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I saw that msdu_done message over 1200 times in just over 1 day... yikes
yeah, that's why i disabled it spamming here
though i've only seen in 12 times in the past 5 hours
with 6.14-rc* on my x13s, I've noticed a lot of bogus hotplug/connector init events from the display driver(?) when connected to a PD adapter:
they seem to happen a few times in a row, usually twice rapidly, and cause the internal display to flicker. Anyone else seeing this too?
the PD adapter is from the Steam Deck, it only does power and no display or anything fancy
I'll try other adapters to see if it still happens 🤷
ya even happens with the lenovo PD adapter that came with the x13s
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I‘ve seen them in dmesg with drm-debug=0x100, no flicker. On all devices, and since I‘m doing this (2023).
it seems to happen repeatedly, every few seconds when the charger is connected. Just rolled back to 6.13 and seems to be happening a lot less frequent now 🤷♂️
which log is this
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craftyguy: fwiw, if you haven't checked your email, johan cc'd you ona patch to test (at least, i'm assuming that's you, i only saw it on lore, didn't check email address itself)
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konradybcio: Slightly off topic, may I ask how can I boot linux on sony xz2 compact, I notice you submitted the DT and the panel driver
jhovold: will reply to the list, i don't think that's helping much- i'm only 45 minutes up and already seen 4 msdu messages (without the patch, in 12 hours i saw 24)
steev: thanks for testing, the fix is needed anyway even if it doesn't address the msdu messages
but since that path is involved in the msdu warning, it was worth confirming
I think I've only seen it once or twice at home, but saw it within an hour with that fix, so perhaps it is involved in some way still
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jhovold: I think you were offline when I mentioned this yesterday, but on your 6.14-rc I see a bunch of display connector hot plug events when connected to a PD charger:
when I roll back to 6.13, these events go away. they cause some pretty annoying screen flickering for me :(
(I have to step away now for a few hours but wanted to make sure this was reported to you since it seems to be a new thing w/ 6.14-rc7 (I don't recall it with earlier RCs, but not 100% sure)
the hotplug events seem to happen every few seconds, there's no obvious pattern to them. they do seem to happen in pairs though
craftyguy: just opened my X13s (running 6.14-rc7-1), connected a type-c hub with HDMI adapter, and it works. Tries to give me 4k@60, but display can only take 4k@30 with 2 lanes so I switched it to this mode. I see lots of mux events, though.
Had one splat over fumbling with the mouse receiver on the hub, though. Otherwise this is the normal behaviour on X13s.
no continuous messages, no flickering.
No hub/dock in my case, just a PD charger
clearly my x13s is "special" 😅
that is on there, too- Apple phone charger 35W
Would be good to find this, yea
there seems to be a regression for me though, rolling back to 6.13 "fixes" it from what I can tell
want to try 6.14-rc7-6?
How is it different than Johan's 6.14-rc7?
* craftyguy
not sure what the "-6" means
Thats my counting of versions, there are is built kernel package on my googledrive
The difference is mainly dtbs I modified, x1p42 support, debug messages in usb-sbu-mux, ath12k fixes, on top of Johan's branch. And Ubuntu config.
seems better to pick one of my earlier 6.14 rc branches directly
craftyguy: so you're seeing these events with just a charger connected? no usb-c dp altmode anywhere?
I'm not seeing any events with the stock charger with rc7 here
wait, there it is
craftyguy: I see them too
Ya just a charger, even the lenovo charger that it came with
presumably some change in 6.14-rc1 if you don't see them with 6.13
see them with 6.13 too
craftyguy: I see these every minute or so. Are you saying your eDP screen flicker when this happens?
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Pengyu: check the initial commit message
90 seconds apart
ya I see some flicker, but it could be the compositor or something reacting to the udev event that this "hotplug" thing triggers? Not sure
and you see these every few seconds with 6.14, 90 seconds apart here, like a clock, with 6.13 (and similar with 6.14-rc7)
I left 6.13 running overnight with the charger connected and didn't see any connector hotplug spam in the log. I wonder if I have to replug the charger to get it to start spamming again
i see the same message when connecting, and then repeating every 90 seconds
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there didn't seem to be a pattern for me. Sometimes it would be a few in rapid succession (over like 30s), other times it might be a few min
I can collect better logs, though my availability for doing this over the next few days isn't great...
let's get back to it later, interesting that noone noticed until now, but I guess you wouldn't have either if it wasn't for the flickering in your setup
happens on both ports, 90 seconds apart
Ya the flickering is pretty annoying. All I see in the logs about it is the udev event from the connector "hotplugging"
nothing in dmesg (with the default log levels)
Sorry, I don't get it, I am new to this. I have already done some searches, I know we should pack android kernel with linux kernel, initramfs, DT blob, and some other stuff, then erase dtbo, flash kernel and rootfs, due to UFS quirks, we'd better boot from SD card, but the questions are kernel config and commandline. I did a quick test with default config, screen kept black(I think no backlight)
Oh, I put modules(panel) into initramfs
jhugo: 10 hours of uptime and 38 messages
jhovold: 10 horus of uptime and 38 msdu messages :(
steev: I have installed your 6.13.7 kernel. All what I need (also the RNDIS_Host-Kernel-Module) works very well on my x13s.
steev: often I take the x13s when I go to Work or int the "Löwenhof".
steev: It's very light to take with me.
jhovold: I also sent this when you were offline earlier: I saw that msdu_done message over 1200 times in just over 1 day: