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<HaikuUser> the game airstrike may have a crash on exit problem. From start, push esc twice, and arrow down to quit and then press enter.
<HaikuUser> It hangs.
<HaikuUser> The third party app.
HaikuUser is now known as WildKeccak
<WildKeccak> Que será, será.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<andreasdr[m]> Morning
<Begas_VM> moin andreasdr[m]
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<erysdren> moin moin
<andreasdr[m]> :)
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<trungnt2910[m]> Hmmm, Google seem to see WebPositive as a Mac device?
<trungnt2910[m]> Or apparently somebody is trying to hack into my Google account using a MacBook.
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<Begas_VM> known trungnt2910[m] :)
<korli> anyone tried Haiku with xhyve?
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<Udi> learning lua with haiku
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<PulkoMandy> trungnt2910[m]: yes, we have to use an user agent close to Safari, otherwise websites give us broken webpages
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<Udi> is there a way to make wifi connect automatically?
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<PulkoMandy> It should be the case by default, on some machines it doesn't work but we don't know why :(
<PulkoMandy> I think there is a script somewhere on the forum that you can add to the bootscript to force the connection
<Udi> thanks PulkoMandy
<Udi> is there a way to hirbanate the laptop so I can continue where I've left off?
<PulkoMandy> No, not yet
<Udi> any way to convert all keyboard sortcuts to what I'm used to? already using windows and mac :) basically can alt-S be changed to CTRL-S etc... ?
<zdykstra> Udi: Preferences -> Keymap -> 'Switch shortcut keys to Windows/Linux mode'
<zdykstra> that's the closest option
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<Udi> I'll try that. thanks zdykstra !
<Udi> pretty good!
<Udi> windows/linux shortcuts conflict with CTRL+C in terminal :)
<PulkoMandy> Yes, you will have to use alt either for menu shortcuts or for terminal
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57087] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 710016817ca1 - tests/qemu: Fix network on riscv64 test vm
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<Begas_VM> 'lo humdinger :)
<humdinger> hi ho!
<zdykstra> hola humdinger, Begas_VM, PulkoMandy
<humdinger> hiya zdykstra
<Begas_VM> hi zdykstra :)
<Udi> Is there a way to turn off the screen when laptop lid is closed?
<Begas_VM> never tried it actually
<humdinger> just tried it.
<Begas_VM> heh
<humdinger> it seems to do here.
<Begas_VM> on/off/on/off? ;)
<humdinger> my laptops screen is kinda loose. I won't flap it around too much...
<Begas_VM> k, same here on/off .... :)
<Udi> my dell stays on. wonder if something in bios
<humdinger> not much to tweak in my BIOS
<humdinger> noting ouput to syslog when closing/opening the lid
<humdinger> intel_extreme driver here
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<pairisto[m]> Quick question, how do I get the driver in src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/network/tun to build into the OS? Does it need the HaikuInstall section or something else?
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57088] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 5676ddf7cac8 - repo/riscv64: Bump HaikuPorts build-packages for riscv64
<korli> pairisto[m]: you need to use "AddDriversToPackage net : tun ;" in build/jam/packages/Haiku or possibly AddDriversToHaikuImage net : tun ; in build/jam/UserBuildConfig
<korli> I think AddDriversToHaikuImage is outdated though
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<pairisto[m]> nothing else though, I don't need to use jam in the drivers directory itself?
<tomxcd> hello
<pairisto[m]> hello
<vector1dev[m]1> hello
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<Udi> does anyone know how to get nmap working?
<zard> hello
<zard> (actually, goodbye)
<vector1dev[m]1> lol
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<korli> pairisto[m]: atm the driver is named tun_config, can be renamed to "<driver>tun" when you prefer, then use that with AddDriversToPackage net : <driver>tun ;
<pairisto[m]> could I just name it tun or does it need to be <driver>tun?
<korli> the network module is already named "tun", they need to be different
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] kallisti5 pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57089] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4a6b1e401c56 - repo/riscv64: Bump HaikuPorts build-packages for riscv64
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 06898ee4675a - build/profile: Add nightly-mmc for riscv64 (and arm later)
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<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 pushed 3 commits to master [+0/-0/±6]
<Begasus> closing down here, g'night peeps!
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 64a6261 - concourse: Prepare for oauth2
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 05f26b2 - deployments/concourse: Add oauth2 provider
<botifico> [haiku/infrastructure] kallisti5 2f8fe36 - concourse: riscv64 images are now nightly instead of minimum!
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<pairisto[m]> got it, but now when I build I get util/list.h: No such file or directory I already tried adding UsePrivateHeaders kernel to the jamfile but then it complained about atomic so i am not sure where to go from there?
