ChanServ changed the topic of #haiku to: Open-source operating system that specifically targets personal computing. | | Nightlies: | Bugtracker: | SCM: | Logs: | Matrix: | XMPP:
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<waddlesplash> man Tracker's code badly needs to be factorized
<waddlesplash> SlowContextPopup and NavMenu are about 70% similar, and some of the divergence is just cruft accumulated over the years
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57238] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4024e5b6a4a8 - ramfs: Do not advertise ourselves as a persistent filesystem.
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<Begasus> g'morning peeps
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL c58157d - python3.8: update to version 3.8.18 (#9280)
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<Begasus> nice ... :) Warning: POLICY WARNING: no matching provides "cmd:b2" for "bin/b2"
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL 58ad33e - python3.9: update to version 3.9.18 (#9281)
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<Begasus> 'lo OscarL :)
<OscarL> ¡Hola Begasus!
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<Begasus> updated a few python versions I saw
<OscarL> Yup. Seems that tonight was "release day" over Python land...
<OscarL> *last night, I mean.
<Begasus> ah, also newer python?
<OscarL> Building 3.11.5 now.
<Begasus> official release?
<OscarL> yup.
<Begasus> eg not beta etc ..
<Begasus> finetuning boost183 a bit here, adding the tools
<OscarL> nice.
<OscarL> (build is slower for 3.11, 'cos using "make $jobArgs" is unstable, so... "make -j 1" for 3.11 :-( )
<Begasus> and should add some conflicts ... got boost169 and boost170 devel installed atm, that's not good
<Begasus> yeah, openldap2.4 chocked here too with $jobArgs
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<Begasus> nice thing, the tools package works independent from the base package, so one that needs cmd:b2 can just install that :)
<Begasus> just need to figure out how to package the documentation ...
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<Begasus> also still missing boost_locale ...
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<OscarL> Sounds "fun" :-P
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<OscarL> If 3.11.5 works OK (will run "hp --test" on that one), I think I'll open a PR for adding it in. Just to make it available (for testing), but hoping people won't start adding "_python311" packages for it :-P (I think we should adopt 3.12 after/while dropping 3.8).
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<OscarL> (and possibly skip 3.11.x entirely, at least from "_python311" packages)
<Begasus> well, you could disable it for the PR, those that want to check it out could build it themselves then
<OscarL> yeah, that too. I couldn't decide between that, or having it enabled, to make sure it builds on the buildmasters too :-D
<Begasus> I'm not that familiar with LLVM, but I think the one for 16 should be good to merge, I'll leave that up to the masters though
<Begasus> understood :) haven't checked a build for boost183 also on 32bit
* OscarL finds it a bit odd that davidkaroly doesn't has merge powers over HaikuPorts (considering he has commit access to Haiku)
<Begasus> I don't have merge access to Haiku either :P
<OscarL> heh... that "way around" sounds more reasonable :-P
<Begasus> ;)
<Begasus> wouldn't want too either, not my cup of tea :)
<OscarL> in any case, davidkaroly has, IMO, "proven himself" over HP. I vote for him to get commit access. (*hides before people notices OscarL can't vote on such things*)
<OscarL> Ah crap... "Haikuporter could not unmount 'system' volume in chroot. Would you like to force an unmount? [y/N]" :-/
<Begasus> those in charge have read that by now :P
<Begasus> yeah, few times today too
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<OscarL> got the .hpkg under "python/work-3.11.5/hpkgs", but still... kind of annoying bug/issue :-(
<Begasus> just push a new build with "-F"
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<Begasus> this should do it for boost183 :) cp -r doc/html/* $developDocDir
<OscarL> damn 3.11.5 is *fast* (compared to the other versions)
<OscarL> faster even than 3.11.4 here, nice.
<Begasus> nice!
<Begasus> today it seems there are thunder storms all over ...
