ChanServ changed the topic of #aarch64-laptops to: Linux support for AArch64 Laptops (Chrome OS Trogdor Devices - Asus NovaGo TP370QL - HP Envy x2 - Lenovo Mixx 630 - Lenovo Yoga C630 - Lenovo ThinkPad X13s - and various other snapdragon laptops) -
<steev> a trixie or newer debian iso would boot and install on the x13s, you just need to take note a few things -
<steev> i think actually the only thing you really need to do post install is the firmware-qcom-soc package; the others aren't needed as the pd mapper is in the kernel and enabled in debian's config (and johan's)
<steev> though, i do still have the udev rules in place...
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<steev> maybe i'm thinking of rtc and not mac addrs and we still don't know where those are
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<JensGlathe[m]> I remember some work from travmurav re MAC addresses, address in DDR(?) area
<travmurav[m]> dpp
<JensGlathe[m]> thanks
<travmurav[m]> I'm guessing "device provisioning partition" but well, from 3 letter abbreviation and nothing else xD
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<jhovold> Here's an updated wip branch for the X13s:
<jhovold> Changes include:
<jhovold> - fix ath11k rx completion meta data corruption
<jhovold> - fix spurious dp hotplug events
<jhovold> Here's an updated wip branch for the T14s and X Elite:
<jhovold> Changes include:
<jhovold> - fix ath11k rx completion meta data corruption
<jhovold> - fix spurious dp hotplug events
<jhovold> - fix x1e devkit usb retimer reset polarity
<jhovold> - fix omnibook x14 usb2 repeaters
<jhovold> - extend ath12k dma mask to avoid using bounce buffers
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<SpieringsAE> anonymix007: little bit of weirdness in your repo `warning: linux-x1e: local (6.14.rc2-2) is newer than linux-x1e (6.14-0)` seems like the version comparison for some reason is wrong
<SpieringsAE> pacman -Suu fixed it though
<SpieringsAE> it does work fine again though so thanks!
<anonymix007[m]> Yeah, that's the unfortunate thing with how the pacman handles versions. Not sure what to do with this.
<SpieringsAE> wonder how the regular linux-rc kernel does it
<SpieringsAE> it uses -rc instead of .rc
<SpieringsAE> may actaully just skip the stable releases, lets that be done by the regular linux package
<SpieringsAE> So I am afraid there may be no way to fix it
<SpieringsAE> wait no im blind it does alo use .rc
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<LiangQi[m]> With T14S, if firmware was updated, can't boot into linux any more, right? 😂
<LiangQi[m]> from 2.15 to 2.17
<LiangQi[m]> I did upgrade from Windows Update, then can't boot into Linux. After Lenovo Vantage upgrade, boot to Linux is fine now.
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<smoorgborg[m]> <LiangQi[m]> "from 2.15 to 2.17" <- Release notes says POST time should improve. Any difference there?
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<apple-corps[m]> Hi folks, I have been running linux on my vivobook thanks to Jens Glathe and the efforts of this community. I am very happy as I have a development environment that I can use. However, I do notice that the platform seems laggard compared to the Windows counterpart and I think it's all due to missing graphics drivers for the x1p. I perhaps foolishly purchased a device with an x1p and now I am concerned if / when the platform will
<apple-corps[m]> ever receive graphics driver support. Regarding that matter does anyone think it will help if users reach out to the Qualcomm forums or otherwise requesting support for the x1p devices ??
<robclark> 10 core x1p should use existing drivers... 8 core x1p, we need something from qcom (although I do expect it to come _eventually_, just not sure when)
<apple-corps[m]> Yeah I have the 8 core version. Then just curious if it would help perhaps thumbs upping and distributing this therad to get upvotes to hopefully put it on a developer calendar. My concern is that we might be waiting years to get a graphics driver as it's overlooked while the other devices are being supported.
<robclark> someone from qc did post the rest of x1p support, including gpucc (which would be a necessary prerequisite for gpu).. so I don't think it will be _years_...
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<JensGlathe[m]> Definition for gpu and gmu seems to be deviating from the x1e. msm-drm driver errored out when initializing gmu OPPs, probably because interrupt lines are different.
<janrinze> jhovold: thanks for the link. Hopefully i will have some time soon to do a Debian install and build a .deb from your kernel sources.
<janrinze> Also, I'm pleasantly surprised by the lenovo laptop. It is plenty fast and the screen is nice too.
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<apple-corps[m]> janrinze: rub it in
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<Grabunhold> wow, there is a lot of you guys here :) freshly minted x13s owner here :)
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