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<steev> welcome in Grabunhold :)
<steev> my x13s is my daily driver
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<LiangQi[m]> <smoorgborg[m]> "Release notes says POST time..." <- not sure how to test it. but the readme of the firmware is at .
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<SpieringsAE> ayy I got hyprland 0.48.0 now and I can remove the explicit sync tweak from the conifg
<SpieringsAE> s/conifg/config
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<Grabunhold> steev: i'm aiming for using it as a daily driver as well :)
<Grabunhold> what distros are you guys running? I'm thinking about fedora vs arch vs opensuse tumbleweed
<Grabunhold> i'd like to keep it as vanilla as possible, although i'm no stranger to compiling my own kernels (long time gentoo user)
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<SpieringsAE> Grabunhold: personally arch linux arm, but it is not really the best arm distro, some significant gaps to upstream arch unfortunately
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<Grabunhold> do i really need the custom kernels? i got a test install of debian testing working (fedora 41 and 42 beta failed to boot, i suspect devicetree issues), and aside from an issue with the display staing black after a cold boot, everything seemed to work pretty well
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<SpieringsAE> Not really
<SpieringsAE> not even for the s elite anymore, but there are some nice early fixes in jhovolds kernel
<SpieringsAE> that havent made it to mainline yet
<SpieringsAE> x elite*, the x13 is even better from what I've heard
<Grabunhold> i have the x13s, i stayed away from the elite specifically because the support for the x13s had a longer time to cook
<LiangQi[m]> something is wrong with wifi, first time in my life to get a blue screen on linux when click some wifi connections...
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<jhovold> LiangQi[m]: known issue with ath12k (x1e):
<jhovold> Grabunhold: you can run mainline just fine on the x13s, but as SpieringsAE mentioned there are a few fixes in my branch that have not yet made it upstream (e.g. for audio with pipewire, and some wifi races)
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<Grabunhold> but there are a few things in there i don't quite understand, like usb-pd being listed as "started". what's missing there? charging the laptop worked just fine
<Grabunhold> jhovold: i had your wiki bookmarked and visited every few month before i finally pulled the trigger on the x13s :) thanks for the great work!
<smoorgborg[m]> <SpieringsAE> "Grabunhold: personally arch..." <- Gaps in available packages, lagging behind in versions, or otherwise?
<jhovold> Grabunhold: that's referring to the ucsi driver not being enabled due to buggy fw
<jhovold> and this one
<jhovold> hmm, we might actually be able to enable it again now
<JensGlathe[m]> Liang Qi: something I read quite often with the 6.14 rc's. As a result of my search for a fix I have a quite dirty [patch]( It's in my kernels since 6.14-rc7-6 (unsquashed variant is everything from 6.14-rc7-1 to 6.14-rc7-2). It contains mostly patches not even in ath-next yet. But it seems to work well with WCN7850.
<SpieringsAE> smoorgborg: missing stuff like cross compilers, qemu-user-static. behind stuff like devtools which is quite essential to have up to date imo
<SpieringsAE> want to do more riscv dev, but arch linux arm is making that more difficult than it should be, it is very doable on x86
<SpieringsAE> managed to bootstrap riscv64-linux-gnu-gcc myself, and built qemu-user-static from the upstream pkgbuilds
<SpieringsAE> but fixing the devtools package is a very deep rabbit hole
<anthony25> JensGlathe[m]: on the regulators and bluetooth support for the slim 7x, can I help you with anything to try to upstream it?
<anthony25> I'm using your patch for a while, I didn't notice any problem on my side
<SpieringsAE> it is also semi annoying when something like glibc or python updates and then it takes a month or so to rebuild everything on top of that update
<SpieringsAE> for some reason dolphin-emu is missing, even though it compiles just fine with the ignorearch flag on the upstream pkgbuild
<anthony25> distrobox has been pretty useful for me on ARM, because compared to x86, I can't really find a distro that has everything I need
<SpieringsAE> im having an issue with distrobox actually
<anthony25> ha really? which one?
<SpieringsAE> for some reason when I try to make an arm64 container on x86, I can't use sudo
<SpieringsAE> I need to do some debian 12 arm dev on my work machine, and this has been bugging me
<JensGlathe[m]> anthony25: I can try to upstream, just don't want to interfere
<SpieringsAE> sudo: effective uid is not 0, is /usr/bin/sudo on a file system with the 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?
<anthony25> JensGlathe[m]: what do you mean by interfere?
