HyClone doesn't need hpkg write functionality anyway.
C++ port of .NET port of Java port of original Haiku C++ code?
I don't think the Java port is related to the C++ code in Package kit.
It is much simpler.
That's why I decided to port my .NET port instead of re-using the Package kit.
Package Kit seems written in enterprise Java bloated style.
The original C++ Package Kit (libpackage.so) has too much BeOS-ism and uses too many libbe APIs.
x512[m]: And for the sake of easy updates the .NET port inherits a lot of this bloat.
<trungnt2910[m]> "Fixed." <- Can't test now because not at home PC.
Just curious, but what is your day job?
Programming/testing job. Currently on Java embedded project.
Seems interesting! At least it's not fixing decades-old SQL code for some random finance company :)
Do you have to spend a lot of time on things like meetings or handling clients or do you get to focus on the technical aspects most of the time?
Spend time waiting for getting specifications from client and then reporting mistakes it it. Repeat.
Write and test code according to received specifications.
"embedded project" so you get to write quite a lot of low-level code and not having to do things like trying to center a button in some random box right?
Not GUI things.
And not much business logic like storing employee IDs or bank account numbers?
I am not sure to which detail it is allowed to publically discuss about proprietary software.
Oops, sorry for asking too much. I just wonder if there are many programming jobs in Japan that are not the typical enterprise things like managing customers or writing company websites and so on.
I want to work on something like OSDev and framework dev when I graduate but I don't see many opportunities for that in Vietnam.
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x512[m]: Did you mean "doesn't preserve the files' data after reboot"? Because I can create files normally on the rootfs. Also there are a bunch of symlinks existing there on a default Haiku installation.
Files can't be created in rootfs, only directories, symlinks and special files (pipe etc.).
Some of the submodules have an external dependency that aren't directly used by the main project.
Not sure about special files.
guess you need to pull the extra ones then win8linux[m] and put them in the correct directory?
Strange to allow symlinks but not regular files.
Since symlinks are just magical text files.
rootfs purpose is connecting various file systems to single place.
If you want to store files, you need on disk file system or ramfs.
Data files are tricky things, it may support mapping on memory for example. It can be very big and need special storage data structures instead of simple heap object.
<trungnt2910[m]> "Since symlinks are just magical..." <- In terms of Haiku VFS data files and symlinks are different things.
Well dang, Open Hexagon's build process involves downloading SFML via Git which might be a problem for HaikuPorts.
Also upstream SFML has no Haiku support.
projects that don't tag releases and/or projects that don't use tagged releases for dependencies can eff right off
It was a mess trying to get the submodules in order partly due to that.
Initially tried to target 2.1.6 since it's the most recent tag, but some of the submodules depended on each other but at different revisions.
Gave up and retargeted onto the latest commit of the main project.
ugh, yeah
According to the devs, Open Hexagon doesn't have more recent GH releases since the game doesn't have free binary releases anymore.
(It is sold on Steam)
trungnt2910[m]: GCC 12.2.0 is the latest official stable release. GCC 13.0.0 - no official stable release for build review yet.
cocobean: Somehow I ended up with GCC 13.x in my distro...
Some distros provide it (FreeBSD/Linux-based variants)... but only for dev use.... hopefully not for primary production compilations - as it is unknown for all compile optimization variations.
I don't know, somehow it comes with my default OpenSUSE installation.
Ubuntu 23.04 only provides GCC 12.x