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tobhe: Maybe it's required to extract the firmware. I didn't do that.
Jasper[m]: any fw that qc could submit for iris wouldn't be useful to you unless you have a CRD.. you need the OEM's signed fw
robclark: Sure, but there doesn't seem to be any improvement in general :/
And that just kinda sucks
I'm happy Lenovo is willing and able to provide wherever they deem worthy, but that doesn't really solve the issue for all of the othet devicds
*other devices
for the foreseeable future we'll have to copy fw from windows.. there isn't really any other option outside of vendor goodwill, due to how signing works
I REALLY need to understand how driverfetch works, there has to be an easier way
it would be nice if qc would allow unsigned fw w/ protected-content support disabled.. I've suggested that to a few ppl at qc.. but even if they did figure out how to make that work it wouldn't change things for current devices.. so yeah, having a smoother way to fetch the vendor signed fw would be useful
*an easier way than requiring an on-disk windows install
The slim 7x will accept soon firmwares signed by qualcomm
phosit: nope, shouldn't be needed on the t14s
could just be a hickup, try rebooting
Hopefully it'll help
@anthony25 that was indeed my other suggestion. I had hoped they'd do that from the factory though...
tobhe: I rebooted from the USB-stick, now the wifi works.
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Is there something similar but based on debian?
I think someone from Linaro might have been working on a debian image but I am not 100% sure. Maybe someone else in here knows more...
Only saw now that the article is from you, Thanks ;)
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Jens Glathe: tobhe just tested 6.14.0-17-jg-2. it boots, bluetooth works, 5g wifi still bluescreen crashes the system and there is a lot of errors in kernel log.
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so the ath12k module is crashing on 5GHz networks?
I'm getting some funky null pointer derefs in my dmesg logs while wifi is nonfunctional