in my testing, this doubles GLTeapot's FPS, among quite a lot of other latency reductions
these changes were pretty challenging to get right, I debugged a lot of very frustrating deadlocks while writing them. the end result is obviously worth it, though
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forum got an update too or related to your work nielx[m] ?
nvm, saw it just now :)
OscarL has joined #haiku
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Hi Begasus. Tried using "LD_PRELOAD=/boot/system/develop/lib/libpython3.9.so ./CudaText" yet?
OscarL, did that the other day and yes it works (need to check that again on 64bit though)
but why doesn't it need it for python37?
no idea, really.
no relevant change (on the recipe side of things at least) between those versions.
but can't really tell what else might have changed from the configure/make side of things.
AmyMalik is now known as Reinhilde
(or from one of the dependencies, for that matter)
the 32bit version is at the depot, maybe you could debug it somewhere there? :)
I saw you had to add iconv, or something like that for the 32 bits one, right? That fixed the "symbol missing" errors there?
that's still using python3.9
or there was some other fix?
the iconv was missing from the package recipe (policy error)
the actual linking error with ivonv is in fpc source (which is fixed in the one at haikuports but not upstreamed)
all "a bit" over my head, really. Not really good with linking / .so issues :-/
well no need to think about iconv, that's fixed :)
and all relevant packages on your 64 bit install reflect that already, right? (trying to rule out things, just in case).
if that LD_PRELOAD thing works on 64 bits, I would think that possibly there's a mismatch on where CudaText tries to load libpython3.9.so from, and where the C extensions (Python modules as "math" for example) do.
Maybe either CudaText or the modules have a hardcoded "rpath", something like "/packages/[blablalbla]/lib/libpython3.9.so" vs /system/[..]/libpython3.9.so vs just "libpython3.9.so" and let the OS search for it.
Begas_VM has joined #haiku
on 32bit now: ERROR: Exception in CudaText for cuda_prefs.dlg_cuda_options: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'cuda_prefs'
(it modifies the binaries, so, make backups before trying it)
btw, Begasus, you can upload binaries and use those for github Releases, no need to add them in the git repo. and you coulld use a .gitignore fie for all tose .o and .ppu files too :-D
the hpkg for 32bit is already on that release note (only got the src.tar.gz for creating the package with the recipe :)
but I could just as well grab it through srcGitRev (as I'm doing atm still for 64bit)
Begas_VM has quit [Quit: Vision[]: i've been blurred!]
damn... uninstalled Python 3.7.16... and ends up being that I also have Python 3.7.14 still installed ?!?!?
had that a while ago after an update for imagemagick, oh and 2 different python3.9 packages installed
Seems like I had an older CudaText too.
no more 3.7 installed, and new CudaText still starts ok.
with those "resolve symbol" messages, but it finds Python 3.9.17
and it starts much faster now
(fixed the chrpath recipe)
still getting that module not found
I'm tempted to use that SYS:ENV trick, to set LD_PRELOAD for CudaText binary :-D
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can't change it with chrpath, because "/system/develop/lib/x86" does not fits on the 14 bytes is has available for that :-/
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should be there ... /boot/home/CudaText_up/src/CudaText/app/py/cuda_prefs
the error is misleading.
it is not that it does not finds "cuda_prefs", rather, there's an error when loading that module.
oh ... :/
the error being... some thing in there needs a symbol from libpython3xx,so... and it can even find the dam library.
sticking to python3.7 here for the time being, no use in keep switching version untill I can load that module (did work on 64bit)
I rather use LD_PRELOAD than require anything older than the default Python version on Haiku but... not my call :-)
the problem is not on cuda_prefs in particular, I think. it will fail whenever you try to make it use one any functionality that relies on python extensions.
"Plugings->Addon Manager -> Install..." for example.
right, seeing that too now
Something it's either not linking to libpython3.9.so as it should, or some library search path gets screwed.
possibly because CudaText (or some of its components, or ones from Lazarus/fpc, I don't know) is specting some Linuxy behaviour that we don't follow.
but that's the extent of what I can figure out, sadly. Maybe one of the other porters/devs with more experience can chime in?
I don't know now it starts the python interpreter, for example.
got it to work :)
seems it needs the py directory in settingsdir (read-write probably?)
symbol not found with python3.9
unrelated but... do we really need $dataDir/cudatext/lib/i386-haiku on the package?
haven't changed that from the original work roided did
those files there seems to just be intermediary/artifact files from the compilation process, not something that should be really needed after CudaText is generated (I think, at least :-D).
aren't those plugins or so?
AFAICT, no. just like .o for a .cpp.
but in this case... .pas -> .ppu -> .o
checking repology ...
not much there (we're ahead on the others though) :)
but looking at the source there is no lib directory, so created during build
and then all that gets copied under ~/condig/settings/cudatext ?
that dir being read-only shouldn't matter that much, AFAIK, from Python's side. It means it looses a bit of performance, as it can't save the compiled bytecode, but should work still.
(going to need to clean those screenshots once I'm done) :)
(Python normally creates a __pycache__ dir and puts the .pyc/.pyco there for each package/module)
well, the "import" part seems to work now for python3.7
(our _python3x packages already include the "precompiled" bytecode files, to speed up things for the matching Python version)
still left with https://bpa.st/KMLJM when checking other python versions
so the import seems to work there too, but fails with a missing symbol
that FD_PRELOAD probably fixes for you
Again, not sure how CudaText (or that python4delphi) loads/start the Python interpreter, or what things it is doing that work on 3.7 but not on the others.
could be as simple as one of those chdir() fixes, or something more complex, but I can't tell.
np, thanks for brainstorming, at least I know how to "fix" this for now with python3.7
still strange it worked for 64bit though (without changes) (with python3.7) :)
didn't it worked for 3.7 already? what did you fix for it?
nothing on 64bit, on 32bit reverted the look for the py directory
and cp'd it to settings
leaving it under settings should make it a bit faster (and also allow to use more than one python version, either with LD_PRELOAD, or when we find the issue and fix it)
well, it probably solves installing plugins too for python
Does Haiku have redshift-like functionality at this stage?
zard has joined #haiku
Hopefully my internet works better than it did yesterday
hope for you too zard :)
k, sticking with python3.7 for now OscarL, not going on a witchhunt when it's working ok
ermo[m]: not built in, and I don't know of any third party tool for that either.
thanks =)
is the underlying display code even "ready" for that kind of thing...?
Begas_VM: as you see it fit. I guess I'll just have to use a hacked up version, as I'm not going back to installing 3.7 just for CudaText (already left it due to its usage of 3.6 last year :-D)
for now can live with that OscarL (untill a sollution pops up) :)
not sure ermo[m]. Don't think there's a "compositor" yet. Better ask one of the devs :-D
the solution is SYS:ENV atrribute with LD_PRELOAD, IMO, but.... time for me to go to sleep :-D