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<WildKeccak> this (Poison's Talk Dirty to Me) possibly crashes Web:
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<nebulabc> I've been using Haiku on and off over the last year, and really enjoy it on some of my lower end hardware. That said, does anyone know how to make the "scroll button"/middle click on thinkpads work? This is a killer feature for me, and I looked on the fourms and couldn't find anything conclusive.
<nebulabc> some devices like thinkpads in the x200 line don't even have a trackpad. so that means that scroll bar is the only option. Luckily most of mine have it where you can scroll on the side of the trackpad, but this isn't a perfect solution
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<OscarL> nebulabc: How's that "scroll/middle button" handled in other Linux / *BSD ? If it needs a custom driver, Haiku might just not have it yet. If it is handled by PS/2 (or USB HID) on other OSes... maybe Haiku's drivers just need to be adjusted for that particular hardware.
<OscarL> In any case... you're best bet is filing a ticket over (search first for your hardware model, to see if something's already there).
<OscarL> This one is always good to read/follow when filing tickets:
<OscarL> ("handled in other Linux / *BSD" I was about to write "in other OSes", and forgot to remove "other" when decided to be more specific :-D)
<OscarL> Alternatively, if you know how to program, creating an input filter that lets you simulate an scroll wheel (using other keys), is not really that hard.
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<nebulabc> I'm pretty sure I saw someone in a forum post say it was something to do with the PS2 implementation. I've had it work without any special drivers.
<nebulabc> It
<nebulabc> It's just so you can scroll with the trackpoint by holding that mouse button
<nebulabc> right now it just treats it as button 2 in a 3 button mouse
<OscarL> In that case, I strongly suggest opening a ticket about it. Things "get lost" in IRC/forum, and the devs prefer to have a ticket to track such issues.
<augiedoggie> should be pretty easy to write a filter for that
<augiedoggie> i've seen similar-ish ones on github
<OscarL> I have at least 2 :-D
<augiedoggie> i can't remember if UniversalScroller can do that
<OscarL> KeyCursor simulates scroll weels with PgUp/PgDn, for example.
<OscarL> *wheels
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<OscarL> Hi Begasus.
<Begasus> Hola OscarL :)
<Begasus> forgot to strip the package for iaito I saw :/
<Begasus> before about 50MiB, after debuginfopackage created about 2MiB :)
<OscarL> ouch.
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<Begasus> already had it (for checking out git commits)
<Begasus> and being stuck with lua stuf :/
<OscarL> Been doing some little benchmark compares on my Phenom II X4. Linux vs Haiku on both, and "syscall-overhead"... using both bare-metal and VBox on Win10.
<Begasus> and?
<OscarL> my "syscall-overhead" results for Linux / Haiku on VBox are really crazy. Linux on VBox: 124 ns (138 ns on bare metal, LOL). Haiku on VBox: 3600 ns (158 ns on bare metal).
<OscarL> yet.. when comparing python's performance, I only see a ~12% difference on favor of Linux.
<OscarL> Not bad. (same for 3.10, and the faster 3.11)
<Begasus> quite some big difference on the first check
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<OscarL> yeah... VBox+Haiku is nuts for syscall-overhead, yet, the system runs fine.
<Begas_VM> that's the main part +1 :)
<OscarL> indeed.
<OscarL> Really surpriced that our pythons are now only 12% slower that on Linux.
<OscarL> Fixing those OPT flags really helped, it seems :-D
<Begas_VM> the right guy to the job! +1
<OscarL> only took me 8 months to find out there was a problem there! /me is slow.... wonder if I'm also missing some OPT flags :-P
<Begasus> got some things here that even after a few years haven't been able to complete :)
<OscarL> I took a look at Lua's packages a few weeks ago (mostly to fix that vis/lua issue on 32 bits)... but got distracted, and haven't done any real progress there :-(
<Begasus> there iaito announced at the forum :)
<Begasus> I'm still a bit unsure where lua checks for the modules etc ...
<OscarL> yeah, and I've already forgot what "path" thing I was about to try to fix for them (should check the logs some day).
<Begasus> also switched here already to default lua5.4 (to be sure things work as expected), lua seems fine there
<Begasus> I also see that for instance luacheck still defaults to lua5.1? :P
<Begasus> or was it luafilesystem ...
<OscarL> we need some lua dev to help here... me looks around... and points fingers...
