ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<travmurav[m]> smoorgborg: based on your help i have a draft branch in dtbloader to patch ips dtb to oled one if oled is detected, though I need to refactor it to actually select between two dtbs instead. Though I assume you don't use dtbloader so the answer would be "make whatever selects your dtb to pick -oled.dtb"...
<anthony25> travmurav[m]: did some arm distro reach out to you to have dtbloader by default?
<travmurav[m]> I'm maintaining it in pmOS, otherwise there was no interest as far as I can tell
<anthony25> It feels like it would lift the entry bar to arm distros on efi laptops, without having to know much about the dtb to select (and without needing to script the grub config to do some detection)
<travmurav[m]> I feel everyone is stuck in "i have some ugly hacks that works but if I'm to switch, the thing must be ""perfect""", so it's easy for people just find some flaw in it and keep the status quo
<travmurav[m]> But well I also have a perspective of trying to support (mostly-)generic linux deployments on android phones so oh well
<travmurav[m]> Maybe someone who had x86 """just work""" doesn't have the red flags that fired for me immediately as I saw woa xD
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<jhovold> craftyguy: just sent a fix for the spurious dp hotplug events here:
<jhovold> we still need to figure out why you see these even every few seconds, I only see them every 90 seconds here
<jhovold> it would also be good to confirm that these are related to display flickering you mentioned
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<anonymix007[m]> Turns out EDID can be read on T14s. Can anyone with the OLED version try my systemd-stub build?
<anonymix007[m]> It should also print CHIDs, panel manufacturer and the product code.
<travmurav[m]> anonymix007: since you have it open, could you also dump `dmem d6cf5f2c 97` too? :D
<anonymix007[m]> travmurav: sure
<travmurav[m]> anonymix007: you have no touchscreen, right?
<anonymix007[m]> Correct, it's the low-power version without the touchscreen
<travmurav[m]> but cool, same touchpad, no touchscreen, panel=2 (oled being 4)
<travmurav[m]> thanks
<travmurav[m]> so we have two heuristics then, one is hopefully more generic with edid and one t14s specific but also detects tpad/ts differences
<bamse> steev: hmm, wonder why i didn't see that...but that sounds like a very valid bug report with the series, thanks
<travmurav[m]> anonymix007: for context, last byte of the dump is MVNS/VPID field from acpi
<travmurav[m]> and a bit before are vid/pid for tpad and touchscreen (which are 0 for you)
<steev> jhovold: thanks for jumping in on the gpiod thread :) alas i was asleep so couldn't reply before the v2 but v2 does indeed fix it :)
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<farchord> Hey all, is it fair to say that the Lenovo X1E laptop is better supported in Linux than the Asus one?
<JensGlathe[m]> Not..sure. More common, maybe. But better supported? Like, having sound support already?
<farchord> JensGlathe[m]: I know that work on this platform depends on which device is the most common... but yeah I was thinking about sound support
<farchord> I'm trying to help with the adoption of WoA devices on Fedora lol
<JensGlathe[m]> I finally managed to get sound on the HP Omnibook operational.
<farchord> Nice!
<farchord> I'm trying to consider simply installing Linux on my Vivobook
<farchord> I mean litterally replacing Windows
<JensGlathe[m]> Yeah why not, as long as you're able to do UEFI firmware updates
<farchord> Yeah considering that's Windows-based, that's a no-go I'm assuming
<JensGlathe[m]> There is support for CRD, Thinkpad T14s, and Yoga slim 7x . So both 2 and 4 speaker configs are sort of covered.
<JensGlathe[m]> Depends on how adventurous you are
<JensGlathe[m]> I wold keep a (small-ish) Windows system ready on disk for these cases
<farchord> 10-4. I might look into a T14s then
<JensGlathe[m]> danger, will robinson
<farchord> In what way?
<JensGlathe[m]> the 64GB ones are notorious for being a PITA
<farchord> Good thing I was looking into the 32gb one
<JensGlathe[m]> T14s needs a boot patch to boot more often ^^ than not
<JensGlathe[m]> but otherwise it is said to be fine
<farchord> You're still talking about the 64gb one right?
<JensGlathe[m]> no
<farchord> ahhh
* farchord sighs.
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<robclark> my 7x seems good, if real pgup/pgdn keys are not a requirement
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<SpieringsAE> farchord: I run linux on the asus vivobook, I'm getting more and more in
<SpieringsAE> but audio is something I am too afraid to touch
<SpieringsAE> the only IO that doesn't work right now is the hdmi port and the headphone jack
<SpieringsAE> but yeah I do suggest keeping the windows stuff around, I just shrank windows to 150gb ish
<SpieringsAE> but jeah, the t14s has better audio support, the slim7x has some early EC support. I've got nothing on the EC in the vivobook yet
<farchord> Mmmm.... That or I could try to find a bigger nvme... Or ya clean it and shrink it
<SpieringsAE> yeah I also switched to a 2tb one
<SpieringsAE> clonezillad my old 1tb over using a m.2 dock
<SpieringsAE> took ages though
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<janrinze> jhovold: I've found your kernel repo for the lenovo X13s. Just received mine (second-hand) , upgraded the firmware and built the kernel. Just to quick test I'd like to boot the kernel from a USB drive using UEFI. How do I tell the lenovo to boot my kernel?
<craftyguy> If the usb drive has a proper ESP, then just tell the lenovo fw to boot from it. You might need to enable "linux mode" in the fw
<craftyguy> at this point, I think a few distros support the x13s, I'd start with one of those. In postmarketOS, we package Johan's kernel as-is for the x13s
<steev> debian doesn't, the only thing(s) missing are the recent wifi fixes and venus
<steev> in mainline, really
<Jasper[m]> Fedora works mostly ootb
<Jasper[m]> May need the qcom_q6v2_pas rd blocklist kernel argument on first boot
<Jasper[m]> (Haven't checked in a while, frankly)
<craftyguy> well, there's always pmOS I guess 😉
<bumble[m]> <craftyguy> "at this point, I think a few..." <- highly recommend postmarketOS here. craftyguy is awesome and its fun following the development and watching things improve (even more) steadily. x13s is a great experience there. this x13s+postmarketOS experience has been one of the best here
<bumble[m]> also, I've been using pipewire and audio here has been OK. sometimes I need to pause the audio for a minute or two to stop the crackling --otherwise no issues here
<bumble[m]> also also, x13s is now supported at postmarketOS' "stable" channel, a nice option
<bumble[m]> s/x13s is a great experience there.//
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<janrinze> Been fiddling to get an iso on a USB drive. dd seems to take forever. I'm not sure if I used the right block size (1M) because <ctrl-c> does not abort the dd.. hmm..
<janrinze> Okay, took a bit of time but the Ubuntu iso boots. The USB drive is indeed horrably slow :-D
<janrinze> I very much prefer Debian, not so keen on Ubuntu but it's the first try anyways. The iso boot, the installer runs.. still takes forever to install. (should have used a different USB drive)
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