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<idk> now a question about weechat
<idk> how is it that this server is able to transmit our usernames?
<idk> for instance: (~gi0@
<idk> (
<idk> I've always figured that the people on the other side of an irc couldn't see anything about my linux instance (other than my ip ofc_
<psykose> that's just irc stuff
<ellyq> host@ip? that's just how IRC works
<psykose> nick!~username@ip (realname)
<psykose> 1,2,4 you can change to anything in client
<psykose> well, @host is more accurate, and it can be cloaked
<idk> @ellyq that can't be true. There is no reason a messaging protocol needs to know my actual login username
<psykose> it's not your actual login username
<psykose> it's what your client sends
<psykose> and most of them send your current username
<idk> that makes more sense
<idk> I'll look into the clientside settings then
<idk> ty
<idk> @psykose do you know how to change this in weechat? before I go looking in all the wrong places
<psykose> /set irc.server.<name of server>.username "someusername"
<psykose> same for .realname and .nicks (which is "nick1,nick2,nick3" in preference order)
<psykose> (at least that's what i got from
<idk> thanks. you're too kind
<psykose> i used weechat once for 5 minutes and got confused by windows
<ellyq> not sure why that matters though, my hostname is literally plastered all over LKML lol
<psykose> more of an aesthetic
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<ellyq> that's fair i guess
<idk> well in my case it's a desire of anonimity
<idk> it's pretty crazy to me to transmit that information
<psykose> the login name is mostly useless info, though that is easy to change or w/e, put whatever
<psykose> the ip isn't really hideable
<idk> vpn
<psykose> sure, that works
<psykose> as long as the irc network doesn't block the vpn ip
<psykose> most are usually blocked
<idk> well in my case my login contains part of my name
<idk> it seems to not mind protonvpn
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<idk> i was able to do it. thank you psykose
<idk> life safe
<idk> saver ** haha
<psykose> success
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<idk> anyone know if it's possible to run and/or build chromedriver, geckodriver, operadriver, or any other selenium compatible driver on asahi?
<idk> I personally couldn't run any chromedriver built for mac or linux
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<gill6151> Hey anyone know if you can live boot asahi without installing
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<ChaosPrincess> the short answer is no
<nsklaus_> ^ maybe this is indication that question belong to a faq somewhere
<nsklaus_> after being asked so often
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<nsklaus_> ChaosPrincess: after installing just the uboot and efi mode, from the installer, maybe then, livecd would boot ? (for the distro that have support merged in already)
<ChaosPrincess> yes, but you are still installing apfs and esp at this point
<nsklaus_> i was just confirming that possibility
<nsklaus_> which ..
<nsklaus_> make me think.. there are updated iso out there
<nsklaus_> maybe a spin of fedora, or others too, if i installed just the uboot + efi mode from the installer and tried to boot from those iso,
<nsklaus_> ChaosPrincess: that could maybe solve the broken keyboard and trackpad i had when i attempted to install plain asahi (due to an updated uboot being necessary)
<nsklaus_> ?
<nsklaus_> do you think that have a chance to work ?
<ChaosPrincess> its the same u-boot as asahi install
<nsklaus_> ah so those spin off iso aren't updated yet then .. i see .. thank you for telling
<nsklaus_> hum not even those iso, it's the uboot itself.. ok
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<TheDcoder> j`ey: Hi
<j`ey> hi
<TheDcoder> Is it true that Asahi is switching distro?
<j`ey> TheDcoder: markan has posted a bunch of times about ALARM on here and mastodon
<j`ey> exactly
<TheDcoder> I wonder which distro was chosen...
<TheDcoder> I wanna migrate to there too
<TheDcoder> on my RPi I mean
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<cy8aer> Asahi Linux? It is Arch
<cy8aer> (ok, actual)
<cy8aer> And the new one is still unknown
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<flatz> hi. i'm experiencing some problem with DCP on M2 Mini, display is external connected via HDMI. that's logs from m1n1 (first is during cold boot, second is after chainloading of m1n1 itself):
<flatz> and when i try to boot stock/development macOS kernel (13.2.1) via, i'm getting panic: panic(cpu 1 caller 0xfffffe0016625038): "RTBuddy(DCP)::_setManagedStateGated " "No response received in 20s, DCP not started? (4)" "\nRTBuddy(AP): Debug info: _iopStatus = 0x4 _powerStateChangeLocked = true Mailbox Status: IDLE_STATUS: 0x00000008 INBOX0_CTRL: 0x00200201 OUTBOX0_CTRL: 0x00020001
<flatz> any ideas?
<loading> [
<jannau> flatz: update m1n1, it should reject to initialize dcp on m2/m2 pro mac minis since v1.2.8
<flatz> thanks, i'll try soon
<jannau> ee
<jannau> see commit 076217a8026188bf5fc3545c5f7ee763ad492a4d
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<flatz> jannau: thank you a lot, it works now
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<karpouzi> mps: continuing from #asahi-dev, even with the usize fix, the fp-armv8 warning trips an error
<ChaosPrincess> delete -Werror ?
<mps> hm, I thought -Werror is not in defaults
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<mps> CONFIG_WERROR is not set
<karpouzi> hmm, well it didn't error out this time
<karpouzi> 7x instances of the unknown fp-armv8 feature warning
<mps> it doesn't make kernel problematic, works fine even with this warning
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<karpouzi> looks like it built fine! ty mps
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<karpouzi> and no screen tearing! wauu!
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