<Begas_VM> it took long enough to have somewhat of an python guy to step up :)
<OscarL> now I understand why some projects reject adding stuff unless it comes with a maintainer attached :-D
<Begas_VM> yeah, the guy from iaito asked yesterday "how many projects do you maintain?" ... can't count the numbers :) (and I'm not even a dev)
<OscarL> "ALL OF THEM!!! Send HALP!!!" -- Begasus, probably.
<OscarL> and that's why I say we're really lucky to have you :-)
<Begas_VM> lol, thanks, otherwise korli would have a fulltime job :)
<OscarL> Heh... robots don't count! :-P
<Begas_VM> heh
* OscarL looks around to see if korli has logged in already.
<Begas_VM> he's around the corner :)
* OscarL hides behind some python test runs results.
<Begas_VM> probably already read those :P
<OscarL> Good, doubt he'll look again there, then! :-P
<OscarL> k, time to try Python 3.12.beta3.
<Begasus> whoot! :)
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<Begasus> heh ... trailing whitespace ....
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus 8a3f0b2 - iaito, add debuginfopackage (#8877)
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<Begas_VM> keeping the same path for luafilesystem's recipe
<Begas_VM> should I just go for default lua5.4, or start with creating subpackages for the other versions ...
<pairisto[m]> is there anyone who has had the problem of when they modify a file and then go to rebuild haiku using jam -q -j2 \@nightly-anyboot and then the change isn't reflected when you run the file?
<pairisto[m]> s//`/, s/\@/@/, s//`/
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<pairisto[m]> the only way that I have found to remedy this is to rm -rf generated but it then takes way to long to rebuild using ./configure --cross-tools-source ../buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64
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<trungnt2910[m]> pairisto[m]: Instead of doing that try touch `**/*` from the root of the source.
<trungnt2910[m]> Or, if you aren't making changes to the kernel itself, try building only the target you modified instead of the whole image.
<trungnt2910[m]> > <> the only way that I have found to remedy this is to `rm -rf generated` but it then takes way to long to rebuild using `./configure --cross-tools-source ../buildtools --build-cross-tools x86_64`
<trungnt2910[m]> * Instead of doing that try `touch **/*` from the root of the source.
<trungnt2910[m]> trungnt2910[m]: Or `rm -rf generated/objects` instead. This will keep the cross-compiler intact.
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<pairisto[m]> I'll try those and see what happens
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] davidkaroly pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57102] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] c629d42947ee - kernel/arm: remove unused barrier functions
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] davidkaroly pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57103] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 426dc0c7e44a - kernel/arm: remove unneeded call to arch_thread_set_current_thread
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<Begas_VM> well ... it works :) (but hardly usable for others as the devel packages conflict) :)
<pairisto[m]> so `rm -rf generated/objects` didn't work, since I am making changes to a driver I couldn't necessarily rebuild it but I tried `jam -q -j2 "<driver>tun_driver"` and after rebuilding it it still didn't refresh, and neither did `touch **/*` :/
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<pairisto[m]> don't know if this will help but the Jamfile that I am using is an edited version of this one here -> and is edited is here ->
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<OscarL> pairisto[m]: by "didn't refresh" you mean that "tun_driver" (and driver.o) under "generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/add-ons/kernel/drivers/misc/" do not change at all?
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<korli> pairisto[m]: you should be in the generated directory when calling jam
<korli> then "jam -q <driver>tun_driver" should update files in generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/add-ons/kernel/drivers/misc/ like OscarL wrote
<korli> to update the image at the same time, jam -q update-image @nightly-anyboot "<driver>tun_driver"
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<PulkoMandy> Also, just to make sure: rebuilding a driver like this updates it in the generated/ directory, but does not update the generated filesystem image if that's what you're testing with
<Begas_VM> lua is driving me nuts ...
<Begas_VM> well, the lua depending recipes ...
<OscarL> lua (PT_BR) == moon (EN) == Luna -> lunatic, seems fitting.
<Begas_VM> current luafilesystem installs "lfs" in $libDir/lua5.3, luv installs the shared libraries in $libDir, but the library "luv" in $prefix/lib/lua5.3
<Begas_VM> luafilesystem has support for both arch's, so can't use $prefix/lib there ...
<OscarL> is gcc2 suppport really necessary for modern Lua versions? "Lua 5.0 was released on 11 Apr 2003" << doubt there's much BeOS compatibility issues there.
<OscarL> IIRC, BeOS 5.1d0 used 3.2 for its decorators (as an static library).
<Begasus> well, haven't even looked into the older versions, for now also ony focussing on lua5.4
<Begasus> point is that it is confusing now ... where should the lfs and luv library really go so it's detected by the system?