<JensGlathe[m]> Still have the ThinkBook 16and some changes to the HP X14
<SpieringsAE> I feel like its messing up some mounting stuff with binfmt
<anthony25> ha ok, no worries
<anthony25> SpieringsAE: have you tried with podman?
<SpieringsAE> yeah I am using podman
<anthony25> that's surprising, I can use sudo inside distrobox
<SpieringsAE> I can in my x86 distrobox
<SpieringsAE> but not an arm64 distrobox, on an x86 host
<anthony25> ha, I missed the x86 host part
<SpieringsAE> qemu is perfectly running everythin else, but just sudo is borked
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<jhovold> Grabunhold: thanks for reminding me about the ucsi issue, I had it on my evergrowing todo list to verify my suspicion that the underlying issue for the crashes observed on dp unplug with ucsi had recently been fixed
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<jhovold> turns out I was right so we can enable UCSI again and check that USB-PD box:
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<Grabunhold> jhovold: nice! i actually didn't know what to make out of "usb-pd not working" and hold off on buying the laptop for a while until i noticed that people on youtube and whatnot could charge the laptop just fine
<jhovold> yeah, that was never the issue, sorry
<Grabunhold> well, i could have done my own research earlier, no need to apologize. your wiki has been a great resource so far!
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<konradybcio> jhovold: i guess that's only somewhat related but x13s's ec seems a bit grumpy.. 10w anker powerbank makes it go into "charging" for a split second and then it starts angrily blinking the leds at me, but that seems to be the case even with offline charging, so don't chase ghosts if you experience that..
<jhovold> ok, thanks for heads up, I've only been using the stock charger so far
<calebccff> abelvesa: bamse: narrowed down the UI stutters on my slim 7x to my USB mouse, they only happen when im moving it, touchpad is fine. Any ideas?
<calebccff> i've tried different usb hubs but it's always the same
<calebccff> the plot thickens.. it's a wireless mouse (logitech G Pro wireless) and the behaviour improves if I plug it in via a USB cable rather than using the receiver. It's still worse then using the touchpad but not as bad
<calebccff> it doesn't seem to be a kernel thing, since running "libinput debug-events" via ssh shows a perfect stream of input events with no stuttering or anything
<anthony25> with solaar, for example, can you look at the polling rate? is it the same polling rate when wired or wireless?
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<anthony25> calebccff: what DE/WM are you using
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<craftyguy> almost sounds like a RF problem
<JensGlathe[m]> yeah pretty usual here. Lots of wired mice therefore. especially ssd enclosures and USB to enernet adapters are the culprits.
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<steev> Grabunhold: i'm a kali dev, so i run kali on mine (basically debian testing, with our tools on top)
<calebccff> anthony25: GNOME 48, kinda suspecting a regression
<anthony25> is it using hw cursor?
<anthony25> I would check if this happens KDE or sway (if you don't want to install all the kde stack)
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<dgilmore> hrrm on the t14s wifi does not always come up right
<dgilmore> generally on a cold boot. on a reboot its fine
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<dgilmore> I should look into enabling the 5g modem on it
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<neobrain[m]> Does this dmesg entry on X13s ring a bell for anyone? nvme nvme0: I/O tag 940 (93ac) QID 8 timeout, completion polled
<neobrain[m]> Occasionally any application accessing the disk will lock up for ~10 seconds shortly before this is printed. Has been happening for a while but I never looked into it
<JensGlathe[m]> New SSD?
<neobrain[m]> Nope, same SSD that the device shipped with
<JensGlathe[m]> so could be wear?
<JensGlathe[m]> This is the moment for smartctl -X I guess
<neobrain[m]> if I was very unlucky with factory lottery yeah, unlikely otherwise since it had happened for a while before and I hadn't used it regularly back then
<neobrain[m]> I'll try smartctl, thanks!
<neobrain[m]> Read Self-test Log failed: Invalid Field in Command (0x002) mhm...
<neobrain[m]> No errors besides that when using smartctl -a. Data Units Read/Written is around 15 TB now
<JensGlathe[m]> I have an odd ssd in mine, 1TB timetec s57 mounted off-kilter for being slightly too thiick with 1 1/2 sides. But no I/O errors whatsoever. So if its not seating/contact, it is the hardware itself. 15TBW doesn't sound too much, but those signs are not good
<neobrain[m]> It doesn't happen terribly often (perhaps once a day) but yeah if it's normally a sign of failure I'll have to keep my guard up D:
<JensGlathe[m]> yep
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<reng> Does anyone have any information about runnint 6.14-rc5 on SP11 denali?
<reng> running* pardon
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