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<gordonfreeman> When running macos on m1n1, does everything work properly on any cpu/device combination? There is no such table like for running macos; also m1n1 hv works like a pass-through on macos afaik.
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<i509vcb> I am trying to diagnose a problem where gdb always has an internal error on my M2 mac when trying to run in any language (C, C++, Rust). I have some system info here and the output of what GDB says went wrong:
<i509vcb> If I had to suspect what the issue is, could it be gdb can't handle being moved between the performance and power saving cores by the kernel?
<i509vcb> I initially reported this to the arch linux arm forums but it seems they can't reproduce this issue on other aarch64 hardware other than the arm macs
<i509vcb> lldb seems to work as a workaround but some of my ide tooling doesn't know how to speak lldb
<i509vcb> What issue tracker should I report this to? I imagine this will get lost in IRC otherwise
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<i509vcb> Is there a way to force gdb to only run on the performance or power saving cores?
<j`ey> taskset
<j`ey> but there are other machines with asymmetric cores, so doubt thats the issue, but worth a try
<i509vcb> taskset really doesn't have great documentation
<j`ey> taskset -c 0 <command>
<i509vcb> still has the error
<i509vcb> with every core (tried 0 through 7)
<psykose> that doesn't sound like core migration then (though i forget how inheritance works)
<psykose> with taskset -c 0 gdb .. gdb itself will stay on 0 and never migrate
<psykose> unless there's some special case i forgot :D i usually use numactl -C 0 instead
<i509vcb> numactl: This system does not support NUMA policy
<i509vcb> nvm wrong typing
<psykose> but yeah i doubt it's the issue here
<i509vcb> numactl does the same thing
<i509vcb> So I guess it gets even weirder
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<i509vcb> Hmm I built gdb from source and it seemed to run without issue
<i509vcb> I guess I could see if 13.2 fixes the issue and send that to arch linux arm
<psykose> yes
<psykose> 13.2 fixes that
<psykose> * PR gdb/30240 ((linux/aarch) thread.c:86: internal-error: inferior_thread: Assertion `current_thread_ != nullptr' failed)
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<psykose> even actual arch hasn't upgrade to 13.2 for some reason :p
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<zachole> Hi, I saw that indicates that installation on an external HDD is not supported, but I was wondering if anything has changed on that front in the last 6 months? I'd like to use a portable SSD with asahi on more than one m1 device, if that might be possible?
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<mps> zachole: yes, it is possible but that have to be done 'manually'
<zachole> ok, that's awesome! Are there any discussions I can reference while trying? Do I need to install anything on the internal SSDs still (which I would rather not do, but not the end of the world)?
<ChaosPrincess> yes, everything up to and including u-boot must stay on internal
<zachole> Ok, I guess I shouldn't be surprised there...
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<mps> zachole: is short guide how to install alpine, but it could be used as hints for other distros
<zachole> mps: thanks a million!
<mps> I even installed openbsd on external usb ssd
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<nsklaus> the other day i've learnt in a discussion here that arch didn't officialy support arm64 architecture. i've learnt that there was the arch linux arm "alarm" project but it was understaffed and therefore providing a suboptimal result. in relation to all that, i see there are other distros out there that are based on arch linux, and that are officialy supporting arm64 architecture too.
<nsklaus> such as EndeavourOS for example:
<psykose> there are multiple distros in the world, yes, with varying platform support
<nsklaus> could that be an idea to use that instead of "alarm" to enjoy a better UX on arm64 ?
<nsklaus> psykose: endeavour is high is distrowatch ranking and officially support both aarch64, x86_64
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<nsklaus> it's actualy way above it's parent distro, endeavorOS scrores at 2nd position on distrowatch ranking, whereas arch linux itself is at 65th position
<nsklaus> 2/100 (endeavor) vs 65/100 (arch)
<nsklaus> maybe user experience is actualy better on endeavor rather than on arch itself ?
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<Guest2261> woo a mac pro
<Guest2261> time to learn how many pcie cards break on arm
<ellyq> depends on the SoC, on RR3399... pretty much everything
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<whyirc> Is it ok that upower reports energy-full-design: 78,246 Wh on a 16" m1 max macbook pro?
<whyirc> Apple advertises that 16" models have 100 Wh battery
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<lucus16> nsklaus: distrowatch rankings is known to be a bad metric for distro popularity. I'm not sure any good metric exists though.
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<nsklaus> lucus16: still, endeavor seems to have supported arm64 since 2020, so maybe their package could be managed better than alarm ?
<lucus16> I have no idea. Just saying not to read too much into the distro watch ranking
<waldi> they base the rating on visits. so you just need to point people to that page to get information
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<zeromind> depends, they have multiple rankings, if nsklaus means the page hit "ranking"; that counts only access to each distro's page on distrowatch, could also mean project ranking that are based on user ratings -- neither of which are representative
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<nsklaus> it's a broken ranking yes maybe but maybe it is enough to give rough approximation that endeavour is more popular than the parent distro it's based on ?
<nsklaus> and maybe some of the package that were badly maintain on alarm, maybe we could compare them with endeavour packages, and see if they are the same or not,
<nsklaus> so we can conclude if endeavour has a separate team from alarm to maintain its arm64 packages
<j`ey> doesnt look like they package much, if this is all of it
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<nsklaus> that can't be right
<j`ey> I dunno if it falls back to archlinux packages somehow
<nsklaus> why look at x86_64/ instead of /aarch64 ?
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<nsklaus> if i knew the exact name, version, and size of a conflicting alarm package, i would compare it to the packages here:
<nsklaus> to confirm wether or not endeavour is using the same (problematic) packages as alarm
<nsklaus> if version differs, then maybe endeavour is worth a try as alarm replacement
<j`ey> well aarch64 also has very few packages
<nsklaus> hum now that you mention it ..yes
<nsklaus> on that page yes
<nsklaus> but if you look at x86_64 page , there too there's very little packages
<j`ey> that's why I think they just use archlinux packages for most things, im just not sure how that works
<nsklaus> either a test install of endeavor, or a visit on their forum or irc could tell more about how good and different from alarm their aarch64 support is ?
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<dottedmag> nsklaus: You're very welcome to add M1 support to any Linux distro you like.
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<amarioguy> cool so it's time to check macpro device trees :upside_down:
<nsklaus> dottedmag: i was talking about something else
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