<OscarL> that's why we need someone that actually uses lua to step up :-P
<Begasus> if they match the python stratagie they would be expected in $prefix/lib
<Begasus> as they are C(?) libraries we should drop gcc2 support if they need to be in $prefix/lib
<OscarL> luv's "Fix luarocks publish" is dated in 2015 ( Doubt there's a need for a GCC2 version, given that date.
<Begas_VM> that one is already marked !x86_gcc2
<OscarL> "Version 1.0 Beta [10/Nov/2004]" for luafilesystem, and Version 1.2.1 [08/May/2007] dropped support for older than 5.1 versions.
<Begas_VM> luafilesystem 1.8.0 here
<OscarL> open a PR/Issue proposing to drop GCC2 support for Lua, perhaps?
<Begas_VM> lua itself isn't the problem
<OscarL> I mean lua as in... its full ecosystem.
<Begas_VM> where to put for instance the lfs library for luafilesystem
<Begas_VM> yeah, shouldn't be a big deal there
<Begas_VM> luacheck also requires newer gcc
<Begas_VM> iirc
<Begas_VM> -- Installing: /packages/luv_x86-1.44.2-4/.self/lib/lua/5.4/
<Begas_VM> -- Installing: /packages/luv_x86-1.44.2-4/.self/lib/x86/
<Begas_VM> this is confusing too
<Begas_VM> cp src/ /packages/luafilesystem-1.8.0-1/.self/lib/lua/5.4
<Begas_VM> or
<OscarL> might be similar to how Python has "C extensions" as .so under lib/python3.x/ (intended to be loaded from scripts "import c_module") ... vs libraries (the actual for example), intended to be linked by programs that need it?
<Begas_VM> yeah, was my thinking too
<Begas_VM> cp src/ /packages/luafilesystem_x86-1.8.0-1/.self/lib/lua/5.4
<Begas_VM> then I would have to mark gcc2 as broken too
<Begas_VM> with luacheck .... luafilesystem >= 1.6.3 (not installed)
<Begas_VM> either way
<Begas_VM> no wonder the list for OS's on those packages is limited :P
<OscarL> .lua files go to LUA_PATH, .so to LUA_CPATH.
<Begas_VM> with luv it uses both $prefix/lib and $libDir
<OscarL> "LUA_CPATH" was the one I was meaning to fix for that "vis" not finding the lua plugin on 32 bits :-)
<OscarL> (apparently, you can "print(package.path)" and "print(package.cpath)" from a cmd:lua interpreter, to see where it thinks those are)
<OscarL> meanwhile... my attempts at fixing fork issues with Python 3.12 when nowhere, so I'll revert back to my previous solution (using spawn instead of fork for multiprocessing).
<Begas_VM> looks like we're both stuck :)
<OscarL> Also... dopping $jobArgs from make invocation again. otherwise, seems to still give issues related to libgcov sometimes :-( (build still works, but it is less optimized). There goes my faster builds :-(
<OscarL> I'll report back in 35/40 minutes :-D
<OscarL> uff, make that 45/50. had to run hp -c (and can't use hp -G as I need to re-extract a patch I've modified by hand :-P)
<Begas_VM> heh
<Begas_VM> ps, if you ever want to try out lazarus, set ~/config/non-packaged/bin as install path with fpcupdeluxe (seems to work there instead of keeping the default ~/fpcdeluxe
<OscarL> cool. I'll certainly ping you when the time comes :-D
<Begas_VM> pulls the sources for fpc and lazarus, so have to keep that in mind too :)
<OscarL> yeah... :-(
<OscarL> think I haven't run fpc since 2005
<Begas_VM> well, if fpc sources are installed and setup correctly you'd only need lazarus source
<Begas_VM> but haven't tried that
<Begas_VM> ow, and need to patch for libiconv :P
<OscarL> you are doing a terrible job, if you're actually trying to convince me to try it :-D
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HaikuUser is now known as mrjones
<Begas_VM> heh, it's logged here, so maybe someone could use it ;)
<Begas_VM> k, luarocks installs the lfs (build in luacheck) in $prefix/lib
<mrjones> do we have a tool that can extract metadata from mail files ('converted' eml) and write them to attributes? I am not feeling like manually fixing 28400 mails :p
* OscarL started "hp python3.12 |& tee -a py3.12-build.log", lets see how long it takes this time.
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<OscarL> for writting/updating attributes, "ls /bin/*attr" will list what's avaliable, mrjones.
