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robclark: could we extract the firmware from downloads directly from the vendor rather than from a windows install?
umm, maybe? Idk how all that works out but would be worth someone figuring out
iirc t14s is the easy case, since lenovo posted fw for us upstream? It is everything else that is the problem
okay. someone would have to figure out the right file to get and extract from
iirc there are some fw extract scripts floating around
assuming you have a win partition to extract fw from
[]( the 5ghz crash is a known bug for a while ath I'm looking forward to that fix that []( mentioned. Depending on the version of T14s you're using there are more workarounds needed as well. And the ath bug isn't the only way to crash / force reboot the device at the moment; at least in my
first thing i did was pull the windows drive and put in a new one for linux. ideally I would rather figure out what updates I can pull the files from
I have been using primarily 5ghz and 6ghz wifi on the t14s
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maybe someone has figured that out... tbh maybe someone should just publish a fw tree for $all_the_random_laptops.. ianal so don't know the legality of that but I guess the fw is all the same modulo the signing
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ls /usr/lib/firmware/qcom/x1e80100/LENOVO/21N1/
Oh, working firmware update for the Thinkbook 16
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dgilmore: we'll be able to do that if manufacturers authorize qcomm signed firmwares
Which is why I saw windows users happy that the slim 7x will have soon a bios update that can load qcomm signed files, because the qcomm drivers are up-to-date compared to the ones lenovo has provided (which are lagging behind, mostly on the GPU side)
Otherwise it depends if the manufacturers make available their drivers or if it's just shipped through windows update (again, like the slim 7x)
Wonder how first party linux support from a vendor is going to look like
the gpu, usb-a and fingerprint reader not working is surprising to me
I think those should all be well established by now
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Oh nice!
<SpieringsAE> "it seems the tuxedo x elite..." <- Ohhh very cool
@SpieringsAE I'm going to assume there are some non-standard things going on depending on where they source the panel, usb controller and fprint from and how they hookit up
I'm kind of assuming "output" with the GPU thing is just the display itself
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I am curious about the specs/io
it seems they are using one of the higher binned x elite chips
I wonder if this time Tuxedo also is going to ship code GPLv3, to be sure upstream process is blocked...
yep lol
at least the dtb is BSD3
though I wonder if dtbs can actually fall under copyright
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just like ELF or EXE
I'd argue more like a copyrighted PDF even since dt is just input data xD
one could argue whether the "artwork" of names etc in the dt is copyrightable at all but I hold an opinion that dtb license is inconsequential to it's user (at least as long as they don't compile dts into C/asm I guess)
I was thinking more like headers which do not fall under copyright (according to fsf and google vs oracle)
headers are not part of DTB
i know, I'm saying the intellectual value or creative input that goes into dts resembles headers more than code :)
elf, exe, and pdfs are quite likely to capture the expression of an idea
DTB is the output of DTS, so if we assume that DTS is copyrightable (otherwise we all waste time on doing something which machines should do) then its output has the same relation to source as EXE to C
under the defines of the bindings, the expression in the dtb would pretty much equal the idea...
or rather, there's very little room for expression
krzk: right, I am actually questioning whether dts can be copyrighted
&{/chosen} { oem,novel= "Once upon a time /s
so if you question that then it would mean significant part of our work is not copyrightable so what are we getting paid of? if someone decided to pay us nice money for writing DTS, it means something? But regardless, it is copyrightable because writing DTS is actual creative work of figuring out how to describe wires and systems in abstract language
IOW, DTS is not autogenerated from anything in our case.
krzk: those two aren't necessarily related
The DTS whihc would be auto-generated from tools / Altium / whatever, would not be copyrightablke, just like generated C from something is not
krzk: it would still be valuable to our employeers even if it was released under public domain
bamse: public domain does not mean something is not copyrightable
bamse: and it is related, because it is a proof that task is not trivial, requires specifi cskills of creative mind, which is then well paid for
krzk: that's the legal definition of public domain though, creative material that are not protected by intellectual property laws
javierm: yes, but krzk is right in that the work would still meet the bar for being copyrightable
one requirement of copyrightable is that work must contain creativity, which is what we do, otherwise machines would do it
bamse: ah, I see. yeah, that's correct
or the work was so trivial any monkey would do it etc. (although even trivial work might be deemed copyrightable)
krzk: the question AFAIU is if given the constraints of the DT bindings, if there are multiple ways to describe a given HW platform using a DTS
there could be room to duplicate in dts vs having a shared .dtsi but there isn't that much room for innovation when writing DTS
the DT bindings though are different
javierm: yep, so we could write bindings that way that you generate DTS out of them. But we do not and you can vreate DTS in multiple ways.
my line of thinking was: could there be a system that uses header files to define everything we define in dtbs? and I guess there could
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krzk: yeah, I guess is a question for a judge to determine whether are really multiple ways to describe a DTS or not. As I see it, there's a single correct way to describe it for a given HW
but would that system understand and describe a very specific nuance that since gpio X connected to line Y for completely unrelated reason, we could do something wonderful with it that noone thought about before, and write a long comment that it's a hack but we did something fun?
javierm: I think you assume that bindings are fixed, right? So you have a defined bindings and then how to write DTS?
krzk: yeah, assuming that you only use existing bindings
adding new bindings if of course a creative process and subject to copyright (IMO)
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I also think that DTS is a creative material that could be copyrightable but I understand that others might think that is not and should be something for a judge to have a say
in that world though, schematics and datasheets are copyrightable, so the translation of that into dts would be as well
bamse: oh, indeed
schematics are design, aren't they?
until you have cute drawings in them, then they become artwork xD
krzk: yeah, a DTS could be thought to be just another abstract language to describe a HW design and so be copyrightable
since as bamse said one can copyright a schematics
but is an interesting thought experiment
I think you can copyright schematics if someone creates them, so designs something and effect is the schematic. If you create some design and then just generate schematics based on that, are they copyrightable?
Let say you describe hardware in DTS and you generate schematics from that DTS with computer program - are such schematics creative work or just transformation of data?
krzk: you are reaching my law knowledge limits with that one :)
by that logic compiling latex into pdf is transformation of data too, I guess it's an interesting question where the line actually is
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Copyrightable material must have originality, thus if machine creates it autonomously this is not copyrightable. Therefore schematics per se might not be copyrightable if they are autogenerated. Schematics which you write/design are.
I did look this up at some point about schematics but from what I could find pcb design was not copyrightable
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I was wondering what license to use for my pcb design
but I could be wrong
krzk: but that's similar to what I tried to say basically, that if you take a (copyrighted by company A) schematics and (manually) write a DTS based on the design, if is copyrightable by company B
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since the author of the DTS doesn't have that much room for creativity/originality
travmurav[m]: yeah, transformation of copyrightable work is copyrightable
actually may be wrong now that I'm checking again
krzk: like taking a book and writing a script for a movie
US law says: "A "derivative work" is ... or any other form in which a work may be recast, transformed, or adapted." :)
I wonder if fair use applies
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the ARM laptops space is also way less packed than x86_64, so they might not feel the need to play with copyrights for the competition
mostly if we're talking about ARM laptops with performance comparable to x86 laptops, officially supported for Linux
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