now that the bulk of the work is done to get GTK up and running, I should really get back to work on Haiku itself
hopefully someone else can pick up where I left off and start polishing things
waddlesplash: hm. very strange, but I have no problem with gdk_pixbuf + librsvg plugin
M3dEyes[m]: not sure what's the problem on my end. I opened a ticket at HaikuPorts, there is a "SVG" entry in my gdk-pixbuf-loaders settings file
but the SVG icons just won't load
PNGs do work now at least, that part seems solved
not sure what or why. my clever hack to get cairo-xlib may have been a bad idea...
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M3dEyes[m]: the Inkscape recipe only "Somewhat" works. Inkscape crashes on startup unless you work around xlibe#8, and also specify INKSCAPE_DATADIR=/system/apps/Inkscape/...
M3dEyes[m]: if you would like to work on it, I can push it and let you take it from here...
Just a hack to enable the system icons themewithout gtk patching: mkdir ~/.icons && ln -s /system/data/icons/haiku ~/.icons/Adwaita
well, that doesn't really seem to be the problem
as Inkscape has a ton of custom icons that are all failing to load
[haikuports/haikuports] waddlesplash c5a400e - Inkscape: add recipe (disabled, needs hacks to start without crashing.)
well, there's the recipe
probably the no-poppler hacks can be dropped and just compile with poppler...
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<waddlesplash> "3dEyes: if you would like to..." <- First, we need to understand why the svg icons don't work. It was interesting to run Inkscape, but I'm busy finalizing OpenGL support in Qt
very good. :)
Not being able to add subwindows to windows in haiku makes it difficult. I have to emulate this behavior in QPA.
hm? what's the problem?
aren't all QPA windows *both* a BWindow and a BView?
just add the BView to a different BWindow...
and hide the "original" parent
)) That's exactly what I'm doing right now.
ah :)
yes, libX11 does the same, basically
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M3dEyes[m] any ETA when falkon could get a 32bit build?
I don't think anyone's working on that.
AlienSoldier: I only use a 64bit Haiku, I don't have any others on my PC.
M3dEyes[m] i could test a build if you ever want to try.
It takes a lot of resources to build qtwebengine. I'm not sure if it is possible to do this for 32bit at all, but maybe I'm wrong.
i am currently running out of multi browser strategy to be able to continuously work in haiku
you mean it take more memory to build than what 32 bit can adress!?
Building qtwebengine on my AMD Rizen7 X3700 with 32 gigabytes of RAM and NVRAM disk takes over 2.5 hours.
ok, you mean the lenght of time
Building with -j16 requires about 25 gigabytes of RAM.
I'm not sure how to do it on a 32bit system with a 4 gigabyte limit per process.
ok, at least now i know why it it was not appearing in the depot
It might be easier to do this through cross-compilation
yes, that is was i was expecting it to appear eventually. I was originally thinking somekind of missing 32bit lib was needed or that some inline assembler code made compilation abord.
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