<OscarL> not sure if we have something to parse the mail files themselves.
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<OscarL> mrjones: there's (and we have both mail2mbox and mbox2mail)
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<mrjones> mbox2mail didn't quite work for me. It created spurious mails and set the date to either 1 january 1970 or 23 may 2023 ;)
<mrjones> .eml is a bit easier - CMD+A (wait a few minutes), right click, add-ons -> filetype -> text/x-emails and there you go. But without metadata
<OscarL> filed a bug report already for those mbox2mail related fails? :wink: :wink:
<mrjones> no, not yet. Also investigating scanimage failures - and some KDL-visits when copying files from my linux desktop. I'm being a little mean til my haiku
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<mrjones> *til -> to
<OscarL> what about something like this: (and then use the mentioned /bin/*attr tools to write the .eml parsed metadata as attributes?
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<_023621> .
<OscarL> ipv6... fancy.
<mrjones> that one could actually work out
<_023621> Hello
<OscarL> Hi _023621
<_023621> Hi friends, are you using haiku os? How do you feel?
<OscarL> Feelling pretty cold right now, otherwise, OK :-). Running Haiku on a VM at the moment (building/testing Python 3.12)
<mrjones> Feeling kinda hot, but I am danish, so anything with sunshine is hot. Using Haiku on bare metal - first and foremost for mails and DTP.
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<OscarL> Are you a new, or a returning, Haiku user, _023621? Either way, welcome to our little corner of the net.
<erysdren> hello!
<Begas_VM> 'lo erysdren :)
<OscarL> Good morning erysdren :-)
<_023621> You're developing Haiku? Very good! _mrjones,OscarL
<mrjones> No, I'm only translating for now.
<OscarL> just another user trying to contribute the little I can :-)
<_023621> I've known about Haiku for a long time, but never installed it on my computer because of driver problems
<_023621> I have been working on Linux flatpak from 22:00 to 4:30 yesterday
<_023621> Still planning to give up on Linux, although it can be installed on my computer, it's a bit too difficult
<OscarL> Python 3.12.0.beta3 build finished. Wee!!! "real 37m34.608s" :-( /me needs a faster PC.
<OscarL> (running tests now... this will at least warm up the room a bit :-D)
<mrjones> Now, try building Chromium...
<OscarL> I don't wan't my poor PC to actually melt down, mrjones! :-P
<mrjones> that sort of kinda actually happened to me with my previous pc build. That light grey matte PSU was darkbrown shiny when it died (during compiling something)
<zard> Oof. I never knew that could happen
<mrjones> it had that heat damaged metal look... i could have fried eggs on the top of the pc tower
<Begas_VM> :)
<Begas_VM> still not going anywhere with luacheck/luafilesystem :/
<OscarL> time to work on something easier for a while, Begas_VM? As to get some wins and avoid frustrations?
<mrjones> rules out BeMines
<OscarL> how about libreoffice 6.4 (Python 2.7 and 3.7) ? :-P
<Begasus> can get the packages to build, but don't know if they are (or even were for that matter) functional
<Begasus> tsss :P
<Begasus> OscarL, just revbump it in a PR and get it over with? (can always blame you then) :P
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<OscarL> and as I don't have merge powers.... I'll blame you back! Deal!
<Begasus> lol
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<OscarL> definitively, we can't use "--timeout" when running Python tests. Leaves dangling processes behind after it "kills" (no very efectively) tests that timeout.
<OscarL> now I remember why I needed "killall" and why I ended up writting /bin/pidof :-D
<OscarL> "killall python", there... much better.
<mrjones> hmm... now I just have to get all that stuff into file attributes
<mrjones> when that thing has stopped parsing 28202 emails...
<mrjones> maybe I should cut the task into smaller bites?
<mrjones> didn't take that long after all
<OscarL> "ValueError: time data '2023-06-21 13:30+4294966996' does not match format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M%z'" << this might be the main cause of all the related failures (%z == 4294966996 LOL)... will have to take a look at
<Begas_VM> we as in ... ? ;)
<mrjones> we as in plural me obviously
<Begas_VM> heh
<zdykstra> hah
* mrjones forgot what I was about to do
<Begas_VM> lol mrjones, me has that often too :)
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<Begas_VM> well, the lua* packages build and package fine so far
<OscarL> "Fatal Python error: PyOS_AfterFork_Child: the function must be called with the GIL held" <<< this one looks nasty :-/
<mrjones> I remember now. It was looking at the attributes of mails to make sure I get the right type
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<Begasus> feels like merging the PR's for fife and swift_lang (to disable them) ...