<OscarL> It might be just me coughing too loudly :-(
<Begasus> 0_°
<OscarL> unless you see lightning.. then it is a storm :-)
<Begasus> stop it or you'll scare the dogs :P
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<Begasus> + 12MiB for the devel package with the documentation :)
<Begasus> maybe create a seperate package for it?
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<OscarL> could be, at least for packages where adding the docs adds so much to the size (assuming the "_devel" size is comparatively smaller than that).
<OscarL> say... package is 9 mb.... adding 500 kb / 1.5 MB... don't bother with a separete _doc. Package is 9 MB... adding docs is +12 MB... separate _doc starts too sounds nice :-D
<Begasus> base devel package is +16MiB, with the documentation it's +28MiB
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<Begasus> waiting for build package boost183_documentation-1.83.0-1 to be activated ... let's see
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<Begasus> needs to be moved before packageEntries devel
<Begasus> nice :)
<Begasus> grabbing boost183_documentation-1.83.0-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to /Opslag/haikuports/packages/boost183_documentation-1.83.0-1-x86_64.hpkg
<Begasus> should I call it documentation or use just "doc"?
<OscarL> "_docs" ?
<OscarL> dunno, really.
<OscarL> we seem to have some "_docs" already...
<OscarL> ruby_docs, qt5_docs, libusb_docs...
<OscarL> and one _documentation... "yab_documentation".
<Begasus> k, _docs it will be then :)
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<OscarL> mmm "qt6_doc", lol :-D
<OscarL> "pkgman search _doc" shows lots of "_doc" too, so... seems we have some inconsistencies :-D
<Begasus> yeah, there hasn't been much talk about that at HP
<Begasus> only 3 with _docs
<OscarL> I count 4: ruby, libusb, qt5, and assimp.
<Begasus> not listed in assimp here
<Begasus> maybe you made changes there? ;)
<OscarL> noup, seems assimp_docs has its own .recipe
<OscarL> not sure who made that..., mmm
<Begasus> ah :P
<Begasus> that doesn't count :P
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<Begasus> they moved their documentation to a seperate repo ;)
<Begasus> it's not reported with: inrecipe PROVIDES_doc :)
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<Begasus> repology is puzzled too, some use doc, some docs :/
<Begasus> hi there zeldakatze[m]
<HaikuUser> Добрый день...Есть проблемы с подключением к репам. Сможет, кто то помочь?
<Begasus> HaikuUser, could you type in English? (can't make anything out from what you typed) :)
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<OscarL> damn... 38℃ one day and a half before, 9℃ now... (I wasn't sure if it got cold, or I had fever :-D)
<OscarL> "Good afternoon ... There are problems with connecting to turnips. Can someone help?" <<< not sure "turnips" is ok there, Google Translate!
<HaikuUser> к сожалению англиского не знаю, а гугл переводчик через вебпозитив, то еще удовольствие
<Begasus> no clue what turnips is either ...
<OscarL> HaikuUser seems to be having some issues with connecting with the repos, I think.
<OscarL> HaikuUser: so far, I have no problems with the repositories (pkgman works fine for me here in Argentina)
<OscarL> But I had some issues in the past. It "fixed itself" eventually.
<HaikuUser> все верно....deport не хочет подключатся и обновлять репозитории
<OscarL> HaikuUser: just to be safe, make sure your Haiku installation has the proper time and timezone set in the settings. I think that was one of my problems one time.
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] diversys pushed 1 commit to master [+3/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] OscarL b8cdf0e - python3.10: update to version 3.10.13 (#9283)
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<OscarL> HaikuUser: I hope you can understand me (even if using Google Translate). Sorry for not being more helpful!
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<matt2> quiz : writeln('i love haiku'); => which language is ? ;)
<Begasus> pascal? ;)
<matt2> xD
<matt2> true :)
<Begasus> wild guess, but knowing you a bit :D
<OscarL> with extra ";" and single quotes for strings? /me forgot more ObjectPascal than he learned it seems :-D
<OscarL> good day to you, matt2, BTW!
