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<bryanodonoghue> seeing a fair bit of ghosting on arch linux x1e with wayland on gnome and hyprland - looks like some kind of buffer switching problem per plane
<bryanodonoghue> OpenGL ES profile version string: OpenGL ES 3.2 Mesa 25.0.1-arch1.2
<bryanodonoghue> is there a missing mesa update ?
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<SpieringsAE> I'm on the same mesa, not noticing anything weird on hyprland
<SpieringsAE> I do have that config tweak, don't know if it is still necessary
<SpieringsAE> render {
<SpieringsAE> explicit_sync = 0
<SpieringsAE> explicit_sync_kms = 0
<SpieringsAE> >
<SpieringsAE> }
<SpieringsAE> I believe that mr got accepted to fix it but don't know if it is already in the current hyprland version
<bryanodonoghue> hmm ok appreciated let me give that a go
<SpieringsAE> yeah this one I believe:
<SpieringsAE> yeah thats 11 days after the last release so its not in yet
<SpieringsAE> bryanodonoghue: did it fix it for you on hyprland?
<anthony25> yep, I had glitches because hyprland on the last release didn't check if explicit sync was supported by the driver
<anthony25> and msm doesn't expose explicit sync
<bryanodonoghue> hmm it looks better now I think
<anthony25> so either you can disable explicit_sync in your hyprland config, or build Hyprland with this patch, or expose the explicit sync attribute in msm
<anthony25> (I wrote this patch for Hyprland)
<anthony25> msm supports explicit sync, but there was a bug in an older version of mesa that has been fixed since, so it has been disabled in the driver
<SpieringsAE> bryanodonoghue: it was night and day in some applications, halloy was barely usable without this fix, it flickered constantly
<SpieringsAE> for me at least
<anthony25> same, I use keepassxc in a scratchpad, and the pop-ups were flickering a lot
<anthony25> but this patch disable explicit sync if the driver doesn't support it, so "render.explicit_sync = 0" and this patch do the same thing
<robclark> another option would be to cherry-pick on the kernel side, fwiw
<robclark> (that is in msm-next for v6.15)
<SpieringsAE> nice!
<bryanodonoghue> seems to do the same fix for me
<bryanodonoghue> I wonder if this will help with the ghosting i saw in gnome
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<robclark> hmm, I hadn't seen any similar issues, or any issues, in gnome-shell wayland (f41).. but not quite sure what mean by ghosting?
<anthony25> robclark: ha you re-enabled explicit sync?
<anthony25> Nice!
<robclark> yeah, well the mesa fix was over a year ago.. so I decided enough time had elapsed.. if you are using an ancient mesa and bleeding edge kernel, that is a you problem ;-)
<anthony25> haha, I agree :p
<anthony25> and the distribution can always revert this if needed
<robclark> is this the ath12k issue that folks have been complaining about.. every now and then my laptop dies, and it seems to start with this:
<JensGlathe[m]> one of them
<JensGlathe[m]> apparently its a bunch
<jhovold> robclark: looks like this one:
<robclark> ahh, could be.. I tend to notice it when I show up in the office.. which unsurprisingly has a different wifi network from home ;-)
<jhovold> steev, JensGlathe[m]: how many msdu_done warnings do you see per day roughly?
<JensGlathe[m]> Between 0 and 20
<JensGlathe[m]> Usually maybe 5
<jhovold> perhaps you can help me test a fix over the weekend then, will post in a bit
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<bryanodonoghue> robclark
<bryanodonoghue> only happened once
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<robclark> huh, weird.. but does look like something is out of sync
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<craftyguy> jhovold: no ath11k issues at all with your rc7 :)
<craftyguy> feel free to add my t-b
<jhovold> craftyguy: thanks again for testing, could you reply to the fix with your t-b?
<craftyguy> ohhh ya I see now that you cc'd me on it, sorry!
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<jhovold> craftyguy: thanks!
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<JensGlathe[m]> Re WCN7850 crashes, NULL pointer derefs, and the like
<JensGlathe[m]> I sort of accidentally pulled the whole branch for [this patch](, which were about 100 ath related commits, apparently most of them not in ath-next. Built it, tested it here, published as 6.14-rc7-2, and it seems actually the most stable fix for the WCN7850 mess. Reports on the Ubuntu Concept X1E discourse seem to concur.
<anthony25> Does it fix the bluetooth disconnections?
<JensGlathe[m]> never had any... didn't pay attention to it
<steev> jhovold: enough that i was willing to simply comment it out
<steev> but it's far greater than 5
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<JensGlathe[m]> Fans of the Thinkbook are trying to go supersonic
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