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<anthony25> nice to see VP9 acceleration for iris!
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<phosit> I try to install Debian on a Lenovo ThinkPad T14s Qualcom. GRUB starts correctly but when hitting Install it just restarts the machine.
<Jasper[m]> <anthony25> ""; <- Day 9999999 of waiting for Qualcomm to submit firmware for Venus/Iris
<anthony25> :p
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<anthony25> yeah for the moment I just take it from windows
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<phosit> I got it working (without network, ...) with
<tobhe> phosit: wifi should work with that too
<phosit> tobhe: Maybe it's required to extract the firmware. I didn't do that.
<robclark> Jasper[m]: any fw that qc could submit for iris wouldn't be useful to you unless you have a CRD.. you need the OEM's signed fw
<Jasper[m]> robclark: Sure, but there doesn't seem to be any improvement in general :/
<Jasper[m]> And that just kinda sucks
<Jasper[m]> I'm happy Lenovo is willing and able to provide wherever they deem worthy, but that doesn't really solve the issue for all of the othet devicds
<Jasper[m]> *other devices
<robclark> for the foreseeable future we'll have to copy fw from windows.. there isn't really any other option outside of vendor goodwill, due to how signing works
<Jasper[m]> I REALLY need to understand how driverfetch works, there has to be an easier way
<robclark> it would be nice if qc would allow unsigned fw w/ protected-content support disabled.. I've suggested that to a few ppl at qc.. but even if they did figure out how to make that work it wouldn't change things for current devices.. so yeah, having a smoother way to fetch the vendor signed fw would be useful
<Jasper[m]> *an easier way than requiring an on-disk windows install
<anthony25> The slim 7x will accept soon firmwares signed by qualcomm
<tobhe> phosit: nope, shouldn't be needed on the t14s
<tobhe> could just be a hickup, try rebooting
<anthony25> Hopefully it'll help
<Jasper[m]> @anthony25 that was indeed my other suggestion. I had hoped they'd do that from the factory though...
<phosit> tobhe: I rebooted from the USB-stick, now the wifi works.
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<phosit> Is there something similar but based on debian?
<tobhe> I think someone from Linaro might have been working on a debian image but I am not 100% sure. Maybe someone else in here knows more...
<phosit> Only saw now that the article is from you, Thanks ;)
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<albsen[m]> Jens Glathe: tobhe just tested 6.14.0-17-jg-2. it boots, bluetooth works, 5g wifi still bluescreen crashes the system and there is a lot of errors in kernel log.
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<ppd[m]> so the ath12k module is crashing on 5GHz networks?
<ppd[m]> I'm getting some funky null pointer derefs in my dmesg logs while wifi is nonfunctional
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<anthony25> ppd[m]: on which kernel are you?
<ppd[m]> 6.14-rc4
<ppd[m]> (currently futzing around with an external kernel module to see if I can get it working, sorry for the churn)
<ppd[m]> anthony25
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<kuruczgy[m]> ppd: I have also been seeing them, and I don't think it's a 5GHz thing only. (Unless the train WiFi I was on was 5GHz...)
<kuruczgy[m]> Are those already in 6.14-rc5?
<anthony25> no it's a pull request for -next
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<anthony25> I don't know if it applies well over 6.14
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