<Begasus> same here, hi matt2 :)
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<Begasus> k, time to add conflicts to the devel packages
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<matt2> thanks, you too :)
<HaikuUser> Welcome to the Haiku shell.
<HaikuUser> ~> HaikuDepot -v debug
<HaikuUser> ~> HaikuDepot -v debug
<HaikuUser> @03121286 {I} <t:792> last version [0.0.6] and current version [0.0.6] match -> cache retained
<HaikuUser> @03121290 {D} <t:792> derived system default language [ru]
<HaikuUser> @03121290 {D} <t:792> set preferred language [ru]
<HaikuUser> @03121318 {I} <t:792> did clear the featured packages view
<HaikuUser> @03121319 {I} <t:792> adding and starting a process coordinator [BulkLoad]
<HaikuUser> @03121319 {I} <t:792> [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] initiating threaded
<HaikuUser> @03121319 {I} <t:804> [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] starting process in thread
<HaikuUser> @03121819 {I} <t:792> [Node<ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>] initiating threaded
<HaikuUser> @03121819 {I} <t:805> [Node<ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>] starting process in thread
<HaikuUser> @03122319 {D} <t:804> [Coordinator] would coordinate nodes, but coordination is in progress - will defer
<HaikuUser> @03122320 {D} <t:792> [Coordinator] will run deferred coordination
<HaikuUser> @03122319 {I} <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] will update local repositories' caches
<HaikuUser> @03122320 {I} <t:805> [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data
<HaikuUser> @03122321 {I} <t:805> [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will stream '' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/fileh9aWQC]
<HaikuUser> @03122328 {D} <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] skipped update local repo [Haiku] cache
<HaikuUser> @03122401 {D} <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] skipped update local repo [HaikuPorts] cache
<HaikuUser> @03122418 {I} <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] did update 2 local repositories' caches
<HaikuUser> @03122418 {I} <t:804> [Node<LocalPkgDataLoadProcess>] initiating threaded
<HaikuUser> @03122418 {I} <t:808> [Node<LocalPkgDataLoadProcess>] starting process in thread
<HaikuUser> @03122418 {I} <t:804> [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] finished process in thread 1.099572 seconds
<HaikuUser> @03123419 {D} <t:804> [Coordinator] would coordinate nodes, but coordination is in progress - will defer
<HaikuUser> @03123419 {D} <t:808> [Coordinator] will run deferred coordination
<HaikuUser> @03123419 {D} <t:808> [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] will refresh the package list
<HaikuUser> stop
<HaikuUser> @03123420 {D} <t:808> [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] local repository [Haiku] identifier; [,2001:repositories/haiku/r1beta4/x86_64]
<HaikuUser> @03123420 {D} <t:808> [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] local repository [HaikuPorts] identifier; [,2013:repositories/haikuports/master/x86_64]
<HaikuUser> @03123613 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/userland_fs-r1~beta4_hrev56578_59-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123613 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/netfs-r1~beta4_hrev56578_59-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123613 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/haiku_extras-r1~beta4_hrev56578_59-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123614 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/haiku_source-r1~beta4_hrev56578_59-1-any.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123616 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/llvm12-12.0.1-3-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123614 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/haiku_userguide_it-2022_11_11-2-any.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123616 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libtool-2.4.6-2-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123617 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libdvdread-6.1.2-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> pardon
<HaikuUser> @03123617 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libgcrypt-1.8.9-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123617 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/mercurial-6.0.1-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123618 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/live555-2016.06.22-5-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123618 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libdvdnav-6.1.1-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123619 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libbluray-1.3.1-1-x86_64.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123620 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/zip_source-3.0-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123620 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/zstd_source-1.5.2-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123620 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/wpa_supplicant_source-2.10.haiku.2-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123620 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/wget_source-1.21.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123620 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/unzip_source-6.10c23-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123620 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/vision_source-0.10.6-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123621 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/texinfo_source-6.7-3-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123621 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/tcpdump_source-4.99.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123621 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/tar_source-1.34-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123621 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/subversion_source-1.14.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123621 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/sqlite_source-] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123621 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/speexdsp_source-1.2.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123622 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/speex_source-1.2.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123622 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/readline_source-8.1.002-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123622 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/pkgconfig_source-0.29.2-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123622 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/pe_source-2.4.5-9-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123622 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/pdfwriter_source-1.0-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123622 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/p7zip_source-17.04-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123622 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/opus_source-1.3.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123623 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/openssh_source-8.8p1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<Begasus> jikes ...
