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jhovold: only 4 hours here so far, and i have seen the message 1 time. aside from their networking being really slow for some reason, wifi still up
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Alright, so I seem to be making some progress on this monstrosity of a setup with my X13s
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I got an M.2 Oculink adapter on the laptop leading to a board with an x16 PCIe slot. And while the startup stalls on starting up the graphical login screen, switching to a TTY shows me it detects the GT 710
steev: all I can say is that without the separate dtbs, there is no way to handle the backlight on lcd skus
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Dantheman825: huh neat, is that display output actually coming from the gpu? I didn't really expect nvidia gpus to do much on arm, from what I've heard it is pretty much only AMD in this space
oh sorry, I should clarify, the display output is coming from the USB-C hub plugged into the laptop, so this is the iGPU displaying
I wonder that if we ever get usb4 support eGPU can be a thing with these
ah okay
I still need to figure out how to make the external GPU to actually do anything, as of right now, the system simply just detects it connected
trying sudo lspci -vv | grep "BAR" doesn't return anything, which isn't great news
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steev: ok, always good to know what happens if you revert the work-around
maybe keep the warning so that you see that the driver thinks it got a zero-length descriptor before the ring-buffer breaks
i can do that tomorrow
and you said you saw it on resume too?
I hit it here once when just idling, but perhaps it triggers more often during heavy use, that seemed to be part of qcom's reproducer at least
i did see it coming out of resume as well; so ive seen it twice now (the rxed invalid length message)
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speaking of which though, its almost 3am so i should suspend and go to bed :)
also i am not sure what they consider heavy use, i have just downloaded 9GB and not seen anything
i am basically downloading all of our release images
I asked qcom how they reproduced it and it sounded like they were running a continuous download and then toggling some bluetooth scan on the side
but we have people reported seeing this while roaming, or even just moving the laptop about outside while idling
but yeah, sounds like it's suspend time for you, sleep well! :)
craftyguy: have you had a chance to test the proposed fix yet?
indeed; 17GB downloaded and nothing
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Hi folks I was looking at the following build script provided by d0pefish and wondering if I can simply provide a repository for a patched kernel for the x1p vivobook 15 and give an archlinuxARM install a shot vs the ubuntu image.
JensGlathe[m]: do you have a repo that includes the kernel patches so I could try to give it a shot ?? Alternatively, might you suggest what patches I need to create the repo myself ??
No idea. Re WCN7850 (ath12k): All devices that I have worked ootb with WiFi without any additional specification in the dtb or special firmware/board file, unlike ath11k.
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to add, haven't heard from Vivobook or Yoga 7 users that WiFi needed extra attention
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JensGlathe[m]: then those steps are probably irrelevant since your ubuntu image works. I'm not 100% sure regarding the firmware extraction process. Are you using scripts to achieve that ? I am looking at the paths vs the scripts provided in that image. Mostly identical for the "qc" related paths ignoring the windows paths with some differences. Do you have a script that I might just replace this with or perhaps I should just modify the scripts
look into /usr/local/bin/ of the image, there is a fetch script. there is also a copy_firmwareservice systemd unit for it.
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Ok. I will dig into that some tomorrow. I saw your email. I can reboot back into ubuntu and fetch the UUID but if I am not mistaken the SKU is empty
JensGlathe[m]: ^^
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steev: Do you make something further for the x13s?
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Was anyone able to obtain information regarding the bootup of the X1E chip? qcom is hiding this information behind company registration
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jhovold: I plan to test it today. sorry for the delay
craftyguy: thanks!
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agl: yes, but havent pushed yet
steev: Will you push the newest kernel in the evening?
i can push it now
6.12, 6.13 and 6.14-rc6 pushed
well rc6 is pushing
steev: Where can I get 6.14-rc6. I don't found it on steev/linux???
jhovold: `Downloaded: 46 files, 32G in 27m 46s (19.9 MB/s)` - no messages during that time (with the patch applied)
steev: I found it. Thx.
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