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<apple-corps[m]> tobhe: was talking about the image Jens Glathe created that supports the x1p.
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<apple-corps[m]> Are there any archlinux arm folks here ??
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<SpieringsAE> yeah there are a couple, I use it too on my asus
<SpieringsAE> wish it was slightly more alive tho, waiting a month for updates whenever a core library updates is pretty rough
<jhovold> steev: thanks for testing, looks like you're out of memory, should not be related to ath11k fix
<jhovold> I think you reported seeing something like that the other week as well, when running with another ath11k patch reverted
<jhovold> is this with a mainline stable kernel, or with lots of stuff on top?
<apple-corps[m]> SpieringsAE: using archlinux ARM on an asus ?? Are you using an x1p ??
<apple-corps[m]> ala got railed on pretty hard by the asahi linux folks when they switched to fedora
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<jhovold> also running arch on my machines including the x13s and t14s (x1e), a bunch of us are
<apple-corps[m]> Arch is nice because it's easy to create packages for, the documentation is better (for vanilla arch), and less bloat...
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<apple-corps[m]> Jens Glathe: was nice enough to apply patches for the x1p and share an image / kernel. That ubuntu live image has been working somewhat well. I don't know how to install it to my partition however. One reason I am looking to fiddle with ala
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<apple-corps[m]> building the arch image but the ala mirrors keep timing out: . Going to attempt to set a mirror manually. I also changed the kernel modules from the surface ones but haven't pushed those changes yet
<apple-corps[m]> error: failed retrieving file 'diffutils-3.11-2-aarch64.pkg.tar.xz.sig' from : Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec transferred the last 10 seconds
<apple-corps[m]> I am not sure suspend / resume is working on the laptop
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<SpieringsAE> apple-corps: nope x1e MA049W
<SpieringsAE> 32 gb ram version
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<apple-corps[m]> Makes sense that most devs would buy the more expensive laptop ...
<apple-corps[m]> jhovold: your name is popping up in the build process ```+ cp -r build/boot/ build/boot/config-6.14.0-rc6-jhovold+ build/boot/dtbs build/boot/vmlinuz-6.14.0-rc6-jhovold+ build/root/boot/```
<apple-corps[m]> perhaps that came from the kernel repo ...
<apple-corps[m]> I think that perhaps linux is more stable on this device than windows 11 :D
<apple-corps[m]> Hmm an order of magnitude less free space. error: Partition / too full: 330359 blocks needed, 30567 blocks free. I am a glutton for punishment building from an sd card....
<apple-corps[m]> Keep forgetting to try to use that partition on the system for the build process. Bet it might speed things up as well. It will be nice when I finally get off running from the SD card
<apple-corps[m]> curious that perhaps the archlinux arm image is too small
<apple-corps[m]> Er pardon me, the iso image created from the build script... I assume the root is the ch'rooted env in this case
<eirikkar> JensGlathe[m] That didnt work either, I get a black screen after grub
<eirikkar> tobhe_ last working version is 6.14.0-20-qcom-x1e
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<tobhe_> thx!
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<smoorgborg[m]> <jhovold> "also running arch on my machines..." <- I would very much like a howto for my T14s. Tried the archboot.iso but ended up at grub, and there are zero instructions on how to proceed.
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<SpieringsAE> smoorborg: install archlinux arm keyring, get the pacman config etc for archlinux arm, then use pacstrap to make a bootable usb as you would with a normal arch install
<SpieringsAE> the only thing that is different is that you need to add the devicetree to grub config or systemd-boot config
<SpieringsAE> probably you also want qemu-user-static/binfmt stuff if you are doing this on an x86 system
<SpieringsAE> then boot from usb, then repeat the process to the nvme ssd
<SpieringsAE> or use an nvme adapter to do it in one go
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<SpieringsAE> weee my laptop came back, 3 weeks, they've replaced way more stuff than I expected, seems cheaper at that point to just send a new laptop lol
<SpieringsAE> Who else was having issues with the sd-card reader on the asus? I will report back when I have tested everything
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<bamse> apple-corps[m]: the problem with the generic arch images is that you need to specify that the t14s devicetree (.dtb) should be loaded before jumping to linux...
<bamse> my workaround for this is, but you might have to supply your own kernel packet to it
<bamse> although i'm running linux-aarch64-rc on my dell xps13 now...although it's missing some important/useful things
<SpieringsAE> huh thats a neat tool didn't know of it
<SpieringsAE> im still hoping my usb-a and sd-card reader patches make it into 6.15
<SpieringsAE> would be great to have those in the regular kernel package
<anthony25> mkosi-qcom seems cool!
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<bamse> it's pretty useful on the production devices, on the development devices is supernice; i can just mkosi a full disk image, and use qdl to dump the image straight into nvme
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<bibikski> Was anyone able to get arch arm to boot on a t14s x1e?