<Begasus> no one stepped up at github nor the forum
* OscarL handles Begasus a box of matches and some gasoline.
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<Begasus> too risky with the temperatures here :)
<OscarL> test run complete! (with no dangling processes, nice.). 371 tests OK. 26 tests failed. 28 tests skipped.
<OscarL> "Total duration: 13 min 38 sec." Not bad.
<OscarL> and this time I have full logs. yay me!
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* mrjones is idle: going to the grocery store for beer
<Begas_VM> congrats OscarL! :)
<OscarL> :-). Hope someday this will help me to actually attempt to fix the issues found by those tests, heh.
<Begas_VM> after fidling with the config file for luarocks this works :)
<OscarL> So... not only LUA_PATH/LUA_CPATH, but also LUA_DIR/LUA_CDIR ? "nice" (not).
<OscarL> << this looks interesting as a reference ("Lua environment variables for multiple version support")
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* mrjones has returned
<mrjones> 23 open tabs in three web+ windows. Those are rookie numbers
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<mrjones> haha... shit works now. Thag you very buch, OscarL
<OscarL> glad it worked! :-)
<mrjones> I have to shine it up a bit - and then I should probably post it in 'support' or something like that
<mrjones> just in case somebody else is that kind of crazy to move 28400 mails collected since 2009 from linux to Haiku
<OscarL> That would be nice. Never know who might need it.
<mrjones> that's after deleting thousands of mails
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<erysdren> ive been thinking about writing a GUI frontend for YouTube via Haiku
<erysdren> using libmpv to pull and draw the videos, and invidious (or direct web scraping) to pull search results and such
<erysdren> no accounts or login handling, just pure youtube search and stuff
<erysdren> and viewing
* OscarL wishes the intel_extreme driver supported video_overlay for his Atom N450 based netbook. Would be sweet to use with what erysdren describes.
<OscarL> k. pushed my changes to my python3.12 branch on gh, just in time as I run out of steam for today :-D.
<OscarL> Wish you all a good day, fellows. Read you later!
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] korli pushed 1 commit to master [+2/-4/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kenmays 6d8cee8 - libdvdread: bump version (#8878)
<_023621> Good night
<mrjones> good afternoon ;)
<zard> good morning ;)
<mrjones> Australia?
<zard> Who, me?
<mrjones> yup
<mrjones> or is midnight there?
<zard> No, USA. It's getting close to noon
<mrjones> aahhh.... yes. Your mornings last longer than in Denmark. We have forenoon at that time. Morning is only until 9 o'clock here :P
<zard> Nice. Never heard of forenoon before :D
<mrjones> I don't think it is used in English anymore. "Formiddag" in Danish. Before noon (9-12).
<erysdren> heh
<erysdren> yeah it's 10am here or so
<erysdren> where i am
<erysdren> sitll forenoon :P
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<mrjones> oh noes, the word is spreading :P
* mrjones loves that Terminal. copy and paste in ways no other one can do.
<zard> On Linux, you can copy and middle click...
<zard> (if only my middle click worked)
<zard> *copy -> select
<mrjones> I have issues with that sometimes, middleclick pasting from the wrong window...
<mrjones> I usually have featherpad open as a buffer between the window I copy from to xterm
<mrjones> and reverse
<mrjones> ctrl+c kinda doesn't work as copy in xterm
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<mrjones> this is taking some minutes to finish
* mrjones is idle: snores...
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* mrjones is idle: need a bit of sleep
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* mrjones has returned
<mrjones> done. finally done. 28400 mails attribute fixed :p
<mrjones> see ya later
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<Begasus> closing down, cu peeps!
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<pairisto[m]> <OscarL> "pairisto: by "didn't refresh..." <- that is what I meant yeah. also @korli I tried `jam -q update-image @nightly-anyboot "<driver>tun_driver"` in /generated and I get `Error: Mounting FS failed: Bad file descriptor`
<pairisto[m]> > <> pairisto: by "didn't refresh" you mean that "tun_driver" (and driver.o) under "generated/objects/haiku/x86_64/release/add-ons/kernel/drivers/misc/" do not change at all?
<pairisto[m]> * that is what I meant yeah. also @korli I tried `jam -q update-image @nightly-anyboot "<driver>tun_driver"` in /generated and I get `Error: Mounting FS failed: Bad file descriptor`
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] davidkaroly pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57104] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b4c0589f3a4a - kernel/arm: remove unneeded call to get_commpage_image
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