<HaikuUser> @03123623 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/openexr_source-2.4.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123623 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/nghttp2_source-1.43.0-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123623 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/nettle_source-3.7.3-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123623 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/netcat_source-1.10-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123623 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/ncurses6_source-6.3-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123624 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/nasm_source-2.14.02-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123624 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/mpc_source-1.2.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123624 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/mkdepend_source-1.7-5-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123624 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/mercurial_source-6.0.1-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123624 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/mawk_source-1.3.4_20171017-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123624 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/mandoc_source-1.14.3-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123625 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/m4_source-1.4.19-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123625 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/llvm12_source-12.0.1-3-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123625 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libxslt_source-1.1.34-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123625 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libxml2_source-2.9.13-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123625 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libwebp_source-1.2.4-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123625 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libuuid_source-1.3.1-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123626 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libtheora_source-1.1.1-7-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123626 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libssh2_source-1.9.0-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123626 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libsolv_source-0.3.0_haiku_2014_12_22-3-source.hpkg] does not exist
<OscarL> Wall of text, weee! :-D
<HaikuUser> @03123626 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libraw_source-0.20.2-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123626 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libpsl_source-0.21.1-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123626 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libpng16_source-1.6.38-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123627 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/libpcre2_source-10.39-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123627 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/groff_source-1.22.4-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123627 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/grep_source-3.8-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123627 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/gmp_source-6.2.1-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123627 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/git_source-2.37.3-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123628 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/fontconfig_source-2.13.96-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123627 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/fribidi_source-1.0.12-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123628 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/flex_source-2.6.4-4-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123628 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/cdrtools_source-3.02~a09-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123628 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/bison_source-3.8.2-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123628 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/binutils_source-2.31.1-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
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<HaikuUser> @03123628 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/autoconf_source-2.71-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<HaikuUser> @03123629 {D} <t:808> the local file [/boot/system/packages/bc_source-1.07.1-2-source.hpkg] does not exist
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<Begasus> this could be a long list ... HaikuUser preferably use or the like to paste multiple lines
<Begasus> flood kick :)
<OscarL> ouch. Poor HaikuUser :-(
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<OscarL> (I guess not all IRC clients warn about multiline pastes)
<Begasus> HaikuUser preferably use or the like to paste multiple lines
<HaikuUser> хотел сбросить отчет с haikudeport -v debug
<HaikuUser> а файл сюда можно скинуть?
<Begasus> HaikuUser, try in Terminal "pkgman refresh"
<matt2> about pascal : there are free pascal compiler + lazarus ide for haiku ... ;)
<Begasus> matt2, there still is fpcupdeluxe which is fine to build all you need
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<Begasus> it grabs everything needed for fpc and lazarus
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<matt2> ok, thanks and already done ... :)
<OscarL> "the local file [...] does not exits" that sounds weird... maybe his "/boot/system/packages/administrative/activated_packages" file is out of sync with "/boot/system/packages".
<Begasus> k, then you should be good :) I use Lazarus to check up on builds for CudaText
<Begasus> yeah
<Begasus> Fetching package for devel:libicudata >= 66 ...
<Begasus> buggerr, need to switch there :P
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<OscarL> "grabbing python3.11-3.11.5-1-x86_64.hpkg and moving it to " at last a clean build! :-D
<Begasus> nice!
<matt2> now using widows to learn working ... umana says to me i need windows to work ...
