ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
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<LiangQi[m]> <jhovold> " -"; <- How could I build it for my Ubuntu 24.10? any guide or wiki? Thanks.
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<JensGlathe[m]> Liang Qi you could use my repo, or just the built packages I put on [Google Drive](
<JensGlathe[m]> My build config is basically (if not identical) with Ubuntu Concept 24.10
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<LiangQi[m]> <JensGlathe[m]> "Liang Qi you could use my repo..." <- thanks a lot, do you have a link of your ppa repo?
<JensGlathe[m]> no ppa
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<LiangQi[m]> thanks, installed. how to get audio adapter to work? there is sound/soc/qcom/x1e80100.c in kernel.
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<JensGlathe[m]> Do you have a T14s?
<LiangQi[m]> <JensGlathe[m]> "Do you have a T14s?" <- yes
<JensGlathe[m]> I don't have one, but there is a [.tplg]( available for it.
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<LiangQi[m]> <JensGlathe[m]> "I don't have one, but there is a..." <- thanks for the info, how to use it?
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<LiangQi[m]> btw, my T14s is x1e78100 instead of x1e80100 .
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<LiangQi[m]> $ sudo qcom-firmware-extract
<LiangQi[m]> Tue Mar 4 12:12:44 2025 [CRITICAL] Unable to compute regions. Abort.
<LiangQi[m]> Mounting Windows partition nvme0n1p3...
<anthony25> is it because of bitlocker?
<tobhe_> on the T14s you shouldn't need that anymore
<tobhe_> firmware is in linux-firmware
<tobhe_> I should probably add a disclaimer
<LiangQi[m]> <anthony25> "is it because of bitlocker?" <- yeah, turned off Bitlocker and got it qcom-firmware-extract run
<anthony25> but as tobhe_ said, you shouldn't need it on the t14s
<anthony25> the only firmware you might want is for hw decoding, but qcom-firmware-extract doesn't copy it (unless it changed recently), and I don't know if the kernel has the patches for it
<anthony25> and it's limited to x264 for now
<LiangQi[m]> ah, I have seen qcom/x1e78100-lenovo-thinkpad-t14s.dtb file
<anthony25> that is different, it's the devicetree
<LiangQi[m]> that doesn't help audio adapter either.
<anthony25> be careful with the audio, however, there's no volume protection
<tobhe_> it is very intentionally not easy to enable because you can permanently damage your hardware
<LiangQi[m]> in the output of dmesg,
<LiangQi[m]> * video-codec: error -22 initializing firmware qcom/vpu/vpu30_p4.mbn, firmware download failed
<LiangQi[m]> * adreno: failed to load gen70500_sqe.fw
<tobhe_> qcom/vpu/vpu30_p4.mbn is safe to ignore, gen70500_sqe.fw is unexpected
<tobhe_> i think
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<anthony25> tobhe_: about the panics I was talking about, I got confused with an old problem I had
<anthony25> they're not ath12k related (I just saw your comment in the yoga slim 7x bug)
<anthony25> it's gpu lockups, I didn't have time to debug it further, but it's probably because of a patch I apply on top of jhovold's kernel
<tobhe_> understood, thx! I'm trying to sort out all the remaining bugs in preparation for 25.04
<anthony25> sorry if it was misleading
<tobhe_> np :)
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