cpuinfo_cur_freq`
<HdkR> I hit this issue a few weeks ago, was really confusing
<kuruczgy[m]> Thanks, will look at those when I do the next kernel compile
<kuruczgy[m]> bryanodonoghue: Picked that commit, no change, `cam -l` still does not find any cameras. (The "supply [...] not found, using dummy regulator" messages are still present in dmesg, not sure which messages I should be looking at.)
<icecream95> HdkR: Are you sure? cpuinfo_cur_freq doesn't change for me when throttling.