<Begasus> OscarL, fix haikuporter so it enables switching packages :P
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<HaikuUser> Welcome to the Haiku shell. ~> HaikuDepot -v debug ~> HaikuDepot -v debug @03121286 {I} <t:792> last version [0.0.6] and current version [0.0.6] match -> cache retained @03121290 {D} <t:792> derived system default language [ru] @03121290 {D} <t:792> set preferred language [ru] @03121318 {I} <t:792> did clear the featured packages view @03121319 {I} <t:792> adding and starting a process coordinator [BulkLoad] @03121319 {I} <t:792>
<HaikuUser> <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] will update local repositories' caches @03122320 {D} <t:792> [Coordinator] will run deferred coordination @03122320 {I} <t:805> [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will fetch data @03122321 {I} <t:805> [ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess] will stream '' to [/boot/system/cache/tmp/fileh9aWQC] @03122328 {D} <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess]
<HaikuUser> [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] initiating threaded @03121319 {I} <t:804> [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] starting process in thread @03121819 {I} <t:792> [Node<ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>] initiating threaded @03121819 {I} <t:805> [Node<ServerReferenceDataUpdateProcess>] starting process in thread @03122319 {D} <t:804> [Coordinator] would coordinate nodes, but coordination is in progress - will defer @03122319 {I}
<HaikuUser> skipped update local repo [Haiku] cache @03122401 {D} <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] skipped update local repo [HaikuPorts] cache @03122418 {I} <t:804> [LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess] did update 2 local repositories' caches @03122418 {I} <t:804> [Node<LocalPkgDataLoadProcess>] initiating threaded @03122418 {I} <t:808> [Node<LocalPkgDataLoadProcess>] starting process in thread @03122418 {I} <t:804>
<HaikuUser> [Node<LocalRepositoryUpdateProcess>] finished process in thread 1.099572 seconds @03123419 {D} <t:804> [Coordinator] would coordinate nodes, but coordination is in progress - will defer @03123419 {D} <t:808> [Coordinator] will run deferred coordination @03123419 {D} <t:808> [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] will refresh the package list @03123420 {D} <t:808> [LocalPkgDataLoadProcess] local repository [Haiku] identifier;
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<Begasus> problem 1: package icu70_devel-70.1-2 conflicts with icu66_devel provided by icu66_devel-66.1-3
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<Begasus> got that here too OscarL @19835493 {D} <t:309> the local file [/boot/system/packages/bzflag_source-2.4.26-1-source.hpkg] does not exist
<Begasus> wonder why it checks for the source.hpkg packages?
<OscarL> mmm, weird. but... it is HaikuDepot, so... some weirdness I would expect :-D
<Begasus> no issues here as I use pkgman for that
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<OscarL> speaking of pkgman... I should try to patch it so it doesn't reaches the network when instructed to install local packages (gets annoyingly slow when my network is acting up).
<Begasus> probably needs to check dependencies?
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<OscarL> it does the "refresing repos" every. single. time. Even if you call it a couple of times in under a minute. Makes no sense to me.
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<Begasus> heh, given the number of merges it makes sense sometimes :P
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<OscarL> thing is... if there's some issue with the network... it seemingly "hangs", drives me nuts. needs an --offline switch at least :-D
<Begasus> why does eigen require boost169_devel? :/
<Begasus> Gentoo doesn't report anythin needed at runtime ...
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<Begasus> extrowerk added them :)
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* OscarL really needs to setup a Linux box, to build Python 3.11.x and 3.12, run test there, to be able to compare with Haiku's tests runs.
<OscarL> Not really sure what to expect otherwise (other than compare to previous tests runs also on Haiku :-P)
<Begasus> Go for Arch, had it setup once too :)
<Begasus> their recipes are simular to ours too :D
<OscarL> I think I have at least one EndeavourOS (arch with "easy-mode installer) install somewhere.
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<OscarL> Was hopping to use VoidLinux (musl edition), as it is one of the only "modern" distro with an .iso < 1 GB, but couldn't make it install the boot loader in the partition and not the disk. Got frustrated fast (no much fun for me dealing with Linux boot loaders).