<PulkoMandy> It is probably easier to debug this if you put your work in progress changes on gerrit or some other git host so we can look into it
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<pairisto[m]> one sec, gotta make sure the code doesn't revert back to before I changed it
<pairisto[m]> for a better reference of what I am talking about is here ->
<PulkoMandy> I have commented there about how to add the driver to the image. Can you share the exact message for "it complained about atomic"?
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<pairisto[m]> This essentially:... (full message at <>)
<pairisto[m]> * This is the error:... (full message at <>)
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<PulkoMandy> I think you need to use UsePrivateKernelHeaders ;
<PulkoMandy> This will include arch-specific headers in addition to the ones in headers/private/kernel
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<pairisto[m]> thank you, that works!
<pairisto[m]> though there might be a new problem but I'll deal with it when I get there
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<pairisto[m]> question, what would then be its name? When I call ifconfig tun inet up it keeps failing on the open function (code on gerrit) and I think its under a different name? either that or thats not how device drivers are called to open
<pairisto[m]> * question, what would then be its name? When I call ifconfig tun inet up it keeps failing on the open function (code on gerrit in tun.cpp) and I think its under a different name? either that or that's not how device drivers are called to open
<pairisto[m]> * question, what would then be its name? When I call ifconfig tun inet up it keeps failing on the open function with File or directory not found (code on gerrit in tun.cpp) and I think its under a different name? either that or that's not how device drivers are called to open
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<pairisto[m]> I also already tried passing it the TUN_MODULE_NAME
<x512[m]> pairisto: Can you run `ls -l /boot/system/add-ons/kernel/network/devices`?
<x512[m]> tun driver may be not installed.
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<x512[m]> It seems not installed by default.
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<pairisto[m]> its there?
<pairisto[m]> kernel/network/devices is for the module I'm pretty sure
<pairisto[m]> I'm talking about opening the driver
<pairisto[m]> you can add it to minimum and build it with jam -q tun and the module will be there
<x512[m]> Please run ls to be sure.
<pairisto[m]> * you can add it to build/jam/images/definitions/minimum and build it with jam -q tun and the module will be there
<pairisto[m]> it there ^
<x512[m]> Can you try to add some debug output in tun_init() function?
<pairisto[m]> * you can add it to build/jam/images/definitions/minimum under SYSTEM_NETWORK_DEVICES and build it with jam -q tun and the module will be there
<pairisto[m]> tun_init is fine, the interface gets made normally through ifconfig tun inet create which calls tun_init() but when I run up with ifconfig and it goes into the tun_up function, it doesn't think that their is a driver by that name that can be opened there. When I invoke up in ifconfig it gives me the error ifconfig: Setting flags failed: No such file or directory
<pairisto[m]> I know that the driver is on the system because I had the init_hardware function within src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/network/tun/driver.c it set to return B_OK which made an interface on start up, so I set it to return B_INTERFACE_ERROR_BASE so that it wouldn't. But I need to be able t call it and not have it start upon startup
<pairisto[m]> * you can add tun to build/jam/images/definitions/minimum under SYSTEM_NETWORK_DEVICES and build it with jam -q tun and the module will be there
<pairisto[m]> is there a way to list all drivers that were built with the system?
<x512[m]> tree /boot/system/add-ons/kernel
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<pairisto[m]> So it is there in /boot/system/add-ons/kernel/drivers/bin
<x512[m]> tree /dev/net
<pairisto[m]> Just the ipro1000 unfortunately
<x512[m]> I see src/add-ons/kernel/drivers/network/tun/driver.c that may need to be enabled.
<x512[m]> Can't find "bone_tun.h".
<x512[m]> Seems BeOS only and incompatible with Haiku.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 c295316 - intel-wifi-firmwares: bump to get the latest iwm-9260-46 firmware
<pairisto[m]> I made changes to it here ->
<pairisto[m]> this problem has been happening after I made those changes
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<x512[m]> TAP seems work.
<x512[m]> pairisto: ^
<pairisto[m]> is there a device open in /dev/net
<pairisto[m]> * in /dev/net?
<pairisto[m]> because I got this
<pairisto[m]> same thing :/
<x512[m]> No entries in /dev/net. No patches to network code except enable tun add-on install.
<x512[m]> In theory /dev/net entry is not needed.
<pairisto[m]> well the issue with that is that I need a way of writing data to and from this interface to a program that sits in-between it and the internet (ala OpenVPN). It needs to be able to write and read data to and from an interface in order to actually work so having the module open, close, read, and write to a driver is needed
<pairisto[m]> OpenVPN uses read and write syscalls so that is another reason why a driver is needed
<x512[m]> Can you point OpenVPN code that interacts with TUN?
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-0/±1]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] kallisti5 963c47d - intel-wifi-firmwares: revert freebsd commit hash and maintain new iwm
<x512[m]> pairisto: It seems that there are also implementations using socket FD exists.
<pairisto[m]> where?