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<SpieringsAE> bibikski: I believe jhovold does yeah
<SpieringsAE> t14s has some wonky firmware issue though
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<bibikski> SpieringsAE: that's unfortunate. Anything I can do to help?
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<SpieringsAE> unless you work at lenovo I doubt it lol
<SpieringsAE> or whoever they have make their firmware
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<bibikski> Yeah I can't help on the lenovo front, but has anyone dumped the firmware for analysis?
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<SpieringsAE> not that I know of
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<jhovold> steev, craftyguy: hit any ath11k corruption with that alternate fix so far?
<jhovold> sounds like it's not sufficient to address the issue qcom is reproducing, but that could possibly be a separate one
<jhovold> apple-corps[m]: some people are packaging my wip branches, so that's likely why my name showed up in your build
<craftyguy> jhovold: sorry still need to build the kernel w/ it, I didn't have time yesterday :(
* craftyguy tries now
<craftyguy> hmm that patch set doesn't apply to your 6.14-rc6 kernel branch
<craftyguy> ahh because you include the original fix and it conflicts. ok got it now
<craftyguy> I reverted the two patches for ath11k in that branch, and applied the patches from
<craftyguy> (just so you know exactly what I'm testing)
<jhovold> perfect, thanks
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<steev> jhovold: i have not; kinda weird about running out of ram thing, i suppose its possible i was but i wasnt doing anything different than i usually do on my system; that said, it was my 6.13 kernel; on 6.14-rc6 with your patches and a few unrelatd to ath11k at all and so far, i have not seen anything
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<SpieringsAE> weee the sd-card reader works in windows and linux now
<SpieringsAE> camera is also fixed in windows
<SpieringsAE> setting up sd-boot again was being a real pain in the ass for some reason, had to manually add it with efibootmgr from a live usb
<steev> jhovold: fwiw, i did the same as yesterday, running a download of 46 files (32GB in total), while pinging a website and having `scan on` running in bluetoothctl, and do not see it
<SpieringsAE> but we baaaaack
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<jhovold> steev: thanks, and is that with any prior mitigations reverted (e.g. you're using the its)?
<jhovold> and without the fix, you do hit the corruption in that test?
<jhovold> was that what you ran when you reported seeing the 0-length warnings with qcoms fix?
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<steev> i do not have the mitigations in place, and the 2 patches from miao reverted and yours applied. the only other ath11k patch i have is commenting out the mdsu_done bit not set in attention or whatever comment that spams the log
<jhovold> yeah, that should be ok
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<steev> fwiw - is the tree i am testing with
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<jhovold> looks like that branch is not using the its, which is known mask the issue:
<jhovold> could you test on top of mainline, or my wip branch?
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<steev> oh whoops i thought that was removed
<steev> i can definitely just use yours though to test
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<steev> jhovold: haven't seen so far now. i also added in connecting airpods to bluetooth and playing audio over it, instead of just running a bluetooth scan (bluetooth scan also occurring)
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<steev> suspend and resume show nothing so far as well
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<SpieringsAE> now that I finally have my laptop back, here is my newest kernel based on jhovolds kernel for the x1e asus vivobook:
<SpieringsAE> nothing new got added from my side since the last one (rc2) only those things mentioned by jhovold
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<bibikski> @jhovold Would you happen to be running arch on a t14s? If so, did you use one of the filesystems provided by arm arch linux?
<bamse> bibikski: you need to load the t14s dtb before jumping to linux, none of the generic disk images from arch does this for you
<bibikski> bamse: Yeah I managed to grab the latest ones from the kernel and put it in the arch ARMv8 generic file system. The part I was stuck on was getting a bootloader setup for the T14s. I mounted the ESP but I was unsure if GRUB would work, so I've been trying to find out if I need to run different parameters to setup bootloader properly
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<bamse> bibikski: i use to generate arch images to boot most of my devices, here you can just specify "--devicetree qcom/x1e78100-lenovo-thinkpad-t14s.dtb" and it should mostly work
<bamse> i.e. something like "mkosi -d arch --devicetree qcom/x1e78100-lenovo-thinkpad-t14s.dtb build" and then put that on a usb stick and you're probably going to have yourself a booting arch system (or at least be in the ballpark thereof)
<bamse> think you should be able to replace "build" with "burn /dev/usbdisk" to install the arch installation straight to your usb stick
<bibikski> bamse: Thank you! I've been having a hard time finding info on this topic
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<bamse> bibikski: seems i missed a couple of usb-related drivers when i sent the PR to the alarm kernel the other day, but "pacman -S linux-aarch64-rc" (and then ensure the right devicetree is loaded by systemd-boot) gives me a functional system on the dell xps13
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<bibikski> Just burnt my first usb, going to give it a go
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<freekurt[m]> bibikski: wishing you the best of luck!
<bamse> he didn't come back, wonder if that means he succeeded or not...
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