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<OscarL> Gah! Forgot to setup the debugger to auto-kill failing Python tests :-/
<matt2> OscarL : install boot in sda not sda1
<OscarL> matt2: that's what I want to avoid. I already have a good boot loader: Haiku's :-D
<OscarL> no way I'm using GRUB instead of good old BootManager :-D
<matt2> ok, so update haiku bootman
<OscarL> the problem is with distros stiking with grub, and not allowing you to install it on, say, sda1. Not a haiku or bootman issue.
<matt2> install grub in sda1 or 2 ... and update haiku bootman
<matt2> sudo grub-install /dev/sdX
<OscarL> matt2: again, not all installers allow you to do so, even when using ext4 (you can't do that with grub and XFS, for example, anyway). Tried doing it manually, but failed for some reason or other. I went with EndeavourOS last time (or Ubuntu before that).
<matt2> ok
<matt2> ah, haiku bootman is in /app in haiku ?
<Begasus> OscarL, just use it virtual?
<Begasus> I'm not installing this thing on bare metal here too :)
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<Begasus> hmm ... do we have a variable for the pkgconfig dir?
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<OscarL> Begasus: eh... could be. But having a Linux on bare-metal comes in handy to compare things like sensor drivers (like my amd_temp one).
<matt2> OscarL : i use 2 pc ...
<Begasus> speed isn't always the same indeed OscarL
<OscarL> I have some other "spares" too, but they are even older and WAY slower than this one (CPU fron 2009 here) :-D, so no much help there.
<matt2> tell me ...
<OscarL> "363 tests OK. 29 tests failed. 21 tests skipped." sounds about right compared with other runs I had for Python. Good enough for me.
<zeldakatze[m]> <Begasus> "hi there zeldakatze" <- hi there Begasus
<matt2> we are all brothers : haiku, linuux, bsd, react os => all opensource ;)
<matt2> haiku is true => only 1 windows manager ...
<matt2> linux : gnome over xorg ... so on ...
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<matt2> linux could use haiku windows manager ...
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<Begasus> generating documentation for eigen ... :)
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<Anarchos> hello
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<Begasus> Hi Anarchos
<Begasus> errors in the generated html files, dropping the idea :)
<Begasus> zeldakatze[m], read the comment on the PR?
<Begasus> OscarL ... inrecipe python38 (still contains quit a list) :)
<Anarchos> hello Begasus
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<Anarchos> Begasus i tried to see with mmu_man if he had an idea about my webcam not recognized, but he could'nt understand either.
<Begasus> maybe some work still needed Anarchos?
<OscarL> Begasus: indeed, but should be easier to drop than Py 2.7 :-D (just remove "3.8" and "python38" from PYTHON_VERSIONS/PACKAGES, mostly).
<Begasus> yep OscarL
<Begasus> we need korli's script for that ;)
<OscarL> that was what I was hoping for :-D
<Begasus> oh man, building the tests for eigen will take some time (not speaking of actually running them I guess) :/
<Anarchos> Begasus indeed
<zeldakatze[m]> <Begasus> "zeldakatze, read the comment..." <- just did, thank's for reminding me, my E-Mail is currently getting a bit spammed with mails so I missed the mail
<Begasus> np zeldakatze[m] :)
<OscarL> Considering the changes in Python 3.12, and the general move away from setuptools (into whatever Python packaging use theses days...)... I'm more than willing to give 3.9 an early boot in the rear too! (won't be fun dealing with 3.9 AND 3.12 at the same time).
<zeldakatze[m]> it there a way, from the HaikuDepot to see which license a package has?
<Begasus> zeldakatze[m], in HaikuDepot I only see the copyright mentioned
<Begasus> but I think there are a few recipes mentioning the SIL license
<Begasus> nah, doesn't seem so ...
