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<LinuxM1> yesterday I updated asahi, I must say that I hadn't done it for over a month, I found positive changes in daily use, this fact of opengl and vulcan is giving remarkable results to the whole system. I wanted to ask, I read that the conservative charge mode had been implemented in the system and it does not lead the battery to charge up to 100% but that a charge limit value can be set. I went into the advanced energy saving mode
<LinuxM1> but even if I set 80% and it tells me to then enter the password, if I leave that screen and return to it, that value always returns to 100% and it doesn't work. There must be something not working as it should
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<LinuxM1> the battery keeps charging past the limit i set. is there a way to make the change permanent? on Mac-Os I use the "Aldente" program which does this very well and doesn't let me charge the battery over 80%, I would like the same on asahi linux
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<alxdrl> Hi, updated to 6.3-7 this morning on j313ap got me kernel stuck on boot
<alxdrl> ran on edge packages since January w/o any issue
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<jannau> does something happen if you switch to a different virtual console (control + option + (fn +) + F3)? what happens when you press the power button?
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<alxdrl> jannau: nothing happens either way
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<alxdrl> still, the watchdog kicks in and the system reboots
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<alxdrl> jannau: I just got through, while pressing the power button at grub prompt (with the intention to power-cycle)
<alxdrl> (might be coincidental though)
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<jannau> alxdrl: can you try to add '' to the kernel command line in grub?
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<alxdrl_> jannau: it doesn't help, but I'm able to boot a self-compiled kernel through proxy-client (asahi-6.3-7, half-baked custom config)
<alxdrl_> I put dmesg output from the successful boot (the one from grub) on the gist
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<brucekapp> Hi, does anyone know if there's a risk of hardware damage from trying out Asahi Linux? I've only heard of speakers being a possibility but that it's not a risk for outside users. I'm not concerned about missing features or bugs of course
<brucekapp> Sorry if it's a stupid question
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<alxdrl_> brucekapp: non authoritative answer : although AsahiLinux is still maturing there's no record of hardware damage IFAIK (beside speakers as you seem to be aware) so if you stick with the official packages and don't mess with the kernel you should be safe, even if you switch to -edge for GPU acceleration
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<cy8aer> I just read the tread on reddit. When I look at my mac with powertop I can see that actual the processors idling about 90% when I just read a bit. I wonder if these idling times can be put to deep sleep for the cores (and this is the macos trick?)
<cy8aer> And (question of a naive...) what is needed for this in linux? An entirely new governor and/or more knowledge of the sleep mechanism on these boxes?
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<marcan> LinuxM1: you need to set the upper threshold to something <95 and the lower threshold to something *lower*
<marcan> the latter is a KDE quirk, if you don't do that it just refuses to apply the settings
<marcan> cy8aer: linux decides when to put the cores into deep sleep when idle. actually the latency numbers in the driver are BS right now, I need to do some actual measurements, so performance will probably change at some point. but the cores are already going into deep idle opportunistically.
<marcan> macos doesn't even manage deep idle, it lets the CPUs decide when to do it with a heuristic, but I have no reason to believe that is actually a good thing
<marcan> you can always make better decisions about idle when you have scheduling information and know when you might need to wake up
<ar> just wondering, does full tickless have an impact on battery life on m1/m2 machines on linux? it improves battery life on my x86 laptop quite a bit
<marcan> ar: CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL=y on our kernels
<marcan> I haven't tested without
<marcan> ah but we need to specify the CPUs somehow?
<marcan> worth trying it then I guess
<marcan> nohz_full=1-7 on M1/M2 would be worth trying
<ar> marcan: yeah, without the kernel args it does nothing
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<marcan> ar: just tried nohz_full=all and if anything it made it worse I think (M2 air)
<marcan> not sure about other workloads, but it doesn't seem helpful
<jannau> alxdrl: can you try booting the distro kernel through proxy / HV?
<ar> yeah, mine's just casual code editing/web browsing on a ryzen 4750U and the improvement is in the range of 10-20%
<marcan> here it got worse by about 10% :)
<marcan> but that's idle
<marcan> but feel free to test it under other conditions
<jannau> alxdrl: please test changing "loglevel" to 7, remove the "quiet" and add "nomodeset" to the kernel command line
<jannau> that should print much more and hopefully shows where it locks up
<jannau> nohz_full=1-7 on the m2 mb pro 13" also looks slightly worse if anything
<waldi> do you have software to make use of nohz_full?
<waldi> (given that it restricted that cpu to one runnable task)
<marcan> it doesn't do that, it just only disables the tick in that case as far as I know
<waldi> that would be the nohz-idle stuff. it disables ticks if it does have nothing to run on that cpu
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<alxdrl_> janneau: updated gist with link to slomo unfocused video of proxy-boot with current edge kernel
<alxdrl_> jannau:* ^^
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<jannau> alxdrl_: are any USB devices connected? if yes try disconnecting them. is this error reproducible?
<jannau> is it expected that workqueue call traces end with "0x0"
<alxdrl_> jannau: no USB device other than 61W USB-C Apple charger and the thetering cable to x86 iMac under macOS
<alxdrl_> will try to boot without both cables
<alxdrl_> jannau: ^^ it works when the charging cable is unplugged, freezes when plugged, fully reproducible
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<alxdrl_> oh interesting, it _does_ work if the charging cable is on the the Thunderbolt port, but it _does NOT_ work if plugged on the non-thunderbolt port
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<alxdrl_> jannau: ^^ yeah definitely that... USB and/or PD side-effect with uboot/kernel in this particular setup ?
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<jannau> alxdrl_: what do you mean by non-thunderbolt port? on the macbook air (m1 2020) both usb ports are equal* and usb4/thunderbolt3
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<alxdrl> oh ok, I thought port1 (the farthest to the back) was the only TB port
<alxdrl> anyway, booting with charging cable in Port 2 shows the problem
<jannau> alxdrl: please report it as issue in from which device is the charger? can you try if it is reproducible with a different charger?
<alxdrl> ^^ this is a retail Apple 61W USB-C charger and this is reproducible with another funky-branded USB-C I have here
<alxdrl> *USB-C charger
<alxdrl> will open an issue later this evening
<jannau> did they ship that as option with the air? currently they only offer a 30W charger
<jannau> thanks
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<alxdrl> no, bought as a replacement ;-)
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