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<wizzard> Can someone suggest me some more options to try to enable dp-alt on the t14s for my port? I have alreay set CONFIG_TYPEC_DP_ALTMODE, CONFIG_TYPEC_TBT_ALTMODE, CONFIG_TYPEC_MUX_PS883X
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<wizzard> I think this is the culprit: `usb 6-1.1.3: 3:1: cannot get freq at ep 0x84` at line 1043:
<wizzard> Nevermind, wrong device connected to the hub
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<jhovold> wizzard: you need to start the adsp firmware for dp altmode
<jhovold> [ 0.355364] remoteproc remoteproc0: Direct firmware load for qcom/x1e80100/LENOVO/21N1/qcadsp8380.mbn failed with error -2
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<bryanodonoghue> anthony25
<bryanodonoghue> Updated code for the ov02c10
<bryanodonoghue> BTW the above branch has working CAMSS for Dell Inspiron 14p with the ov02e10
<bryanodonoghue> I believe the Dell XPS has the ov02c10 so if we make progress on slim7x/t14s it will probably mean XPS and Asus s5507 will also work
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<anthony25> ok, let me apply the last 2 patches and test
<anthony25> bryanodonoghue: ha, did you force-pushed?
<bryanodonoghue> ofc
<bryanodonoghue> I'm lazy
<anthony25> erf, because I had to fix some conflicts with -rc5
<bryanodonoghue> just grab the sensor
<bryanodonoghue> no other pertinent changes for you
<anthony25> drivers/media/i2c/ov02c10.c?
<bryanodonoghue> y
<anthony25> ok
<anthony25> I have the same error
<bryanodonoghue> doh I forgot
<bryanodonoghue> data-lanes = <2> in the camera section
<bryanodonoghue> data-lanes = <0 1> in port@3
<bryanodonoghue> pardon me
<anthony25> in the slim7x dts or in x1e80100.dsi?
<anthony25> no worries ;p
<bryanodonoghue> slim7x dts please
<bryanodonoghue> could you send me a demsg @ my linaro address ?
<bryanodonoghue> ov02c10 and ov02e10 are probably candidates for a unified ov02x10 driver
<anthony25> sure!
<bryanodonoghue> sorry manually replicating fixes from e10 to c10 remotely on your hw
<bryanodonoghue> cheers
<anthony25> I add the data-lanes, reboot, test and send you a dmesg
<bryanodonoghue> yes please I suspect i've still messed up the detection of the clock-freq for !ACPI platforms
<bryanodonoghue> fixed it in e10
<bryanodonoghue> untested on c10
<bryanodonoghue> should be easy enough
<bryanodonoghue> no no looking at your new dmesg
<bryanodonoghue> its data-lanes
<bryanodonoghue> I think its finding your clock-freq
<bryanodonoghue> this might even work now