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+0/-3/±0]
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus f4b4d56 - boost_build, remove old/obsolete recipe, cmd's provided in newer boost183 version (#9282)
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<Anarchos> Begasus i am interested by the licence info, cause my soft will have a very specific one ...
<Begasus> As a developer like you that makes sense Anarchos :)
<Begasus> but if a license is announced in a recipe that isn't provided packaging will fail because no license is found
<Anarchos> Begasus i wrote mine licence :
<Begasus> zeldakatze[m], I see SIL license in data/licenses, maybe it is provided by Haiku ;)
<zeldakatze[m]> ok, the other projects that use the sil license also don't seem to have a license folder
<Begasus> my bad :) sorry 'bout that
<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] Begasus pushed 1 commit to master [+1/-0/±0]
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<botifico> [haikuports/haikuports] TheZeldakatze 69cf80a - opendyslexic: new recipe (#9279)
<Anarchos> who could name there program 'opendyslexic' ? LOL
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<Begasus> someone that would otherwise read oepnsyslxic? ;)
<Begasus> one of the kids here has issues with that too, so if it helps out, why not?
<Anarchos> Begasus i know dyslexic people. I jsut joke on the program name, but no idea what's in it :)
<Begasus> RAM usage for the test +10GiB :O
<Begasus> it's a font Anarchos :)
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<matt2> does haiku work over asrock mobo ?
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<Begasus> only one way to find out matt2?
<matt2> try xD
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<matt2> if my brother come back home to help me => i will try => i think ...
<Anarchos> Begasus there is the hardware compatibility list somewhere ?
<Begasus> besly has some data there
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<HaikuUser> Good afternoon. Installed a clean system. When starting HaikuDepot, it is not possible to connect to the repositories. There is an infinite connection, possibly with the receipt of a window where it is said that the time has run out. Tell me what to do, what information should I send you for analysis?
<matt2> ok, Anarchos, i will read ...
<HaikuUser> I can send a report from Haikudeport -v debug. But how can I send a file here?
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<zeldakatze[m]> <Begasus> "my bad :) sorry 'bout that" <- no problem, I've created many horrible PRs and I'm thankful for you having the patience to look over them and correct them
<Begasus> HaikuUser, what does "pkgman list-repos" say in Terminal? could you install a small app like weather with it?
<Begasus> bugger ... error: 'struct dirent' has no member named 'd_type'
<Begasus> had to fix that up front :)
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<Begasus> 98% tests passed, 17 tests failed out of 957 (not bad, 3 crashes during tests though)
<Begasus> bbl
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<Anarchos> is there a mean to monitor the motherboard temperature ?
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57239] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 4b0dffe50067 - Icon-O-Matic: Make list items copy/pastable
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<matt2> a microchip => print a microchop xD
<matt2> chip & chop ...
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<Reinhilde> by chance have i spotted you somewhere, mmu_man?
<waddlesplash> mmu_man gets around, as they say
<waddlesplash> so I wouldn't be surprised if you had
<Reinhilde> waddlesplash: activitypub, and commenting on the is_computer_on*() family of functions
<waddlesplash> ah, yep
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57240] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] b22fab95101e - build_haiku_image: Fix type of MAIL:draft and MAIL:flags indexes.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57241] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 0a5625377a42 - Icon-O-Matic: Fix multiple point handling
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<Begasus> waddlesplash, need to checkup on your changes in regards on fltk, will get a look at it tomorrow :)
<Begasus> for now, going down
<Begasus> g'night peeps
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<mmu_man> Reinhilde: I sometimes roll around
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 2 commits to master [hrev57242] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 15969ccf846b - Debugger: Downgrade a warning to a TRACE.
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 692e2e45bba1 - Debugger: Move line-info version check up and print a warning.
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<pairisto[m]> is there a problem with the patchset that I added here -> I got the error `sha1 information is lacking or useless (`
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<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] waddlesplash pushed 1 commit to master [hrev57243] -
<nekobot> [haiku/haiku] 20e18366d642 - ShowImage: Use layouts for the main view area.
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